This mornings yoga cardio was topped off by a little participant during the final stretch. Feels great to have him close and he boosts my motivation!
This boy was the big reason why I shifted and realized my health had to be #1 in the first place! I had decided 3 years ago that if I was going to be a Granny, that I better pick up the pace and get into shape! I wanted to be a fun and energetic granny that can run, play soccer, travel and enjoy life with the grandkids and not be old and sick in a chair.
Being on a structured program that taught me better nutrition habits and gave me hundreds of fun and effective workout options was great! I dropped 40 pounds at that time and WOW what a difference in how I felt. I had a little falling off this year with work stress and an illness, but I am back at it and feeling much better!
Life is like that, isn’t it? Get thrown curve balls, challenges …like life has to test you… to see how you react. ?
Regardless, I am so happy I am back on track and feeling happy and positive and energy is climbing! I have my little sidekick here to smile and cheer me in which helps too!
Having to start all over after an extended illness or after falling off the wagon… Is one of the hardest things to do. Not only has the fitness level dropped way off making those work outs really hard again and the loss of endurance and muscle really sucks. …but also the habit of getting up in the morning and having a set routine and keeping up with the program has all disappeared and it takes a lot of work to get that back again. it is darn hard to implement new habits!! It seems that habits are easy to lose and very hard to build…
Since being sick for a month, I’ve lost a lot of my cardio endurance and strength… Yesterday, I made the decision to start doing a yoga and Pilates combination program to maintain strength and flexibility as I heal… Day one of Program is complete ✅.. it was actually a very difficult workout for me today, but I feel accomplished since I was able to do the entire thing… Not without some sweat though? It feels great to be back at it… But now to maintain this habit for at least 21 to 30 days so that I can get it back again…!
One day at a time…one workout at a time… showing up consistently day after day… now this is what leads to achievement and success no matter what area of your life we are talking about ?
Today, I just wrapped up day #90 of a 91 day fitness challenge and am feeling very accomplished and motivated to do more!! Some days it was hard to show up…sick kids, illness, busy lives, fractured toe, hand with torn ligaments, fatigue, soreness…all of these things can happen, but if you are determined enough not to let them interfere with your goals, then you will find a way to get things done. When the determination is strong enough, then really no excuse is valid.
One last day tomorrow of stretching and recovery then am starting the next 8-week challenge of a body beast / insanity Max 30 hybrid. Man, it looks like it is going to be tough, but it is going to be worth it! The feeling of achievement in accomplishing a goal is like no other!
Now to plan out the reward for completing this 91-day fitness challenge…I think perhaps a spa day is in order!??
Do you have a plan to achieve your goals? Would you like some help with goal setting that works? Feel free to contact me for help or if you have questions!
Seriously? We can commit to getting healthy and be consistent with superfood and exercise over 4 weeks then get paid for it? It’s TRUE!
There isn’t even an entry fee into this one! Normally “diet bets “require $30-$50 bets to be placed before you can be entered, but not this one!! All you need to do is log your workouts (at least 3 per week) and your superfood (at least 5 per week) and you WILL get a portion of the pot! There is NO gambling here and I want you to get in on this!
Seriously all I need to register you in my health bet challenge Group is the email that you have on file with me at Team Beachbody! It’s super simple! ????
Comment below or email me at to let me know you want in! ?
I really only had to learn about a half a dozen things in order to become fit and healthy…a half dozen! Anyone can learn only a half dozen things!
When you boil it down to the simplest of choices that move us in the right direction, it all starts with an apple. Yes!! An apple!!
We have all heard the saying …”an apple a day…”
The basis of our choices really does begin with choices this simple… We can choose to have an apple a day or we can choose to have a Hershey bar (or something similar) per day. By choosing our food, we are choosing how we want to feel and ultimately how our health will be in the long run. Yes, we choose how we will feel by these simple choices ?
The key thing is that I only had to learn a half dozen things in order to turn my health around. It’s truly simple. It may not be easy, but it is simple and not hard to learn ??
Today was a challenge to get my butt moving out of bed and down to the basement for a power lifting session…? …but I got it done! ?
What really helps to keep me going is the fact that I made a true decision to get fit, healthy, feel good, and to sculpt a body that I can feel good about in anything I wear. I was tired of muffin top, and fat bulging out over my bra strap, and feeling self conscious which made it hard for me to feel good in jeans and many other clothes!! Yuck!
The kind of decision I am talking about here is not just a “I wish”, or “I hope” kind of decision…this is a decision that is made with the kind of conviction that makes the other choices NOT an option…the kind of decision where you are in 100%, and NOT 99%.
The kind of decisions that are made with conviction and deep determination are those decisions that lead us to our goals. The 100% way means that there is no being on the fence, no waffling, no deciding whether or not to have that donut out of that box that someone brought into the office…it just makes it easier to be 100% into the decision and to stick to the plan. Learning to make these kind of decisions can change your life! This certainly has changed mine! ?
True decision-making gives you incredible personal power and it feels great! ?
