Each time you push yourself just a little outside your comfort zone, this is when we grow. It could be overcoming a fear, improving your self confidence, learning a new skill, speaking your mind, taking the leap to commit to a relationship once and for all, or something simple like with me this morning where I pushed myself to increase the amount of weight I was lifting. I was scared to but was surprised I was able to finish the set! I know that pushing myself just that little bit will make me stronger for the next workout and give me muscle gains too!! ??
Going outside the comfort zone can cause some pretty intense fear at times, but it is the only way to achieve true progress in life and to do things you never dreamed that you successfully could! It’s true! I used to hold back from trying new things and doing things that scared me, and I stayed in a non-growth and no-progress phase for many years as a result! Not any more! Face those fears, do it even if it scares you and you will be amazed at the outcome! ?
Have a wonderful Wednesday and do something today that scares the s— out of you! 🙂
You may be wondering a little about just how I ended up being here like this with you today.
Let me tell you a quick story about a couple years ago, I was so tired, sore, miserable and unhappy….had sore back, knees and whole body pain issues. Was overweight and living cheque to cheque and was truly in a bad place in life. .
At the time I was trying to find a way to pay bills as a single mom, eat clean and get into better shape..
I was struggling with juggling kids, grandson, work, looking after an acreage, horses, dogs and trying to get the bills paid. It felt like I had no time and certainly no energy to exercise and no money to buy the proper healthy food..
And I was getting more and more disgusted with the extra weight i was carrying around and realized just how out of shape I had become. I was frustrated with never having any money left over after payday. .
Then something really bad happened: I went outside to play with my kids on the lawn and suffered severely with body and back pain after that for weeks, and realized something had to change. I saw my doctor and every medical test was normal, which told me clearly that there was something seriously wrong with my lifestyle and habits..
Being in crappy shape like this meant I couldn’t be the kind of mom, grandma and friend I wanted to be and to be able to afford to do fun things in life like we deserved to do..
As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of having my own business to build financial freedom and getting healthy again with the ultimate goal to be in the best shape of my life..
Then I discovered something called Team Beachbody, which has superfood and professionally designed fitness programs…and an opportunity to build financial freedom at the same time!
At that point, everything changed!
I discovered / finally figured out how to:
– Regain my energy, zest for life and be able to feel good again
– Working out at home with professional programs really gave amazing results (check out the muscles!)
– Eating clean and superfood is NOT expensive at all if you learn to manage your grocery budget and do not eat out
Because I discovered Team Beachbody, superfood and professionally designed fitness programs and the business opportunity, I was able to:
– Run and play with my grandson with energy and without getting tired or sore,
– Lose 40 pounds and maintain weight easier and have the effective tools and expertise to help others to get healthier as well
– Look younger, feel younger, and pay off debt which had been plaguing me for years and finally feel HAPPY!
Now I’m living my dream of having my own business and getting healthier to be in the best shape of my life and I never have to worry about suffering ever again.
And that’s why I’m so passionate about our upcoming 21 day beginner superfood and fitness challenge where we provide the free coaching so you can successfully experience getting back into shape to be in the best shape of your life too! ..and even grow your own fitness business if you want!