This mornings yoga cardio was topped off by a little participant during the final stretch. Feels great to have him close and he boosts my motivation!
This boy was the big reason why I shifted and realized my health had to be #1 in the first place! I had decided 3 years ago that if I was going to be a Granny, that I better pick up the pace and get into shape! I wanted to be a fun and energetic granny that can run, play soccer, travel and enjoy life with the grandkids and not be old and sick in a chair.
Being on a structured program that taught me better nutrition habits and gave me hundreds of fun and effective workout options was great! I dropped 40 pounds at that time and WOW what a difference in how I felt. I had a little falling off this year with work stress and an illness, but I am back at it and feeling much better!
Life is like that, isn’t it? Get thrown curve balls, challenges …like life has to test you… to see how you react. ?
Regardless, I am so happy I am back on track and feeling happy and positive and energy is climbing! I have my little sidekick here to smile and cheer me in which helps too!
Little did I know, everything I needed was always inside me!
I really did it this time. Putting myself on the back-burner and focusing on developing a new business to help others with their medical care. For months, I was not focused on my health or fitness whatsoever, had huge stress at work (the JOB) and ended up sick with pneumonia and 20 lb heavier. YUP, not smart.
I started a new business back in March 2017 with a focus on providing medical services to clients in their homes or offices and even through telemedicine. It was super fun and I was VERY focused on getting people the care they needed with top notch quality. I found out that when I took my focus off my health at the same time, I ended up on a downward spiral with my health that just kept getting worse. I was snacking more to keep awake, I was sleeping less, drinking more caffeine, too tired to get up in the morning to work out, just a vicious cycle I was in and could not snap out of it even though I was feeling crappy and knew what I needed to do.
I had a lot of stress at my “JOB”, since, when I started a private medical service in March, there was bullying that took place and, even though I knew I could not work in that environment, I hung onto it because of seniority and the fact that I could retire with my magic 80 after only 5 years! It kept me going, but only hanging on by a thread. I was working hard to stay positive, but the bullying got worse and even continued once i resigned from the position. I felt strong through it all, but once it was over, I felt a heavy weight on me that held me down and made me believe less in myself overall. I realized after it was all over that I really should have resigned MUCH sooner!
My Pneumonia knocked me flat for 6 weeks in July and August 2017 (which was likely from significant stress from work that had knocked out my immune system)…after that, my energy would just not come back at all. My digestive system was shot, I had no energy at all, my whole body was sore and I started to feel demotivated and depressed. Now that I am looking back, I can see what a horrible state I was in, yet I just kept going and helping others since that was the only thing I felt good about.
My mental and physical health seemed to be on a continual downer over September and October as I was not consistently exercising, was still sore all over and was just not sleeping well. I was really feeling rotton and had no belief in myself at all! I felt that the only thing that made me worth anything was to provide excellent care to my patients… It was fine when I was out on the road seeing patients, I laughed and smiled and enjoyed my work, but when I would get home, its like reality would hit again and I would feel down, and eat crappy food again.
I had booked an event to see Tony Robbins in November (UPW) earlier in the year and was not even excited about going to that. Before I left, I was trying to pump myself up and feel good about it, but I was feeling guilty about not being available for housecalls while I was away, and just didn’t feel happy. While at the event, I felt hope creeping back and the intense work we did at the seminar to rediscover the belief in ourself was helping me to re-discover that everything we need to have a happy and fulfilling life is right in side us already. It is just a matter of finding it and expressing it. Well, I felt my positive energy climbing and totally participated and did the work. It felt awesome!
Then, we came home and I felt bloated and icky from all the eating out and snacks…so I weighed myself and realized I had packed on 8 pounds in just one week while i was away. This really sent the belief in myself down the tubes again. I felt tired, gross and my whole body hurt. I made a decision to do a 10-day complete nutrition reset 3 days ago. I got rid of all snack foods and unhealthy bits from the house and was eating only veggies, healthy proteins and fruits. The first 2 days of this were very difficult! I was so tempted to quit because of the severe headaches and body pains i was having.
However, I woke up this morning and could NOT believe how much clearer my mind was! I was able to get up, do a HIIT workout and then did 30 min of YOGA which was super tough, but I felt a strength inside me that I really could do it!! I was feeling belief in myself coming back which was very powerful! It was this morning that I truly realized the power of self-belief and with my renewed energy, am feeling that I will be truly unstoppable from now on. I decided I will never let myself get sucked into that stress vortex again without exiting PROMPTLY from the situation for my own health. Sometimes we make excuses for not leaving such as we “need the money” or “don’t want to lose our seniority”….bah to that. I left 27000 seniority hours and Magic 80 retirement plan behind. To heck with it. Being stuck in a stressful scenario is VERY destructive to our health and I was on that downward spiral myself, so I know how it feels! I could hardly stand myself being like that, but could not snap out of it.
