Super cute memories… My little pumpkin decided to join me while I was doing my killer legs workout that morning… He wasn’t working out though… He was decking himself out in all of my workout exercise bands and slides LOL ?
In the end, when It came time for me to do my stretches, he decided to make himself a “sleigh” out of my exercise mat and said he was going to slide down the hill with it ?.
Never a dull moment with my little pumpkin around LOL. ??
I am almost done with the second round of my eight-week program and in fact… I only have two workouts left for the week and I will be done! ✅
I am starting another round of the 8-week challenge again on soon if you want to challenge yourself to eight weeks of transformation with hypnosis, fitness and nutrition with me?
Please SHARE with anyone you think may be interested! It’s going to be 8 weeks of special nutrition coaching with hypnosis for fat loss and muscle building!(Targeted for females but is effective for males too! ?)
I need to get in the best shape EVER for a fitness event coming up in October 2023 and I will bring you along the ride if you are interested! ?????. Let’s do this!!!
Push myself for extra calorie burn after having bad diet
After 2 days of crappy eating, my energy is very low today! Bloat certainly adds a lot of weight when trying to do push-ups and jumping! Argh!
Regrets!! When you are not used to eating high salt foods then eat a bunch of salty popcorn and a couple drinks…you pay the price with swelling in legs, hands, abdominal bloat and NO energy!! Next time I will stick to tea and veggies!! It will likely take a few days to get back to normal now.
I guess if I were to find a positive from this, it would be that having a high calorie day may help my body have a higher metabolism for our fitness challenge this week! FAT BURN!!
Despite these issues this morning, I forced myself out of bed, got an MMA kick butt workout and some yoga done over an hour. I do feel a bit better after exercising but have a few more workouts to do yet to work off all that crap. Day 77 of current 91 day challenge done ✅ plus day 14 of our 21 day challenge ✅. Now I am deserving of some superfood nutrition and will drink lots of water to flush the junk out today…
Now to hop in shower and head to work at the clinic for the day! Have a great day! ?
You may be wondering a little about just how I ended up being here like this with you today.
Let me tell you a quick story about a couple years ago, I was so tired, sore, miserable and unhappy….had sore back, knees and whole body pain issues. Was overweight and living cheque to cheque and was truly in a bad place in life. .
At the time I was trying to find a way to pay bills as a single mom, eat clean and get into better shape..
I was struggling with juggling kids, grandson, work, looking after an acreage, horses, dogs and trying to get the bills paid. It felt like I had no time and certainly no energy to exercise and no money to buy the proper healthy food..
And I was getting more and more disgusted with the extra weight i was carrying around and realized just how out of shape I had become. I was frustrated with never having any money left over after payday. .
Then something really bad happened: I went outside to play with my kids on the lawn and suffered severely with body and back pain after that for weeks, and realized something had to change. I saw my doctor and every medical test was normal, which told me clearly that there was something seriously wrong with my lifestyle and habits..
Being in crappy shape like this meant I couldn’t be the kind of mom, grandma and friend I wanted to be and to be able to afford to do fun things in life like we deserved to do..
As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of having my own business to build financial freedom and getting healthy again with the ultimate goal to be in the best shape of my life..
Then I discovered something called Team Beachbody, which has superfood and professionally designed fitness programs…and an opportunity to build financial freedom at the same time!
At that point, everything changed!
I discovered / finally figured out how to:
– Regain my energy, zest for life and be able to feel good again
– Working out at home with professional programs really gave amazing results (check out the muscles!)
– Eating clean and superfood is NOT expensive at all if you learn to manage your grocery budget and do not eat out
Because I discovered Team Beachbody, superfood and professionally designed fitness programs and the business opportunity, I was able to:
– Run and play with my grandson with energy and without getting tired or sore,
– Lose 40 pounds and maintain weight easier and have the effective tools and expertise to help others to get healthier as well
– Look younger, feel younger, and pay off debt which had been plaguing me for years and finally feel HAPPY!
Now I’m living my dream of having my own business and getting healthier to be in the best shape of my life and I never have to worry about suffering ever again.
And that’s why I’m so passionate about ourupcoming 21 day beginner superfood and fitness challenge where we provide the free coaching so you can successfully experience getting back into shape to be in the best shape of your life too!..and even grow your own fitness business if you want!
The New Year is here (can you believe it is 2017… wow!) and Summer is right around the corner, seriously, it is! That is how fast time flies. But the good news is… you are in the drivers seat of your life! There is no time better than right now to start your journey. But in order to tackle these crazy tough Beachbody workout routines, you need to arm yourself with the right tools to guarantee your success. Not going to lie to you, whatever program you are attempting, the work is hard and the commitment is relentless but the rewards that follow are so amazing, so grand, so epic! The time to start is now and I am here to help you achieve that success you desire and those results you absolutely deserve!
