Tapping into the power of appreciation

Hey there, amazing souls!

Today, I’m diving into a topic that turned my life around – the magical journey from survival mode to whatever success feels like. I used to be caught up in the daily grind, stuck in a loop of expectations and procrastination. It felt like life was dragging me along, and I was surviving, not thriving.

But guess what? I found the secret to opening up a whole new level of living, and it starts with a simple yet incredible shift – trading expectations for appreciation. ????

Expectations: The Silent Stress Creators

Let’s rewind a bit. I was your classic perfectionist, always setting the bar ridiculously high for myself. Every project, every goal, every day had to be flawless. But here’s the catch – chasing perfection is like chasing a rainbow’s end that keeps moving. You never quite catch it, leaving you feeling burnt out, stressed, and constantly doubting yourself.

Once I realized I was setting expectations for myself higher and higher so that it was never reachable, I was so blown away at the AHA moment!!!! I had been blind to it! I just called myself “ambitious”, “hard-working,” and a person with “high standards”…..well, I called BS on myself!!

Real life rarely matches those expectations….it simply brings on anger… stress… frustration, and, yes…more disappointment. And maybe even complete burnout before we realize what we are doing to ourselves. Yup…i was there too…

The Turning Point: Embracing Imperfections

One day, it hit me – expectations were the root of my suffering. I stumbled upon some motivational podcasts, and they talked about the beauty of spontaneity and imperfections and the freedom of letting go. It was like a light bulb moment. What if I was OK with imperfections and appreciated the journey instead of setting the bar higher and higher with crazy or unrealistic expectations?

I also learned that my overworking, really poor life balance and obsession with achieving was a direct result of my low self-worth and a need to prove over and over by achieving that I was actually worth something. How do you think it felt to discover this one?

OMG! I thought I truly was a “hard worker” and a “high-achiever”! and yes I certainly was…but not for the reasons I thought!! I was delusional!

Breaking Free from the Perfectionism Trap

I took a deep breath and decided to break free from the perfectionism and overworking trap. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t an overnight success. I started small, setting realistic goals and learning to appreciate each step, no matter how imperfect. Slowing down for me was painful…to stop and sit still was so difficult!!

The Procrastination-Procrastination Loop

Expectations and procrastination are so interconnected… feeding off each other’s negative energy. I found myself hesitating to start projects, fearing imperfection. But here’s the truth: expectations fuel procrastination. It was time to break the loop.

I also had such huge expectations for myself that I was causing myself to screech to a halt, and I could often get started, but then I would get stuck in the “how” and get caught in procrastination.

Mindful Living: From Expectations to Appreciation

So now…speaking of “mindfulness,” which is simply just getting quiet, breathing into your heart space and being in the present moment… I started practicing being present in the moment, appreciating what I had right now.

Mindfulness was like a reset button, helping me silence the noise, breathe, and appreciate the simplicity of the present.

To get to that state was VERY hard for me. I literally had to start with 1 minute, then gradually increase until I got to 10 min, 12 min, then 20 min and once I was actually able to quiet my mind…I was blown away by how peaceful I felt. It was like a feeling I never had my whole life since I was always working, thinking, on the hamster wheel, and NEVER sitting down!

The Power of Small Goals

I switched my focus from huge, ridiculous, unachievable goals and expectations to small, realistic ones. Every little achievement became a cause for celebration. It was so freeing to realize that progress was about enjoying the journey, not just achieving and reaching the end goals. So much less pressure!

From Self-Criticism to Self-Compassion

Most importantly, I learned to have grace and patience and to be kind to myself.

The cycle of self-criticism and fear of failure was replaced with self-compassion. I understood that I deserved breaks, moments of quiet introspection, and appreciation for who I am. This did NOT happen overnight and certainly NOT until I was able to relax and do nothing for at least 20 min! Hypnosis was a HUGE factor for me in getting to this point. It’s a very powerful tool!