If you are feeling stuck and stressed and not believing in yourself…. seriously, consider doing a nutrition reset for yourself, get OUT of the stressful situation(s) you are in (get out quickly, do not wait!) and just feel the positive energy start to flow. The belief in yourself will naturally start to happen! Ask me if you need help with this!
I am feeling very encouraged today and ready to start sharing my health journey again with a new start and I hope that you will continue to follow me and learn from my mistakes. We are human and do make far too many mistakes, but as long as we learn from them, we are still growing as a person. Just KNOW that everything you need to have a happy and fulfilled life is inside you RIGHT NOW.
I am going to start today by re-educating myself on the key tips to achieve SELF DISCIPLINE. I have put a copy HERE for you as well!
I got a great sweat on this morning with a yoga and Pilates continuous movement combination work out… It was really tough but I felt great and was dripping sweat afterwards… I never really thought that I would enjoy this type of exercise, but I’m finding out that it is really improving my health and I’m totally loving it!!
September is approaching and I don’t know about you, but I find September is a great time of year to start new things, develop my knowledge, and get creative by implementing new things into my life. I have always felt this way I guess because September is the start of a new school year and it’s just a great time to start implementing change. Some people get nervous about making changes but it truly is exciting if you make yourself do things outside your comfort zone!
Starting in September, I plan to implement a completely new diet regimen, a new exercise plan, and as well implement a new and exciting career in providing healthcare services with my own business. I am adding this to my already existing health business where I help people with fitness, optimizing their nutrition and lifestyle change as a coach … It is all just very exciting …even though it can be scary at times, I am pushing through the fear!
Make September the decision time to make a change in your life! Take a course! Start a new health plan! Revamp your financial plan! Dig into that relationship you have been afraid to take to the next level! Make a career change! Start a new business!
Do something to make fall time exciting! It makes the transition to winter much easier when you are feeling fulfilled, energized, healthy, happy and passionate about something you love!
FYI… My job as a FREE coach is to help you select the health program that will best help you achieve your goals… Be sure to contact me to discuss!
This may look like a relaxing pose, but in reality it’s very difficult! For me to sit still and relax, to breathe and get centered is a real challenge! Throughout the program I am doing now, it’s a continuous flow style of pilates and yoga which is amazing! The workout though has times when there is a need to stop moving, quiet the mind and turn those thoughts inward. These are the hardest for me to do!
You know how we have these “aha” moments when something bad happens to you and you realize that it has happened for a reason? Well I had one of those moments this morning when I realized that this type of program was exactly what I needed and my illness was what forced me into it! ?
I am still coughing and feel rather miserable with my blocked sinuses and headache… but at least there are slight improvements each day which give me hope! … and I am so glad to be doing a program and feeling some bit of achievement each day! Every stretch and pushup these days helps me feel like I am doing something beneficial for my health.
I am starting a new 21-day intense nutrition reset program this coming week which is focused on cleansing, detoxifying and alkalinizing the body. I am eager for a total reset like this and I think it’s likely long overdue! I am excited about it and the potential for it to be life-changing!
if you feel like you need a health “reset” too, contact me!
Having to start all over after an extended illness or after falling off the wagon… Is one of the hardest things to do. Not only has the fitness level dropped way off making those work outs really hard again and the loss of endurance and muscle really sucks. …but also the habit of getting up in the morning and having a set routine and keeping up with the program has all disappeared and it takes a lot of work to get that back again. it is darn hard to implement new habits!! It seems that habits are easy to lose and very hard to build…
Since being sick for a month, I’ve lost a lot of my cardio endurance and strength… Yesterday, I made the decision to start doing a yoga and Pilates combination program to maintain strength and flexibility as I heal… Day one of Program is complete ✅.. it was actually a very difficult workout for me today, but I feel accomplished since I was able to do the entire thing… Not without some sweat though? It feels great to be back at it… But now to maintain this habit for at least 21 to 30 days so that I can get it back again…!
The physical transformation is only a small part of what I have achieved over the last 2 years. The leaner body, 40 pounds less, more muscles, stronger and looking younger are only a small part of the transformation that has occurred…
The most amazing transformation from one picture to the next here is the inner transformation! I went from a miserable, emotionally unhealthy, crabby, no energy, could not sleep, body pain, impatient, unhappy person and became someone who is ultra positive and completely changed! I went from someone who would get sore from walking (left), to someone who can totally crush 30 minutes of Insanity like I did this morning! (right)
I can honestly say that my emotional transformation has been the most dramatic! I am happy, have higher self esteem, a tonne of energy, am passionate about life, have more close relationships, am successful in business, and just a better person overall!
