Choose your Hard (Smile and Say Cheese!)

I pick the “hard” of working on my health.. Its tough, but absolutely worth the effort. 🙂 cheese! 🙂

A picture speaks a thousand words…. And can really help you to see that you’re making progress in the work that you’re doing to improve your health… And… When you do see progress… It jacks up the motivation and keeps you moving forward with a smile…?

This morning… The triceps and the chest really got a butt kicking… The triceps were really pumped up after that and had an impressive look which  made me smile ? ??. After that, I put in a 15 minute HIIT workout to burn some extra fat since I kind of overdid it yesterday on the mixed nuts LOL

Working on your health some days is really hard… and it takes constant work and attention.   But remember that feeling tired, miserable, overweight, and just generally depressed is also very hard (I used to be there and I would rather take this hard!!).  … I say… Pick your hard and decide what’s worth it for you.   

For the long term, I’d rather put in the work and be healthy and have good energy and feel positive and motivated for each day.  How about you?  What “hard” are you going to choose?

I would say pick the healthy hard and… As you make progress, take pictures and notice how well you’re doing… And just know that it’s so worth it!  …Say “cheese!” 🙂

#Health #PickYourHard #liftandhiit #nursepractitioner #athleticgrandma #puthealth1st #Happy #Positive #ChooseHealth #Triceps #Hiit

CONTACT ME if you would like to have a coach help you to achieve your health goals!

Sh-t Happens (Adapt and Keep Going!)

With repeated power failures, I had to get creative between power surges

It has been quite the morning so far… I was downstairs doing HIIT training and the power to my video kept turning off in the storm repeatedly… ?

I finally gave up on exercising in the basement to video and came upstairs where I at least had battery powered light and then got creative and did my own creation of HIIT in my kitchen ?. I will have to save my lift section for tomorrow’s workout but that is ok??

I then realized how lucky I was that I had a full hot water tank and water pressure to allow me to have a hot shower even if there’s no power… I was careful not to use any sharp objects in the shower considering that I couldn’t see in the dark.  And then the lights/power came on just in time for me to put my make up on, blow-dry my hair and quickly make my icy superfood shake for breakfast!   LOL

Sometimes, when things don’t want to work out for you … Just remember there’s always a way to adapt, smile,  and to keep going to continue to enjoy life and to achieve your goals. Getting upset about the power would not have helped me at all, so I’m glad I was able to keep a stiff upper lip and keep going and now feel accomplished ?

Thankfully, last night I printed all the papers and lab requisitions that I need for my many house calls today! So I’m good and prepared for my workday despite my morning challenges!! 

Have yourself a wonderful day… And don’t forget to adapt, smile and keep moving forward despite the challenges we face on a regular basis ??

#PowerFailure #Adopt #NeverGiveUp #KeepSmiling #HIIT #AthleticGrandma #NursePractitioner #Health #Fitness #EnjoyLifeNow #Nponwheels #lifehappens

To apply to become a client with my next upcoming fitness and nutrition program… APPLY HERE

Beat the Weight and Perimenopausal symptoms (So worth it!)


An early morning cardio core workout really got the sweat moving and the core burning! These exercise sliders are the total bomb!??. Feeling accomplished today with this workout. Officially done day 23 of 80âś… of current challenge!

I remember when I was battling with my weight over the years… 190-200 lb most of the time on my 5’9” frame was too much to carry around! My knees and my back suffered big time and I felt like I would never get better. I went through SO many diets like atkins, Somers, Mediterranean and so many more in a yo-yo fashion and was never ever able to keep the weight off!

I thank god for the day 3 years ago that I realized how truly out of shape and miserable I was! I did some cartwheels on the lawn then suffered with severe pain for more than 2 weeks after that! At that time, I knew I was about I become a new grandma and did NOT want to be a fat, lazy, boring and out of shape granny! No way! I wanted energy and to be fun to run around and play with!

I discovered p90x through a friend and ended up losing over 40 pounds and keeping it off by using superfood nutrition and by staying on track with different fitness challenges and nutrition plans to keep things interesting! (I get bored easily) …I even started running and did a number of 10 km runs and my knee and back pain got completely better!

Getting into shape and losing weight totally changed my life!! I am now pain free, have energy to run with my grandson and am keeping the weight off. It not only transformed me on the outside, but the biggest changes are on the inside! Being happy all the time is a great way to live!  …and totally getting rid of all those perimenopausal symptoms this way!