Transformative Results

The results? Life-changing. I felt a profound sense of peace, freedom from the heavy burden of overworking, perfectionism, and being so focused on achieving and increased productivity! (yes, i was focused on that…literally ALL the time!)

I could breathe, relax, and, most importantly, appreciate my life journey and even get back to enjoying the other areas of my life that had been neglected while overworking. friends, family, and so much more had been totally neglected!

Join the Journey of Transformation

So, here I am, sharing my story with you. If you’re tired of the survival mode, the stress, and the constant chase for achievement and perfection, it’s time for a change.

It may be high time for you to go on that journey from the hamster wheel of achievement, perfectionism, frustration with procrastination…and finally go on this journey from survival mode to whatever success means to you, from expectations to appreciation.

And hey, if you want a helping hand to kick procrastination out of your life and tap into the transformative power of relaxation and appreciation, I’m here for you. Let’s change your story and those delusions. Hypnosis combined with coaching works …and FAST!

Life is too short to be in survival mode. take a good hard look at your life…It’s time to thrive. ????

Cheers to spontaneity, relaxation, imperfections, small victories, and a life of many facets (spiritual, family, friends, work, health, financial, relationships and more) that we can actually enjoy!



Contact me: Email: Support@dianegudmundson.com

PS. If you prefer to watch this topic being presented on YouTube, CLICK HERE

The Top 6 Reasons Women Over 40 Fall off the Wagon

The Top 6 Reasons Women Over 40 Struggle with Their Health and How to Overcome Them

Welcome to the Athletic Grandma (Soon to be “The Health Warrior”) blog

Today, I am going to talk about the six hidden reasons why women over 40 often struggle with maintaining their health and what you can do to overcome them. Whether it’s mental blocks, emotional eating, subconscious beliefs, lack of motivation, physical challenges, or the victim mentality, we’ll dive into each and offer practical solutions.

1. Mental Blocks and Limiting Beliefs

Let’s start with mental blocks and limiting beliefs. Most of us carry baggage from our past, including negative self-talk and self-doubt. We often tell ourselves, “I can’t do it,” or “I’ve tried and failed before.” These beliefs can paralyze us or lead to self-sabotage.

Solution: To overcome this, you need to become self-aware and reprogram your subconscious. This involves exploring your past traumas, addressing your fears, and challenging these beliefs. Seeking the help of a coach or practicing self-hypnosis can be instrumental in changing your mindset and eliminating self-doubt.

2. Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is another common issue, often driven by stress, boredom, or the need for comfort. We use food to numb emotions or as an escape from facing difficult decisions.

Solution: Mindful eating is the key here. Ask yourself why you want to eat; is it genuine hunger or an emotional need or is there something you “should” be doing – like making a decision or working in a project? Instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks, find healthier ways to cope with procrastination, stress or boredom, like going for a walk or dealing with the root cause of your emotional state.

3. Subconscious Beliefs

Traumas from childhood and societal expectations can create deep-rooted subconscious beliefs. Women over 40 often feel the pressure to put everyone else first, which leads to neglecting their own health.

Solution: Your subconscious beliefs can be rewired through techniques like hypnosis or deal with fears using exposure therapy. Seek professional help or explore methods to peel away these layers and find your true self. Prioritize your health and make it the center of your life (and have everything else revolve around that).

4. Lack of Motivation

Many women over 40 feel overwhelmed, burned out, and drained by societal expectations. The lack of motivation often stems from putting others first and neglecting self-care.

Solution: Realign your priorities and put your health at the center of your life. Embrace the philosophy of “do it now” to eliminate procrastination. You may need to adapt your workout routine or engage in activities that reignite your motivation. Hypnosis can boost your confidence and motivation levels.

5. Physical Challenges

Health issues can be significant obstacles. Pain, chronic illnesses, or hormonal imbalances can be demoralizing, and medication use can result in side effects.

Solution: Prioritize clean eating and avoid inflammatory or toxic foods. Hydrate, move your body, and exercise regularly to regain control of your health. Seek professional medical advice, but remember that healthy eating and lifestyle changes are the most important, along with dealing with mind and limiting beliefs and emotions.