My name is Diane Gudmundson and I am a Team Beachbody Coach. My journey started two years back when I was 45 years old. I had just topped the scale at 196 lbs. for my 5’8″ frame. Being out of shape was only the tip of the iceberg. I was unhealthy and was on medications for anxiety, body pain and sleeping issues. My hair was falling out, my skin was dry and flaky, and my nails were cracking and peeling. My gut was not functioning properly, I was having pain when trying to use the bathroom with bleeding and even was having difficulty peeing! I was a mess!
My doctor gave me a good physical examination, arranged numerous blood tests and a colonoscopy. It was found that my blood results were normal, the colon was 100% normal The worst part, through all of this, was that I had lost all my self-esteem and confidence. All this at 45 years of age! So, if all my tests and examinations were normal, what did this mean?
This definitely was an aha moment!
The first step of my journey was to find a nutrition plan (not a diet) that was going to work for me and work for the rest of my life. I love to eat all kinds of food, and I was not going to deny myself one of life’s most pleasurable experiences. Avoidance was not an option, limitation and moderation was how I would succeed. I studied clean eating and portion control and with a simple weekly plan implemented clean eating into my life.
I also knew I needed to incorporate an exercise routine. I choose P90x as my first program. Now let me just reiterate how out of shape I was. I couldn’t even go up a flight of stairs without getting winded, I could only do a couple pushups on my knees (barely) and could not last more than a few minutes when trying to do jumping jacks! I had aches and pains constantly, back and knee pain, and really was poorly motivated to do any physical activity. When I went horseback riding, my back pain got even worse, so I lost my motivation to go riding as as result!
I was not going to give up hope!
When I popped in that first workout DVD in on Day 1, I barely was able to do any of it. But I knew if I just made tiny improvements each day, just little baby steps, I was putting myself on the right path towards success.
I could sit here and tell you that it was easy, and that all it takes is a bit of willpower and go for it. Well, it doesn’t work that way and it has absolutely nothing to do with willpower. Changing your lifestyle, changing your body, changing your mind and the way you think, changing almost everything about yourself (including limiting beliefs and emotional issues) in order to reach your goals is going to be the toughest thing you will ever attempt in your life. I struggled, I failed, I hit obstacles, but these difficulties are all required, this is what makes it the greatest journey in the world. If a path is easy, it does not build our strength and capacity!
Support and Accountability works!
I could not have done it alone though and needed all the support that I could find. I found a Beachbody Coach and then participated in an online Accountability Group. I can honestly say that if I hadn’t done this important step, I would never have succeeded! Since completing that first then second round of p90x, I went on to complete Focus T25, 21 Day Fix and 21 DF Extreme, PiYo, Insanity Max 30, Body Beast, P90, 22 min hard corps, and Core de Force! I am loving this because I never get bored and, by switching up my fitness programs regularly, I am getting optimal results! Currently I am doing a mix of Core De Force and The Master’s Hammer and Chisel which has now become my all-time favorite program combination!
Much Happier and now 42 pounds less!!
Currently I am 154 lbs. and I am now in the best shape of my life! Even though I love looking toned and muscular, the way I feel emotionally and physically and my ultimate health is what is most important! I am healthier now at 47 then when I was 25! Oh, and I am happier now than I have ever been in my entire life too! (I am one happy Granny! LOL)
Healthy, Happy and energized for life are three ways to explain how I now live. Now, I want to give back, pay it forward, and share that experience with you and share all that I have learned.
Are you ready to make a change?
If you are ready, ready to make that change, ready to learn, ready to arm yourself for battle, ready to be motivated, ready to be inspired, ready to be accountable, ready to own it and earn it, then I will do everything in my power to ensure you cross that finish line and find success in all your goals.
Take a minute to consider BOTH of these options!
To join an online accountability group with me as your coach, please take a few minutes to fill out the application here.
2. To receive a free PDF download about how to get started with a clean eating lifestyle, CLICK HERE
“Easy” won’t get you to the next level…you gotta work for it! This is what my trainer reminded me of this morning as she was kicking my ass with a 40 min weighted cardio workout.
You cannot beat having your own trainer at home early in the morning!! No baby sitter needed, no inconvenience of having to get to and from a gym, get pushed to work much harder, no interruptions, no worry about being self-conscious like at a public gym. All around, I have had the absolute best results using home-based professionally designed programs and have taken my fitness to the next level far more than I ever did in the gym setting. ?. All of these benefits, plus I am constantly making amazing new friends in our online accountability group!!
The beauty of this type of program is that it also doubles as a cross training program to make you stronger, faster, and better endurance for other sports that you participate in! It works for me for running! ?
if this type of fitness lifestyle appeals to you, feel free to contact me as I now have openings for new clients for my coaching program.