If you are  looking for a much better way to get into shape and feel the best you have ever felt in your life, message me and I can help you get started. Seriously, the accountability, support and success with this program is totally worth it!

contact me here

#success #accountability #fitness #superfoodnutrition #perimenopause #beattheheat #moodlift #changeyourlife #athleticgrandma

Why Exercise Every Day? (Very Good Reasons!)


Why do I push myself to exercise every single day even when I don’t feel like it you may ask? Why work out intensely and get my face red and the sweat ?flowing?

I will tell you why…
1. Exercising keeps you looking and feeling younger!
2. Exercise helps keep blood pressure healthy and the arteries clean by boosting HDL (good cholesterol)!
3. Exercise helps keep muscles conditioned, strong and pain-free!
4. Exercise boosts mood, positivity and helps you enjoy each and every day to the max!
5. Exercise keeps your body functioning with its optimal abilities and boosts metabolism and hormone balance.
6. Exercise helps me keep up with my 2 year old grandson and I want to be around (and in great health) for my grandchildren for many years yet!!

7.   By pushing myself and doing new challenges, I stay motivated, am never bored and continually make progress in building my fitness level and strength.  As a result I can always do more much easier than I did the day or week before… Seriously, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone really  accomplishes a lot more than you might think!

Remember our body is made to move and be physical, not to sit around or lay on the couch! If you push your body to exercise every day, it will reward you with much better health in the long run!

Do something active today!??

#athleticgrandma #neverquit #exerciseiscritical #cleaneating #longevity #reducerisk #beatcholesterol #killdiabetes #preventioniskeytoahealthylife

Be Brave and Push Yourself (and get results!)


Each time you push yourself just a little outside your comfort zone, this is when we grow. It could be overcoming a fear, improving your self confidence, learning a new skill, speaking your mind, taking the leap to commit to a relationship once and for all, or something simple like with me this morning where I pushed myself to increase the amount of weight I was lifting. I was scared to but was surprised I was able to finish the set! I know that pushing myself just that little bit will make me stronger for the next workout and give me muscle gains too!! ??

Going outside the comfort zone can cause some pretty intense fear at times, but it is the only way to achieve true progress in life and to do things you never dreamed that you successfully could! It’s true! I used to hold back from trying new things and doing things that scared me, and I stayed in a non-growth and no-progress phase for many years as a result! Not any more! Face those fears, do it even if it scares you and you will be amazed at the outcome! ?

Have a wonderful Wednesday and do something today that scares the s— out of you! 🙂

#facefear #feelfearanddoitanyways #progress #growth #getoutofcomfortzone #athleticgrandma #achieveanything #youcandoit

Push Outside That Comfort Zone (For Best Results and Happiness)

Feeling so accomplished today!
Feeling so accomplished today!

You know what they say… Change happens when you move outside of your comfort zone… If everything is easy, we don’t really accomplish too much…

This morning, did 30 minutes of intense cardio with Shawn T and then I also had chest and triceps on my workout calendar and I was not sure how I would find the energy for that… I had every excuse rolling around in my mind at that moment… Well, I really don’t have time, well I’m kind of tired, well I can maybe do it later, well maybe I’ll do this one tomorrow… And on it goes… I made a decision at that moment that I was going to do this no matter what. I got the 53-minute tempo chest and triceps workout done (wow, what a tough workout!) and then was super happy with myself afterwards and actually felt rejuvenated!

Why push ourselves?

It is true when we push ourselves outside of “easy” and outside of what we are comfortable with or what we WANT to do that we really make progress.

Shawn T week day number two is complete âś… as well as day 79 of my 91 day beast and Core challengeâś…. Feeling so accomplished now! ????. Time for my morning chocolate superfood and recovery drink then hit the shower to get ready for a super busy workday doing housecalls then 8 hours of walk-in clinic!

Have a great day!!!  Do something outside of your comfort zone today and see what happens!

#nevergiveup #determination #pushself #comfortzonessuck #athleticgrandma #muscles #accomplished #Happy

Balance Hormones, Feel Great! (On Only One a Day!)

There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!
There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!

