Are you Enthusiastic?

 Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!
Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!

I don’t know about you, but I plan on being enthusiastic today!

Some of the things that we do routinely, quite often, or repeat over and over, often become mundane or boring once the initial excitement has worn off.

This is so true about many things in life. Whether it’s work, doing the chores, reading the kids a book, driving our car,and many other hundreds of things that we do every day… Let’s face it we all become somewhat robotic after a while?
… And definitely not enthusiastic!

So, where will you inject some new enthusiasm into your day today? Your health and fitness journey? Treat your job like it’s your very first week at that job again? Be creative and come up with new ideas, even though the old ideas never worked or were approved? Come on, I am sure you can come up with something to be enthusiastic about today?

We are nearing the end of the workweek now… So let’s finish this week with some smiles and some enthusiasm ?. Have yourself an enthusiastic Thursday!! ?

#EnthusiasmIsContagious #EnjoyLifeNow #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal #BeHappy #BeCreative #JustDecide #WeCanDoThis

Be fearless!

Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday
Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday

Good morning on this beautiful Tuesday morning ! ?

What isn’t there to enjoy with the sun shining and a happy baby ??

The message today is to be fearless!… Fear is nothing more then an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves.

Have a terrific Tuesday and be fearless In the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

#Fearless #TerrificTuesday #AthleticGrandma #SetYourSoulOnFire #Sunshine #FitnessGal1969

Smile to have a better day

Terrific Tuesday

If every morning could feel this way… It would be awesome 🙂

The baby woke up happy, my spinach and egg omelet cooked perfectly, my coffee got made, my lunch got packed, and everything done in a relatively relaxed manner, and even got out of the door on time today 🙂

It is always nice to have a great smiling start to the day! When you start with happy and positive… It tends to carry you in that manner (and attract the same thing back to you) through the day, which is awesome 🙂

Smiling has been shown to increase happy chemicals and positive feelings on the inside. Not only this, but the people around you will generally be more positive if you are… It truly does rub off on others and makes for an even better day for you! ??

So, take a few moments to really SMILE to yourself and to others today! ?