6. Victim Mentality

Living with a victim mentality often results in blaming circumstances and putting your health on the back burner. This mindset makes you susceptible to convenience rather than commitment.

Solution: Take 100% responsibility for your health. Set boundaries and live with intention. Challenge self-created expectations, and don’t let your circumstances dictate your health goals. Establish a routine that aligns with your life, combining flexibility and structure to ensure consistency.

In summary, for women over 40, maintaining health without falling off the wagon requires self-awareness, conscious choices, and the ability to let go of limiting beliefs.

By embracing a holistic approach to wellness, you can navigate mental blocks, emotional eating, and subconscious beliefs. Maintain your motivation, prioritize health, address physical challenges, and shift away from a victim mentality. With a personalized routine and the professional guidance of a coach, you can lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Seeking help, whether from a coach or a support group, can make all the difference. Make your health a top priority and watch as your life transforms for the better.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance, and consider a free consultation to explore your best path forward. Thank you for tuning in to The Health Warrior Be sure to join me for the next article coming up 🙂

Contact me at support@dianegudmundson.com

To have your health, who must you BE?

Your True Potential: The Power of “BEing Before HAVING”

Do you ever find yourself chasing after goals, believing that once you achieve them, you’ll finally be happy, content, and fulfilled? It’s a common mindset in today’s fast-paced world. We often think that having the right job, more money, or the perfect relationship will bring us the happiness we desire. But what if I told you that the secret to true fulfillment lies in the opposite direction – in BEING before HAVING?

As I lie on my yoga mat, post-workout, surrounded by the serenity of the moment, I reflect on this profound life lesson that has transformed my perspective. It’s a lesson that I want to share with you, in the hopes that it can spark a transformation in your life as well.

The Essence of BEING Before HAVING

In our pursuit of health, wealth, and meaningful relationships, we often forget a fundamental truth: it’s not about acquiring things; it’s about becoming the person who naturally attracts those things into their life.

Think about it. How many times have you believed that getting that dream job, that promotion, or that new car would finally make you happy? We’ve all been there. But the missing link in this equation is achieving the state of BEING first.

BEing Happy, BEing Committed, BEing Grateful, and Abundant

True happiness, unwavering commitment, gratitude, and abundance aren’t byproducts of external achievements. They are qualities that we must cultivate within ourselves. When we learn to BE happy, BE committed, BE grateful, and BE abundant, that’s when we begin to see real changes in our lives.

My mentor has delved deep into this concept of “BEing before HAVING.” He’s put together a life-transforming series that will help you explore your subconscious and understand how this fundamental shift in mindset can unlock your deepest desires.

The Game-Changing Series

This week, my mentor is offering an enlightening series for just $97 (I have a special code for you to get it FREE), where he’ll guide you through the journey of discovering the power of BEING before HAVING. If you’ve been living life in reverse, struggling to attain or maintain what you desire, this series could be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.

In these sessions, you’ll gain fresh perspectives, reaffirmation of the ‘Be, Do, Have’ model, and most importantly, the tools to stop living backward. It’s about learning to BE more so that you can HAVE more, naturally and authentically.

By watching this series, you will understand WHY I became a hypnotherapist to transform people’s health from their subconscious mind level!

Access the Transformation

Are you ready to start your journey toward a more fulfilling life, where you become the magnet for the things you truly desire? All it takes is a simple step.

REPLY to this email with the word “HAVE”, and I’ll provide you with a special coupon for a free pass to my mentor’s life-transforming series. It’s an opportunity to invest in yourself, to embrace the concept of BEING before HAVING, and to witness the incredible changes it can bring to your life.

I’ve seen the impact of this series firsthand, and I can’t wait for you to experience it too. Remember, it’s not about having it all; it’s about BEing it all. Let’s go on this transformative journey together, and watch as your life blossoms in ways you never thought possible.

