Focus on Good (You Get What you Feed!)

Feed the disciplined side, starve the lazy side
Feed the disciplined side, starve the lazy side

We all have 2 sides inside us. We have a bad side that has the potential to be nasty, fearful, nasty and lazy. We also have a good side which has characteristics like giving, loving, abundant and disciplined.

So how do we determine which side of us will show up from day to day? Well…guess what? …It is the side of you that you live and feed most often that will grow and become more prominent! So, if you focus mostly on giving, loving, a feeling of true abundance and are disciplined…then this is the side of you that will grow and flourish! If you spend your time and focus on being angry, worried, nasty, judgemental, and lazy…then that part of your nature will expand and grow to have more of these characteristics! It’s scary when you think about it just how easy it is for the bad side to take over our thoughts and actions!

Take some time today to focus on the positive and feed your good side to help it to grow and flourish! This will improve every aspect of your life from relationships to work life and family relationships. If only more people would focus on growing their giving and loving sides…the world would be a better place!

I am focusing on building my positive and disciplined side this morning…day #18 of current 56-day fitness challenge is complete✅.

Be sure to COMMENT on this post with your thoughts for today!

A Little Insanity to Break the Plateau? (It works!)

47 minutes of ript insanity Shaun T week day 5 this morning felt incredible! I had to be super careful where I was jumping since the little man was up this morning and dragging everything around the workout area. Lol?

The workout today was a combination of intense lifting combos, push-ups and with an insanity-style finale (see video)….holy crap it was a good one!

My goal with this 7-day intense challenge is to burn fat and break my plateau…I think it’s going to work!! ?  Sometimes with a 2.5 year old grandson in the workout area, it creates challenges and demands on my time even during the workout…but I have to push through those frustrations, stay positive and keep moving forward!   Even if it’s not a perfect workout every time with interruptions, I am still getting into better shape than if I was just sitting on the couch!

Seriously, fitness and being part of accountability groups has totally changed my life! I am totally loving this?. Message me if you would like to jump in and try out our next accountability group!

Have a fabulous Friday!!!!

#decision #consistency #nevergiveup #muscles #accountability #grandson #athleticgrandma

7-Day Shaun T Fitness Challenge Starting June 12 (FREE! Join Us!)


Do you want to lose weight, build muscle, or feel more fit? Join Beachbody On Demand FREE TRIAL, and get unlimited access to Beachbody’s world-famous programs, including 21 Day FIX, CORE DE FORCE, and P90X. Don’t miss out on your chance for amazing results. Sign up today!

Just can’t keep my mouth shut any longer — Shaun T is returning to Beachbody On Demand!  Exciting!!

If you’re a fan of Shaun T’s functional fitness programs like INSANITY and FOCUS T25, then you’ve most likely been waiting for more of Shaun T’s legendary workouts. Well, the wait is over — Shaun Week: Insane Focus is coming exclusively to Beachbody On Demand, starting June 12th! No fancy editing, no high-falutin graphics, no fanfare — what you see is what you get: Shaun uncensored. If you want one week to challenge yourself and get back on track, this is it.

Get ready, Shaun Week is coming for you.

Not a Beachbody on Demand member yet? Sign up here for the best value in fitness.

What Is Shaun Week?

Shaun Week: Insane Focus is a seven-day, intensive, full-body boot camp developed by Shaun T to motivate you to dig deeper than you ever thought possible. Expect to be challenged, wiped out, and totally reinvigorated with cardio, intense strength conditioning, abs/core, and lots and lots of sweat. Shaun will tear you down, but build you back up better than before.

What: Seven days of furious, fat-atomizing workouts that are 30-40 minutes in length.

When: Starting June 12.

Who: Anyone looking to get fit. The workout’s modifier makes it adaptable to all fitness levels.

Where: Exclusively on Beachbody On Demand.

Are you Ready!?

The FREE Accountability Group is open and ready for you to join us!  Add yourself to the private accountability group HERE!

Any questions, please CONTACT ME HERE.

Get Creative and Boost Your Motivation 100x!

Feeling all giddy and pumped up after a Beast Shoulders, chest and triceps workout this am
Feeling all giddy and pumped up after a Beast Shoulders, chest and triceps workout this am

Moved up to the BEAST segment of my 91 day fitness challenge today! (Day 71 done! ✅). I upped my weight, feeling great and after getting those shoulders, triceps and chest pumped up…decided to have some fun with it! Why not go for the muscular granny look ?

Have you ever had a vision for how you want your body to look and feel?Having a vision is very powerful.  Every month on the first of the month, I visualize what I want to achieve that month and write it at the top of my workout calendar. I use power words that get me fired up and energized to kick my butt for the month. For example, my June power words are to be a: strong, determined, healthy, muscular and chiseled Granny… I find this process very motivating!  100x more motivating!

If you think about it…. telling yourself that you “should ” be working out and that you “should” be eating healthy and having to PUSH yourself into things you don’t want to do can have a de-motivating effect over time.  Having an exciting vision actually PULLS you along, creates excitement …then the goals are more naturally achieved with ease and less pressure. When your our mind believes in your vision it naturally just wants to do the right things to get there!

What kind of ideas do you have to boost motivation to keep you active and healthy?

Get creative!! Let’s hear your ideas!  Reply to this post…

#motivation #newchallenges #nevergiveup #visionpullsyou #becreative #havefun #enjoylifenow


Kick Ass the Fun Way (..and Lose Weight)

Have fun while working out and get amazing results!
Have fun while working out and get amazing results!

