Grit and Determination Will Get You There

Rolling with punches and challenges, keeping a stiff upper lip, and moving forward with determination and grit helps you to achieve any goal you have

It took absolutely everything I had to get out of bed this morning… After the last two days of the new HIIT and lift program, my shoulders, arms, chest, and especially triceps are super sore and I just feel so tired out.  

Before just giving up, I got up and had some energize and some exogenous ketones to fire me up… I waited 15 minutes and then could feel (sort of) enough zip and energy to get myself downstairs to hit play.  

Some days, it definitely takes real grit determination and pushing yourself to really get the workout of the day done early in the morning.   Even if you are a person who works out often, starting a new program really fires up muscles you have not been using in the same way!!   This is why starting new programs can really help to break plateau and take fitness to a whole new level!  I am up for this! 🙂

Today, I did an intense 20 min HIIT workout to burn some fat and a 20 min stretch and recovery to prepare myself for the next 2 days of lifting!  Now I feel much better, and ready to face a busy day of work and helping others…

To download tips for how to gain self discipline, click HERE!

To apply to work with me as a coach, click HERE!

#servicework #grit #determination #thefitgrandma #puthealth1st #nursepractitioner #accomplished #HIIT #morningroutine #doit #dontwait #startNOW #muscles #breakplateau

Sh-t Happens (Adapt and Keep Going!)

With repeated power failures, I had to get creative between power surges

It has been quite the morning so far… I was downstairs doing HIIT training and the power to my video kept turning off in the storm repeatedly… ?

I finally gave up on exercising in the basement to video and came upstairs where I at least had battery powered light and then got creative and did my own creation of HIIT in my kitchen ?. I will have to save my lift section for tomorrow’s workout but that is ok??

I then realized how lucky I was that I had a full hot water tank and water pressure to allow me to have a hot shower even if there’s no power… I was careful not to use any sharp objects in the shower considering that I couldn’t see in the dark.  And then the lights/power came on just in time for me to put my make up on, blow-dry my hair and quickly make my icy superfood shake for breakfast!   LOL

Sometimes, when things don’t want to work out for you … Just remember there’s always a way to adapt, smile,  and to keep going to continue to enjoy life and to achieve your goals. Getting upset about the power would not have helped me at all, so I’m glad I was able to keep a stiff upper lip and keep going and now feel accomplished ?

Thankfully, last night I printed all the papers and lab requisitions that I need for my many house calls today! So I’m good and prepared for my workday despite my morning challenges!! 

Have yourself a wonderful day… And don’t forget to adapt, smile and keep moving forward despite the challenges we face on a regular basis ??

#PowerFailure #Adopt #NeverGiveUp #KeepSmiling #HIIT #AthleticGrandma #NursePractitioner #Health #Fitness #EnjoyLifeNow #Nponwheels #lifehappens

To apply to become a client with my next upcoming fitness and nutrition program… APPLY HERE

Keep Fitness Fun and Rewarding ( and You Will be Sure to Succeed!)

There is absolutely NO feeling as good as this!

There is no feeling like the sense of accomplishment! This morning I officially completed a 30-day challenge that I set up for myself with an awesome core/MMA fighting program! This is just the way I LOVE fitness. Short challenges that push me and keep it totally interesting…and in the comfort of my own home… plus they are professionally developed to give an amazing full body fitness like I never imagined!

This type of core/fighting workout is a great cross-trainer for other types of fitness activities as well… especially court sports, running, horseback riding, hockey, football and so many more… the agility, core strength, leg and upper body strength that you can build without any equipment is astounding!

The beauty of the workout lineup I have available to me through this annual digital access program is that I never get bored, I can keep picking new challenges for myself with different professional programs and trainers as I go! When it is fun and interesting like this…with short term rewards…a person is far more likely to keep it up!  I also keep a paper copy of the workout calendar beside my workout area, so that I check off each workout as I complete them… as you see here….

TRACKING workout completion every day builds motivation as you see what you are accomplishing!

As I am sitting here having my superfood shake post-workout this morning, I am thinking that a trip to the spa as a reward for completing this program is totally in order!  (Ten Spa in Winnipeg is an amazing place!!)  A spa treatment and a day of relaxation!  Doesn’t that sound awesome?  It feels great to have earned a reward like this…  Now just have to decide what program to challenge myself with next!  .. Hmmm 🙂

To hear more about how the annual all access digital fitness programs can change your life too, contact me directly by email HERE.

To join the Athletic Grandma Community, be sure to enter your email HERE and receive a 7 steps to improving your self-discipline download with worksheet.


Believe in Yourself (and Why Nothing Will Work if you Don’t)

Having a strong belief in myself and my vision is what keeps me going every day!

Having trouble staying motivated on your health or goals journey?

Having a true belief in yourself and your goals is essential since nothing will work if you don’t believe in it. Do you find yourself saying to advice..”I don’t believe these ideas will work for me”?  A lack of belief in ourselves will limit us no matter how great the ideas or opportunities are that we are exposed to.

So what to do then?

People who are successful are determined to make situations work for them rather than playing the role of victim and searching for reasons why a situation will not work.

If we believe that change is possible for ourselves, we will be willing to test, experiment, and try new things even when we feel uncertain. If we don’t believe it is possible to make new things work, then it’s hard to make any progress. I don’t care how good the ideas are, nothing will work for you if you don’t believe in it. And more importantly, nothing will work if you don’t believe in yourself.

True belief in yourself leads to more positive energy, drive and motivation… Put pen to paper and write down what you would like to achieve and develop a vision for yourself to develop that inner power to build your belief in what is possible.

Once you develop the belief that “anything is possible” and that you can “do anything you set your mind to”, and believe in your vision  …you will be amazed at the change in yourself and the incredible motivation and action that comes from it!

The honest truth…. I feel like I am losing belief in myself today, so I needed to hear this post more than anyone!  Despite this, I made myself complete day 10 of my current 30 day fitness challenge (at least I have accomplished this!)   …I am going to put pen to paper today and follow my own advice!

Please COMMENT on this post with your ideas about how to improve motivation and belief in ourselves

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Set direction And stick to it

Yesterday was rest day, so for some reason, I was thinking I would bound out of bed today for my early workout, feel energized and extra strong…but the opposite was true! ?

I actually started overheating far too soon in the workout, felt nauseated, had a cold sweat going and my muscles felt weaker than usual… Then when I was done, I had an overwhelming urge to go back to bed!! I have already had a full litre of water this morning, but am still feeling a bit dehydrated, so maybe that’s the problem…

Despite feeling somewhat crappy, I pushed through every rep and now I can at least say I did my workout of the day even though my performance was not stellar ?. My icy chocolate recovery drink is a welcome relief today, that’s for sure!

No regrets for getting it done though!?. Being consistent every day and keeping the momentum moving forward will bring me the most success. Also the things in life that steer us into being a stronger person are not supposed to be easy! Right? ?. My current philosophy is this…Set the rudder in your life in the right direction and keep doing slight adjustments as you go to stay on the right course towards your goals. Don’t let yourself or someone else nudge you off course!

Yay! It’s Friday!! Have yourself a GREAT day!!

#fitnessgal1969 #athleticgrandma #hammerandchisel #lifegoals #stayoncourse #setherudder #determination #challengingsomedaysmorethanothers