Fitness and health is only one area, but we can use this kind of decision making in other areas of our life too…I am going to make more decisions today…I have decided! LOL ?
Comment below with a decision that you have made with conviction and are 100% in on…I would love to hear about it ?
“Easy” won’t get you to the next level…you gotta work for it! This is what my trainer reminded me of this morning as she was kicking my ass with a 40 min weighted cardio workout.
You cannot beat having your own trainer at home early in the morning!! No baby sitter needed, no inconvenience of having to get to and from a gym, get pushed to work much harder, no interruptions, no worry about being self-conscious like at a public gym. All around, I have had the absolute best results using home-based professionally designed programs and have taken my fitness to the next level far more than I ever did in the gym setting. ?. All of these benefits, plus I am constantly making amazing new friends in our online accountability group!!
The beauty of this type of program is that it also doubles as a cross training program to make you stronger, faster, and better endurance for other sports that you participate in! It works for me for running! ?
if this type of fitness lifestyle appeals to you, feel free to contact me as I now have openings for new clients for my coaching program.
It is those small decisions that we make and consistency of those decisions every day in the right direction that make all the difference in our success or failure.
For example, choosing an apple over a chocolate bar, choosing to do a workout instead of watching TV, choosing to speak kind of others instead of gossiping, choosing to see the best in others instead of focusing on their faults, choosing to save that $10 instead of buying junk food…and so much more!!
This morning I could have had an extra hour of sleep (much needed), but…even though I didn’t want to, I got up at 5 am and got a plyometric workout in. This was a choice! I can choose to be successful in my health and fitness and be consistent or I could choose an extra hour of sleep…hmmm I think I made the right choice and will do the same thing tomorrow even if I really do not want to! This is called Self-discipline and I don’t hesitate to kick my own butt if I need it!? …??
What other choices can you think of that people could make more consistently each day to be happier and more successful in their life? Comment below!
Quick photo capture during breakfast intake today…Gunner is as crazy about bananas as his auntie Lisa is!!
It’s hard to believe it’s already Wednesday… 🙂
By the way, this morning I was reading some personal development by my mentor Darren Hardy. It was interesting how he points out that people are driven by one of four psychological motivations.
1. Things(envy), 2. People(gossip), 3. Thoughts (anger), and 4. Growth (aspiration)…
The Mediocre mass spend the majority of their days thinking feeling and acting on numbers 1-3… On The other hand, the achievers (successful) spend the majority of their precious time and thought, planning, and discussion on number four.
Take a few moments to really listen to what people are thinking about and saying around you today… Do you notice? What are on your thoughts today?
After reading Darren Hardy’s post, I have decided that I’m going to call today aspiration Wednesday !! ??. Have a great day!
Don’t you just love that feeling after a satisfying and healthy meal… That great feeling of warmth, satisfaction and relaxation ?. Just thinking about how happy this makes me feel, reminds me of something…
Only a couple years ago, I remember having the attitude that… “I will be happy once I get my mortgage paid off…”… “I will be happy once I am in better shape and 30 pounds less”…I will be happy once my business is successful…” “…I will be happy once my yard is totally landscaped and beautiful..” Who can ever be happy with this attitude?
It was a real eye-opener once I started working on personal development that I had it all WRONG!! Imagine waiting 15-20 years for the mortgage to be paid off to be happy? I realized I will never be 100 % happy with my weight or fitness level, so why wait to be happy about something that may never happen? Why wait years before being happy about my yard? Also, it takes years to build a business, so why wait til it is successful to be happy? Let’s face it…once one goal is reached, there will be more to reach for! So I had to learn to refocus my thoughts totally in order to be happy!!
I learned to implement small successes towards my goals to feel happy and fulfilled TODAY that I am making small strides towards my goals. Instead of making them distant end points of happiness, I turned them into the icing on the cake! Instead, I focus on the small things each day that will get me there and it makes me happy now!
For example, I decided that putting an extra $100 on my mortgage principle every paycheque is what I would implement now. This makes me totally happy! I know I am making small step towards a big goal and it is not at all overwhelming! I focus on eating clean today and getting a workout in and am happy knowing I am doing the best I can towards better health and improved fitness level over time. I focus on one small area of the yard each year, and over time, I am sure the yard will get nicer…it’s way too overwhelming to attempt to get it all done fast (it’s a Huge yard!). I also take courses, work on myself and be consistent in my business, which makes me happy as I just know these simple things will lead to little successes as time goes on ?
The message I got from my own personal development was it is imperative that I focus on being happy in the present! Life is too short to keep thinking about huge long term wants and being depressed because they seem huge, overwhelming and unachievable!
I really had to re-work my whole way of thinking in order to be truly joyous and happy NOW and in the present! When i did this, I started to realize more and more what I have to be grateful for and it feels great and is so motivating!! ?
Helping others to discover happiness NOW is also one of my daily goals. Please reach out to me if you need help or support in this area…it’s truly a magical thing to change your mindset ?