Don’t wait – Hit REPLY to email me now with the word “HAVE” and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. The power to BE is within you, and the key to HAVING is just an email away! 🙂

Your health advocate and ally,

Coach Diane

P.S. To get access to my beginner guide to a health reset, enter name and email at www.needreset.com

Don’t Diet! Unleash the Power of an Anti-inflammatory Strategy

Transforming My Health: Unleashing the Power of Anti-Inflammatory Foods”

Are you ready to join me on a journey towards vibrant, pain-free living? It’s time for us to explore the incredible potential of anti-inflammatory foods together. Welcome to my blog, where I’m excited to inspire you to embrace a healthier, more energized version of yourself.

The Hidden Power of Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Let’s talk about inflammation—a term we often hear but may not fully understand in terms of its impact on our health. In simple terms, inflammation is our body’s natural response to injuries or infections. It’s our way of healing and defending ourselves. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, lurking beneath the surface, it can quietly erode our well-being.

Chronic inflammation is the silent culprit behind various health issues, from heart diseases and strokes to persistent pain and autoimmune conditions. It’s a sneaky enemy that can chip away at our vitality and longevity. But guess what? We have the power to fight back, to transform our health, and to thrive.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: My Essential Friends on My Wellness Journey

Imagine a plate bursting with vibrant, colorful foods—leafy greens, berries, and fatty fish. These are not just ingredients but my essential friends in my battle against chronic inflammation. They hold the deeper secrets and promise of a healthier, more energetic me. Let’s be real, isn’t that what we all want!?? SAY YES to energy, a healthy pain free body and to be fully functional to do what we want to do every day…right?

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are my heroes, supporting my heart, brain, and eye health while reducing inflammation. Salmon, sardines, trout, and herring are my secret weapons. When there is a day where I don’t get Omega-3 rich food, I use a supplement to ensure I get this EVERY day.

Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, collards, arugula, and lettuce aren’t just salads; they’re my inflammation fighters, adding vibrancy to my meals and zing to my life. And I make them delicious by creating my own homemade balsamic vinegar dressings with natural spices and healthy oils shaken in…yumm 🙂

Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries burst with antioxidants and natural chemicals that reduce inflammation and boost my overall well-being. When we eat these foods – even in small amounts, it satisfies the sugar cravings and gives us so much more energy for our exercise and activities! For me, it’s energy for my running training (yikes! The 10 km race is coming up Oct 15!)

Spices and Herbs: Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon—(oh and onions…lol) these flavorful additions to my meals do more than tantalize my taste buds. They reduce inflammation and add taste and color to my health journey. I even use extra turmeric supplements as well as add extra cinnamon on my special green power porridge :).

Steering Clear of Inflammatory Culprits

While incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into our diet is crucial, it makes sense to also avoid inflammatory culprits. If we choose to reduce inflammation in our body then we need to do BOTH things. 1. Add in anti-inflammatory foods and 2. get RID of the pro-inflammatory culprits!! These culprits include:

  • Sugar and processed foods: The sweet stuff and packaged snacks increase inflammation and pave the way for chronic diseases.
  • Refined carbohydrates: White bread, pasta, and rice—these refined carbs cause blood sugar spikes and inflammation.
  • Saturated and trans fats: Think bacon, butter, and fried foods—these fats are linked to inflammation and heart disease. and processed meats linked to types of cancers.
  • Artificial additives: Preservatives and dyes in packaged foods can lead to inflammation and even impact our mental health.