I call this delicious stuff my youth and energy potion. ? Seriously though, over two years of drinking this superfood every day has totally changed my life!! For heaven’s sake, I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 1, running 2 businesses and working part time (70% of full time) in clinic plus studying a marketing course and I am fired up, happy and energized every day because of the superfood kick every morning!!! ??   …Keep in mind that I am almost 50 years old and I am a grandmother!

I have noticed tremendous life-changing effects by using this superfood just once every day….  here they are…

1. ENERGY!!   My energy is so amazing
2. WELL-BEING!   I have an indescribable level of well-being which then gives me a high level of positivity.
3. MENTAL CLARITY!  I have incredible mental clarity…feels great to be sharp, clearer thinking, and to feel like I am really on my toes!
4. KILL CRAVINGS!!  Superfood has made it MUCH easier to maintain a long term clean eating lifestyle by cutting cravings (and with good energy, you don’t feel as hungry!!)…and it is so delicious, I feel like I am getting a treat every day!
5. LOOK YOUNGER!  My hair, skin and nails are more soft, supple and younger looking and with a healthy glow! (The look of youth!)
6. HORMONES BALANCED!  My hormones are balanced with the specific combination of adaptogens and superfoods in each once-daily shake…I have zero hot flashes, zero fatigue, sleeping well, and NO mood swings!!  This superfood has adaptogens like Maca, Astragalus and Ashawaganda that helps my endocrine system regulate hormonal requirements that the body needs.
7. PREVENT DISEASE!  This combination of phytonutrients, cellular nutrition, and antioxidants gives my body the high level of dense nutrition it needs to fight illness and prevent disease! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the very best I can to prevent conditions related to oxidative stress such as cancer! …not to mention preventing all those obesity & nutrition-related disease like diabetes, gallbladder and liver disease, heart attack and strokes and more! I can tell you with absolute certainty that I will NOT EVER be without my daily superfood!

This morning, I am having cafe latte shaken straight with water and ice cubes…absolutely heavenly! ?

Reply “yes!” to this post if you too would like to experience the benefits of this once-daily superfood!  Keep in mind that this superfood comes with a 30 day trial.  WHAT?  …YES!  You can try this shake for 30 days and if you are not satisfied with what it does for you, you can get your money back by sending back the empty bag!   …That is just how certain we are that you will feel an amazing transformation with this stuff!

If you have questions, or would like me to send you a complete video explaining this superfood and the details of why it is promoted by doctors, please CONTACT ME here and I will email the video directly to you.


Get Pumped up for Life (Yes, it Means Lifting)

Professionally designed lifting programs at home are the way to go
Professionally designed lifting programs at home are the way to go

Back into some heavy lifting on day 15 of my 91 day challenge! I had forgotten just how amazing it feels to lift heavy and do drop sets etc and have those muscles feel like rubber! After this 49 minute lifting workout, I have so much energy I feel like running! Oh man I love it!!?

Building those muscles definitely increases the sense of well-being! I think I could get addicted to this feeling!??

If you have never tried a professionally designed body building program, I would definitely recommend it….Sagi Kalev is totally amazing!!!  I literally cannot wait until the next workout 🙂

#muscles #energy #well-being #feelamazing #pumpedup #chest #triceps


To receive a free document about 7 ways to improve your self-discipline, please enter your name and email here!

Snooze you Lose. (Is this Really True?)

Literally jumpstarting your morning with a workout really boosts energy and positivity for the whole day
Literally jumpstarting your morning with a workout really boosts energy and positivity for the whole day

There are so many good things about having a morning routine! It is a great jumpstart to your day! Plyometrics, 1.5 L of water, superfood and a day planning session this morning definitely gave me a jump start today?

From what I have read… When it comes to looking at what things make people successful in life, it is apparent that if you snooze, you lose…literally!   Hitting the snooze button too many times leaving yourself with limited time in the morning or with then-rushed routine, is just not a good way to start the day.  Ignoring the snooze button and kicking off your day right seems to make a big difference.

What are some key things we can do to start our day right?


After going all night without water, we typically need to boost our hydration in the morning.  Having 500 mL to 1 L with lemon can really get you going, and give a good kickstart to the day.


