To become healthy is very simple.
I really only had to learn about a half a dozen things in order to become fit and healthy…a half dozen! Anyone can learn only a half dozen things!
When you boil it down to the simplest of choices that move us in the right direction, it all starts with an apple. Yes!! An apple!!
We have all heard the saying …”an apple a day…”
The basis of our choices really does begin with choices this simple… We can choose to have an apple a day or we can choose to have a Hershey bar (or something similar) per day. By choosing our food, we are choosing how we want to feel and ultimately how our health will be in the long run. Yes, we choose how we will feel by these simple choices ?
The key thing is that I only had to learn a half dozen things in order to turn my health around. It’s truly simple. It may not be easy, but it is simple and not hard to learn ??
#keepitsimple #FitnessGal1969 #AthleticGrandma #healthissimple #noteasybutsimple #choices #choosehealth