Practical Steps on Your Wellness Journey

Incorporating an anti-inflammatory way of eating into my life was simpler than I thought. Here are some actionable steps I used:

  1. Plan Ahead: Preparing meals in advance helps me easily incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into my diet. I plan ahead on Sundays for each week.
  2. Cook at Home: By cooking simple, whole-ingredient based meals at home, I have control over what goes into my body. As a rule, I do not eat out. There are ways to keep eating out healthy though… if you want more tips on this, let me know!
  3. Keep it Colorful: Loading my plate with a rainbow of fruits, vegetables, and spices ensures I get various nutrients. I also make sure I have a clean protein source with every snack and meal. (eggs are awesome!!) …..this is essential to maintain the body, feed the brain, immune system, heal and strengthen muscles after exercise etc…

The Gut-Brain Connection in My Journey

Did you know that my gut health plays a significant role in our mental well-being? A healthy gut produces “happy chemicals” and essential nutrients for my brain. Did you know that!? Anti-inflammatory foods promote a balanced gut and contribute to mental clarity and overall vitality! Avoiding those pro-inflammatory foods also saves your gut from being ruined!

Anti-Inflammatory Foods for My Active Lifestyle

Whether I’m an athlete striving for peak performance or seeking more energy daily, our food matters. What we put into our body can significantly impact energy levels and endurance. Yes, the type of food and calories we eat DOES matter!!

I choose anti-inflammatory foods like raw, unsalted nuts, berries, seeds, and omega-3-rich options to fuel my active lifestyle and boost my daily zip. positivity and energy.

Ready to Transform Your Health?

If you are intrigued by the power of anti-inflammatory foods and eager to embrace a healthier, pain-free and more energetic self, don’t hesitate to reach out.

I have designed an 8-week beginner reset kickstart designed to help you make lasting changes and take charge of your well-being. Feel free to connect with me on social media or drop me an email at support@dianegudmundson.com.

If you are not quite ready to take the plunge, there’s no need to worry. You can check out my e-book “A Beginner’s Guide to Your First Health Reset,” at www.needreset.com. It’s packed with easy-to-follow tips to kickstart your health journey. I also have a full-color presentation on this topic on YouTube for you that you can watch here.

Your Path to Wellness Starts Here

Thank you for joining me on this exciting article of my blog. If you have found this information inspiring, PLEASE share it with friends and family. Together, let’s unlock the power of anti-inflammatory foods and achieve a life full of energy, vitality, and well-being.

Your journey to health transformation begins today. Are you ready to thrive, boost energy, lose weight and get rid of pain? WITHOUT going on yet another “diet”?

Two options:

  1. Get my e-book here: www.needreset.com

2. JOIN the 8 week kickstart challenge (incorporates nutrition coaching, hypnosis and more) to get you on your way….Join the program by clicking HERE.

*** Reach out to me on social media or by email if you have any questions about the program and also to hear about the current incentives I have going on for the season!

How to Find Time for Your Health

Prioritizing Your Health: Your Path to a Happier, Healthier You– get off that Hamster Wheel!!

I. Introduction

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often forget the one thing that should always come first—our health. It’s time to change that. Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and transformation, where we’ll explore the art of prioritizing your health and well-being.

We live in a world where time is precious, but the truth is, there’s no better investment than the one you make in yourself. By the end of this blog post, you’ll not only understand why making time for health is crucial but also have the tools to start prioritizing it right away.

II. Why We Need to Make Time for Health

Consequences of Neglecting Health: The consequences of neglecting our health can be far-reaching. It’s not just about feeling tired or gaining a few extra pounds. It’s about a diminished quality of life, missed opportunities, and the risk of chronic diseases. Your health isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle: On the flip side, embracing a healthy lifestyle is a game-changer. Picture this: boundless energy, improved mood, enhanced productivity, and a longer, more fulfilling life. It’s not a dream; it’s the reality of those who prioritize their health.

III. How to Make Time for Health

A. Prioritize Your Health: The first step is shifting your mindset. Stop seeing health as something on your to-do list and start viewing it as a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Remember, you are worth the effort.

B. Create a Health Schedule: Planning is your best friend when it comes to health. From scheduling your workouts to planning your meals, having a structured daily routine ensures you make time for what matters most—your well-being.

C. Efficient Workouts: No time for long gym sessions? No problem. We’ll show you quick and effective workouts that you can squeeze into your busy day. From desk exercises to lunchtime walks, every little bit counts.