By sweating it out before breakfast, it gets your blood pumping (endorphins!) and helps you to feel on top of your game all day (better focus) plus it makes your body burn more calories all day.  Its a great outlet to burn off stress.  Making good use of this time by adding some good stretching and thinking about strategies to make it a good day (inspire yourself!) while sitting in those stretch poses can really get you feeling more organized.  The bonus is, an early morning workout typically doesn’t get interrupted since everyone is still sleeping!

Read or Listen

Take 15 min to read or listen to books that get your fired up for your day.  Good personal development books, tips for success and ideas for strategizing your business or workday can really get you feeling excited and positive for your day.  During this time, think about things you are thankful for and happy about to really get the positive juices flowing.

Strategic Planning

Spending even 10 minutes setting up a plan for your day can really make things flow more smoothly.  What are the “musts” for today? Who are the key contacts or duties?  Anything critical that needs to be done for the household to run smoothly?  Anything that needs to be done or dropped off before or after work?   What can I do on my lunch break at work that will be productive?  Anticipating issues and having plan B already on your mind can really help you to control your day instead of having the day control you.


Can this Work Even if you are not a morning person?

Yes!   I was never a morning person, but being determined to establish a new routine of “my time”, I kept using tricks to make myself get up.  One trick was having my alarm clock out of reach so that I had to get up to turn it off.  It was annoying, but it definitely worked! LOL..   Some days it is still not easy, but I see so many benefits in my life as a result of a morning routine that it is motivating to keep doing it each day

If I think back to how my life was before I implemented a morning routine… hitting snooze button, barely having enough time to get ready for work, missing breakfast, starting off without a plan, in a rush and in a grouchy mood…it just was not a good scenario and I never EVER want to go back to that again!

Many of the most successful people in the world, have at least some kind of early morning routine that allows them to be the most happy, productive and effective people.  It will be worth it to implement some kind of morning routine into your life.  I know it has made a big difference in my life.


Be sure to download 7 tips to improve your self-discipline by entering your name and email address.


How to get Agile and Lose Weight (Yes it is Even Possible for Grannys!)

Being fit is far more than just big muscles and strength! It’s about being able to move, twist, jump, maneuver, run…and more …all without getting injured! The MMA fighters need to do more than just fight to keep up their fitness level, and so should we?.    My agility power and a core workout were done this morning with sweat pouring and after it was over I was all smiles because it felt so great! Was a tough workout though!

As we get older, meaning over 40 and beyond, it is incredibly important to work on strength and agility training to maintain our strength, balance, coordination and joint range of motion.  Walking is good exercise, but it really is not enough since it doesn’t work the essential muscles or the mind in the ways that agility training does..

Reaction time and coordination slow down as we get older, but we can fight that with only 10-15 min of practise every day.  Agility skills help us to react faster, reduce risk for falls and this type of exercises puts pressure on the muscles and bones which help to keep them healthy and strong. With agility training, our posture improves, giving more upright walking stance and confidence and have less discomfort in our back.

The benefits of Tai Chi, yoga, Tai Cheng  (take a minute to watch the video) with their slow controlled movements also really help to increase range of motion, balance, co-ordination and flexibility.  If you don’t have time or feel comfortable going out to a class for this type of exercises, we have this type of program available on DVD or digital streaming and it can be used at home.

Dancing is also another good exercise to improve agility.  It can be very fun and social activity as well, which is a bonus..   Dancing benefits not only our physical agility, but also our mental agility and reduces cognitive decline (BONUS!).  There are many kind of dance available and if you would rather dance at home, there are country dance programs that can be done at home as well!

Remember as a kid we used to play hop scotch?   Just that little bit of hopping, balancing on one leg really trains the brain and builds agility.  Consider playing with your kids or grandkids and reminisce about those fun times and enjoy!!  It will feel more like fun than exercise for sure.  This morning with my workout (check out my current core blasting fighting program!), we did something called “Hop Squatch” which is very similar to hop scotch, but only with squats between single foot hops!  LOL

By being consistent each and every day and working on agility to some degree, we have better posture, strength, balance and even energy!  This will make us even more active in other activities, promote weight loss and a higher level of positivity and self-confidence.   It is definitely worth working on and no matter what your age, there are exercises that will help!   For more assistance finding a program to suit you, contact your local senior services, or contact me about some effective and fun home based programs that will help you out.

To join the Athletic Grandma Community and receive a FREE download about 7 tips to become more self-disciplined in your life, click HERE.