Believe in Yourself (and Why Nothing Will Work if you Don’t)

Having a strong belief in myself and my vision is what keeps me going every day!

Having trouble staying motivated on your health or goals journey?

Having a true belief in yourself and your goals is essential since nothing will work if you don’t believe in it. Do you find yourself saying to advice..”I don’t believe these ideas will work for me”?  A lack of belief in ourselves will limit us no matter how great the ideas or opportunities are that we are exposed to.

So what to do then?

People who are successful are determined to make situations work for them rather than playing the role of victim and searching for reasons why a situation will not work.

If we believe that change is possible for ourselves, we will be willing to test, experiment, and try new things even when we feel uncertain. If we don’t believe it is possible to make new things work, then it’s hard to make any progress. I don’t care how good the ideas are, nothing will work for you if you don’t believe in it. And more importantly, nothing will work if you don’t believe in yourself.

True belief in yourself leads to more positive energy, drive and motivation… Put pen to paper and write down what you would like to achieve and develop a vision for yourself to develop that inner power to build your belief in what is possible.

Once you develop the belief that “anything is possible” and that you can “do anything you set your mind to”, and believe in your vision  …you will be amazed at the change in yourself and the incredible motivation and action that comes from it!

The honest truth…. I feel like I am losing belief in myself today, so I needed to hear this post more than anyone!  Despite this, I made myself complete day 10 of my current 30 day fitness challenge (at least I have accomplished this!)   …I am going to put pen to paper today and follow my own advice!

Please COMMENT on this post with your ideas about how to improve motivation and belief in ourselves

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