D. Meal Planning: Meal planning isn’t just about eating healthier; it’s about saving time and money. Discover how to prepare nutritious meals efficiently, so you can nourish your body without stress.

E. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Your mental health and physical well-being are closely intertwined. Learn how mindfulness practices can reduce stress, boost resilience, and help you stay on track with your health goals.

IV. Staying Consistent

Consistency is the secret sauce to success in prioritizing your health. Its important to explore why you have challenges you might face and provide and in my 8-week reset program I work with you to learn the basics, shift mindset with hypnosis and give you motivation and strategies to help you stay the course. Remember, every small step counts.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, your health should never take a back seat in your life. It’s not about finding time; it’s about making time. Prioritizing your health is an investment in your present and future self. So, what are you waiting for? Start today, and let your journey to a happier, healthier you begin. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Podcast # 79 is published if you want to watch here on youtube:


Be sure to SUBSCRIBE while you are there listening….thank you!

Reset Your Health…now in a New Way!

I have personally designed an Easier Path to Health to help you Achieve the Health you want without struggle!

Have you ever felt stuck in a never-ending struggle when it comes to your health and body? Do you find yourself wondering why achieving your ideal body seems so difficult? I’ve been there too, facing numerous obstacles and ups and downs, emotional roller coasters, lost hope, so many medical issues etc along my journey, but I’ve discovered a system that makes it much easier to get to whatever long-term success looks like to you.

If you’re tired of the constant ups and downs, I invite you to join my program and experience the transformative power of simplicity.

Yes!! ….Finding Ease in the Chaos:

I remember those days when everything related to nutrition and exercise felt like an uphill battle. It seemed like I would take one step forward, only to stumble and fall right back to where I started. The cycle of weight loss followed by weight gain was exhausting, to say the least. But through all those experiences and the inevitable mistakes, I cracked the code and developed a system that works for the long run.

Introducing “Level One Health Reset”:

To make things easier for beginners and those who have fallen off the health wagon, I created the “Level One Health Reset” program. Designed to span eight weeks, this program will not only help you shed unwanted pounds but also rejuvenate your body and restore your energy levels. It’s about making holistic sustainable changes (yes, meaning that simple changes that you can keep up for the long term!) that will have a huge impact on your well-being.

The Magic Ingredients:

Now, you might be thinking, “Is this program too good to be true?” Trust me, I had those doubts about “other programs” too. But this reset program is a completely NEW concept designed personally by me that incorporates everything I’ve learned throughout my own journey, my over 25 years of experience helping patients in western medicine, along with targeted hypnosis to address the underlying causes of repeated failures. This unique blend of experience and deep subconscious transformation gives you a solid formula for long-term success. If you are serious about wanting to transform your health, then don’t wait!

We are Open for Registration!

Exciting news! The doors to the “Level One Health Reset” program are officially open! It’s your chance to join a community of like-minded individuals who are ready to leave behind the struggles of the past and embrace a new way of achieving health and happiness. And here’s an added incentive – those who complete the program and share their results will receive a special monetary reward!

Transform Your Life Today:

If you’re tired of making the same mistakes over and over again, it’s time for a change. The “Level One Health Reset” program is designed specifically for beginners, ensuring that you don’t have to go through the arduous process and repeated ups and downs that I did. This is your opportunity to create the healthy body and life you deserve without all the unnecessary struggles.

Concluding Thoughts:

Health and well-being should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their fitness level or past failures. So, I invite you to take that first step towards a more energized, rejuvenated, and confident version of yourself. Join the “Level One Health Reset” program and go on an eight-week journey with me by your side that will uncover the true potential within you. Say goodbye to the draining and hopeless-feeling hardships of the past and embrace a new, easier path to health!

Reach out to me via email at support@dianegudmundson.com or send me a DM on social media for more information and to register!

Remember, you don’t have to go through the same struggles I did. Let’s transform together and make the journey towards health and happiness a little bit easier. OH! …and I will be doing the health reset right alongside you! Lets DO THIS!