Have you ever had a dream where you could fight like they do on TV in those farfetched movies? Like fly through the air and drop kick, or knock down several people in minutes with your kick ass moves? During my workout this morning, I was visualizing just that! LOL?.

It was so fun to imagine this during my whole 40 minutes of kicking, slashing and punching that I was actually laughing out loud at myself in the end! I seriously got the best workout this morning as a result and am still laughing as I type this post…?

When our workout is fun and we get creative and imaginative, it really boosts motivation for the next workout! I am officially DONE ✅ day 49 of my current 91-day fitness challenge and it feels amazing!

The bonus now is that my mind really believes I have kicked someone’s ass who deserves it. I won’t mention any names ?

#nomoreexcuses #athleticgrandma #nothingbeatsit #besttherapy #hormonebalance #imaginative #creative #dropkick #muaythai??
Click Here to download FREE 6 tips to help End Emotional Eating

Shred Fat With a Smile

A great way to kick off a new week early on a Monday morning!! MMA Shred action to boost the metabolism, shred the core and burn calories!! The beauty of this program is that it is FUN! Doing these workouts where I get to kick, slash, knee, punch, uppercut and fly through the air doing superman jump punches is so energizing that I look forward to the next one!!

What better way to get into good shape, but to do some super fun physical activity!? There is no more dreading a workout or feeling like its something I “have to” do. It’s something I am driven to do that totally makes my day! That mindset shift makes all the difference!


If you want to find a workout program that you LOVE and that you totally look forward to every day…be sure to contact me, and I will help you find “the one”!

To learn 7 tips to transform your self-discipline, be sure to enter your name and email HERE!


Keep Fitness Fun and Rewarding ( and You Will be Sure to Succeed!)

There is absolutely NO feeling as good as this!

There is no feeling like the sense of accomplishment! This morning I officially completed a 30-day challenge that I set up for myself with an awesome core/MMA fighting program! This is just the way I LOVE fitness. Short challenges that push me and keep it totally interesting…and in the comfort of my own home… plus they are professionally developed to give an amazing full body fitness like I never imagined!

This type of core/fighting workout is a great cross-trainer for other types of fitness activities as well… especially court sports, running, horseback riding, hockey, football and so many more… the agility, core strength, leg and upper body strength that you can build without any equipment is astounding!

The beauty of the workout lineup I have available to me through this annual digital access program is that I never get bored, I can keep picking new challenges for myself with different professional programs and trainers as I go! When it is fun and interesting like this…with short term rewards…a person is far more likely to keep it up!  I also keep a paper copy of the workout calendar beside my workout area, so that I check off each workout as I complete them… as you see here….

TRACKING workout completion every day builds motivation as you see what you are accomplishing!

As I am sitting here having my superfood shake post-workout this morning, I am thinking that a trip to the spa as a reward for completing this program is totally in order!  (Ten Spa in Winnipeg is an amazing place!!)  A spa treatment and a day of relaxation!  Doesn’t that sound awesome?  It feels great to have earned a reward like this…  Now just have to decide what program to challenge myself with next!  .. Hmmm 🙂

To hear more about how the annual all access digital fitness programs can change your life too, contact me directly by email HERE.

To join the Athletic Grandma Community, be sure to enter your email HERE and receive a 7 steps to improving your self-discipline download with worksheet.


Dance your way fit!


I was practising up tonight for our “dance your way fit” test group coming up soon! OMG! It’s so fun!! (And I am not even a country music fan!). I did a 30 min cardio and it was so fun that it was over way too fast! I was dripping sweat, smiling and decided to do it a second time! ??

The test group is coming up on Aug 22 and we have a few spots available. The package for the test group comes with dance DVDs, a nutrition plan, portion control containers, superfood for 30 days and a shaker cup! Many people in the initial test group were losing up to 15-20 pounds over the 30 days! Incredible results! It even comes with coaching, support, accountability and a money back guarantee if you don’t get the results that you expect?

I am SUPER excited about this new group and I know that we will have fun, and get rid of those unwanted pounds and get fit in the process ? This program is designed for all types of participants from beginners to more advanced?. Let’s do this!!

Message me ASAP or comment below if you are interested in participating in this test group …let’s dance, shake the booty and get fit! ?

#shakethatbooty #athleticgrandma #fitnessgal1969 #consistent #determined #dedicated #pianoplayer #introvert #positive #learnfrommistakes #horselover #mom #runner #fitnesscoach #nursepractitioner #musclesandmascara #musclesgirl #grandson #cleaneater #advocacy #danceyourwayfit

Easy will not get you to the next level! ?

“Easy” won’t get you to the next level…you gotta work for it! This is what my trainer reminded me of this morning as she was kicking my ass with a 40 min weighted cardio workout.

You cannot beat having your own trainer at home early in the morning!! No baby sitter needed, no inconvenience of having to get to and from a gym, get pushed to work much harder, no interruptions, no worry about being self-conscious like at a public gym. All around, I have had the absolute best results using home-based professionally designed programs and have taken my fitness to the next level far more than I ever did in the gym setting. ?. All of these benefits, plus I am constantly making amazing new friends in our online accountability group!!

The beauty of this type of program is that it also doubles as a cross training program to make you stronger, faster, and better endurance for other sports that you participate in! It works for me for running! ?

if this type of fitness lifestyle appeals to you, feel free to contact me as I now have openings for new clients for my coaching program.

#dontgiveup #easygetsyounowhere #beforebreakfastclub #athleticgrandma #fitnessgal1969 #fitnesscoach #fitnesschallenge