I have, in fact, got over so much childhood abuse issues now to the point where I realize how positive those childhood experiences were to shape me into the determined and passionate person I am today! Now THAT took a lot of inner work to get to this point! Without my clean eating, superfood, and fitness journey, and support of a team, this NEVER would have been a reality today! I am so thankful that I discovered Team Beachbody and I will never EVER give up on myself again! I will never go back to being that bitter and miserable person!!
Starting next week, our group is going to challenge themselves inside a 21-day private accountability group to completely SHIFT their body and mind even further! If you want to make a SHIFT in your life…then now is the time to get connected with me! We are gonna make it happen! Message me if you want in!
We all have 2 sides inside us. We have a bad side that has the potential to be nasty, fearful, nasty and lazy. We also have a good side which has characteristics like giving, loving, abundant and disciplined.
So how do we determine which side of us will show up from day to day? Well…guess what? …It is the side of you that you live and feed most often that will grow and become more prominent! So, if you focus mostly on giving, loving, a feeling of true abundance and are disciplined…then this is the side of you that will grow and flourish! If you spend your time and focus on being angry, worried, nasty, judgemental, and lazy…then that part of your nature will expand and grow to have more of these characteristics! It’s scary when you think about it just how easy it is for the bad side to take over our thoughts and actions!
Take some time today to focus on the positive and feed your good side to help it to grow and flourish! This will improve every aspect of your life from relationships to work life and family relationships. If only more people would focus on growing their giving and loving sides…the world would be a better place!
I am focusing on building my positive and disciplined side this morning…day #18 of current 56-day fitness challenge is complete✅.
Be sure to COMMENT on this post with your thoughts for today!
Why do I push myself to exercise every single day even when I don’t feel like it you may ask? Why work out intensely and get my face red and the sweat ?flowing?
I will tell you why…
1. Exercising keeps you looking and feeling younger!
2. Exercise helps keep blood pressure healthy and the arteries clean by boosting HDL (good cholesterol)!
3. Exercise helps keep muscles conditioned, strong and pain-free!
4. Exercise boosts mood, positivity and helps you enjoy each and every day to the max!
5. Exercise keeps your body functioning with its optimal abilities and boosts metabolism and hormone balance.
6. Exercise helps me keep up with my 2 year old grandson and I want to be around (and in great health) for my grandchildren for many years yet!!
7. By pushing myself and doing new challenges, I stay motivated, am never bored and continually make progress in building my fitness level and strength. As a result I can always do more much easier than I did the day or week before… Seriously, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone really accomplishes a lot more than you might think!
Remember our body is made to move and be physical, not to sit around or lay on the couch! If you push your body to exercise every day, it will reward you with much better health in the long run!
One thing I have learned is that living life in reactive mode will not contribute much to health and happiness. If a person lets issues and problems that come up all day dictate your actions and decisions, then life and problems will be running you.
Conversely, if you live life by design and anticipate problems ahead of time, then it’s much easier to feel in control of your day. This gives you the chance to lead a pro-active instead of a reactive life! …huge difference!
For me, I know that I will be hungry on the road and will hit a drive through if I am not prepared… so, I pack a cooler of healthy food every single day before I leave home. I also know that once baby wakes up, I won’t be able to get a good workout done, so forcing myself out of bed at 5 am to get it done is a proactive way to ensure it happens and is enjoyable.
There are many other ways to live proactively …be creative and anticipate issues that may come up and be well-prepared to swing with the punches with a smile! I have been learning this and it really is life changing! No more spending my days reacting to one issue after another! Take some time to think about how much reacting you do in your daily life…you may be surprised!
Each time you push yourself just a little outside your comfort zone, this is when we grow. It could be overcoming a fear, improving your self confidence, learning a new skill, speaking your mind, taking the leap to commit to a relationship once and for all, or something simple like with me this morning where I pushed myself to increase the amount of weight I was lifting. I was scared to but was surprised I was able to finish the set! I know that pushing myself just that little bit will make me stronger for the next workout and give me muscle gains too!! ??
Going outside the comfort zone can cause some pretty intense fear at times, but it is the only way to achieve true progress in life and to do things you never dreamed that you successfully could! It’s true! I used to hold back from trying new things and doing things that scared me, and I stayed in a non-growth and no-progress phase for many years as a result! Not any more! Face those fears, do it even if it scares you and you will be amazed at the outcome! ?
Have a wonderful Wednesday and do something today that scares the s— out of you! 🙂