IF you don’t want to wait another moment are READY TO JOIN NOW, click the registration link HERE!

Breaking the Masculine Armour (AKA the Tough Shell)

An 8-Week Journey to Your True Self through a health challenge?

Embracing Your Authentic Self: How I Shed My Masculine Armor

Unveiling the Layers

Hey there,

I wanted to take a moment to share a personal journey with you – a journey of transformation, healing, and discovering the power of discovering my true self buried underneath a shell. I’m no different from you – I’ve faced my own struggles, and it’s these experiences that led me to uncover a remarkable truth about myself.

Breaking Free from Childhood Shadows

From a young age, I learned to put on a tough exterior. It’s like I built this protective shell, my “masculine armour,” to shield myself from the pain of past experiences. The proverbial vow…. “NEVER again will I allow this” …But as I grew older, I realized that this armour, meant to protect me, was holding me back.

I carried these defense mechanisms into adulthood, affecting my relationships, self-image, and overall happiness. It wasn’t until I took a closer look at my past that I understood how childhood trauma had shaped my beliefs about strength and vulnerability.

The Turning Point: Peeling Away the Armor

One day, a thought struck me: What if true strength wasn’t about hiding behind a facade but embracing who I really am? That was the moment when I decided to peel away those layers of armour and reveal my authentic self. It wasn’t easy – it required self-awareness, courage, and a commitment to healing.

Mind and Body: A Powerful Connection

I found that focusing on both my mind and body was the key to unlocking this transformation. By nurturing my mental health and digging deep into my subconscious beliefs (think hypnosis!), I started to unravel the roots of my armour. But it wasn’t until I made a profound connection that I truly began to see change.

The Epiphany: Health as the Foundation

Our bodies are remarkable vessels, intricately and delicately linked to our emotional well-being. I realized that by working on my health, I was not only peeling away layers of armour but also revealing a brighter, more vibrant version of myself. This journey wasn’t just about shedding the past – it was about creating a healthier and powerful future by design.

Its important to remember that, more often than not, this hard ‘masculine shell’ keeps you from fully experiencing the beauty of life. It can be absolutely exhausting, and let me tell you – It doesn’t have to be that way! There is power in vulnerability, strength in softness. It’s okay to let down that masculine guard. It’s okay to be human.

Imagine navigating your life without constantly having to put on a brave face or mask of toughness. Imagine not having to work SO HARD to be that “high achiever” you perceive yourself as. Picture yourself feeling peaceful, joyful, and loved without condition. Not having to always be the tough one could feel so liberating, wouldn’t it? Here’s the amazing news: you don’t just have to imagine it, you can live it. This transformation is possible.

The Transformation: Reclaiming My Feminine Power

As I embraced my authentic self, I discovered the power of my feminine energy. This wasn’t about conforming to societal expectations, but about embodying qualities that resonate with my true essence. Through self-acceptance, I found a newfound sense of freedom and joy that came from inside me! This self-acceptance was NOT easy as I had deeply ingrained negative and limiting beliefs about the feminine – – that it was weak, pathetic, and useless – – which had to be overcome! I didn’t want to be any of those things, so changing my beliefs about what feminine energy and its essence is was critical to my transformation. By the way, the Icelandic goddess Frejya has been my alter ego to work towards living into….a very powerful divine feminine!

Empowerment through Connection

My story is a testament to the fact that transformation doesn’t happen in isolation. It’s about reaching out, seeking guidance, and allowing others to support your journey. If you’re ready to peel away your own layers of armour (that tough and independent chick shell) and discover the beauty within, I’m here to walk alongside you.

Take the First Step: Your Health Journey

Are you yearning for a life filled with health, energy, peace, and joy? Are you eager to break free from the chains of your past and step into who you truly are? I invite you to join me on a transformative journey where we prioritize health as the foundation for change.

Let’s work together to peel away those layers, find your true potential, balance your hormones, achieve your ideal body, and find happiness and peace like you’ve never experienced before.

Reach Out Today

Don’t wait any longer to peel away limiting layers to find your authentic self.

If you’re ready to start your journey, feel free to email me at support@dianegudmundson.com for a personalized conversation about your goals and dreams. Ask me how I can guide you towards holistic transformation.

Remember, you have the power within you to shed your armour, reveal your true self, and live a life filled with passion, purpose, and joy. Let’s go on this inspiring journey together.

With love and encouragement, your ally and advocate in health and transformation

Diane, retired NP and transformational coach, hypnotherapist

AKA, “The Athletic Grandma” 🙂

PS: MY PODCAST on this topic can be found on YOUTUBE HERE


Lifestyle RESET time!  HIIT kicks it off!
Feeling HAPPY to have made a real decision to kick off a new lifestyle RESET plan….



With all of the major changes in my life the last several months, it has thrown my lifestyle patterns for a bit of a loop. However, I woke up mad today and determined to hit the RESET button both mentally and physically and implement a new and solid plan. I have also been working with coach to allow me to “BE” the kind of person that is successful innately which will take far less effort on my part! (I have realized this is the secret sauce!)

My career and life in many MAJOR areas has taken new paths all in a very short time and I am starting to feel the pressure of it all and getting cranky! Yes this tells me it is time for a complete reset!

My hormones were out of whack, my digestion was not working well, was feeling moody, sleeping and eating patterns are way off, I am feeling more tired and unfocused in the daytime, some nights I don’t sleep at all, and my weight has crept up by far too many pounds. Hmmmm ??

The great thing is that my internal drive and determination is powerful and I am a coachable person. When I put my mind to something, I know it’s going to happen.

To start with, My reset plan includes a commitment to a new workout plan, intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting cycles, more fruits and vegetables and clean proteins. This is just one of many reset plans I am putting into place immediately and I instantly feel less cranky knowing that this WILL happen.

I am also going to wok at helping others to design their reset plans, which gives me even more motivation. I absolutely LOVE helping others be successful in health and life. Being a coach is something I have always done, both formally and informally.

Enjoy your Sunday and have a wonderful week!

Today, I kicked off my new reset plan with 30 min HIIT training with Chalene and wow it feels good! ? Now time to plan out the kickstart health reset program I am creating for others!

Granny has Good Reasons (So it keeps her going!)

Persistence pays off…..its easier to stay persistent through the tough times with a strong reason

Pushing through those tired and challenging days is worth it when you start to notice the increase strength and progress in muscle development.  In only 6 weeks, I progressed from 20 lb ea hand dumbbells doing a lat row to 30 lb in ea hand!   ..and it felt difficult but amazing afterwards!   My back was feeling so pumped up, it was time to capture that in a pic ???. Gotta love progress!!?


Persistence certainly pays off and when it comes to health…it’s worth the work!  My goal is to be an active and healthy Granny for my grandkids and not get prematurely old and out of shape…my reasons to be healthy are what pull me along even on the most challenging and tired days!  Let’s GO!

Its time to work on your health, lose excess weight and get stronger!!  The time is NOW!

To get started, CONTACT ME now!

#thefitgrandma #puthealth1st #liftandhiit #nursepractitioner #athleticgrandma #grandson #healthygranny #persistence #consistency #nevergiveup? 

Challenge yourself physically and mentally (Run!)


Got up early to do some more training today. Holy crap it was super tough to get through it today, but I got it done and am now proud of myself for pushing through those tough moments and finishing!

Running is so tough …especially in the training phases where you have to really push past the comfort zone to get better, build endurance and get faster! It’s in those tough moments that I wish I had kept running all year.  Out of all exercise, I find that running takes the most mental toughness.   When you stop training, it doesn’t take long to lose all you have gained… gotta keep running all year from now on ?

Running is a great way to lose weight too…you burn a LOT of calories in a short time!

Have yourself an awesome day!  …if you are looking for a challenge, give running a try! ?