Sh-t Happens (Adapt and Keep Going!)

With repeated power failures, I had to get creative between power surges

It has been quite the morning so far… I was downstairs doing HIIT training and the power to my video kept turning off in the storm repeatedly… ?

I finally gave up on exercising in the basement to video and came upstairs where I at least had battery powered light and then got creative and did my own creation of HIIT in my kitchen ?. I will have to save my lift section for tomorrow’s workout but that is ok??

I then realized how lucky I was that I had a full hot water tank and water pressure to allow me to have a hot shower even if there’s no power… I was careful not to use any sharp objects in the shower considering that I couldn’t see in the dark.  And then the lights/power came on just in time for me to put my make up on, blow-dry my hair and quickly make my icy superfood shake for breakfast!   LOL

Sometimes, when things don’t want to work out for you … Just remember there’s always a way to adapt, smile,  and to keep going to continue to enjoy life and to achieve your goals. Getting upset about the power would not have helped me at all, so I’m glad I was able to keep a stiff upper lip and keep going and now feel accomplished ?

Thankfully, last night I printed all the papers and lab requisitions that I need for my many house calls today! So I’m good and prepared for my workday despite my morning challenges!! 

Have yourself a wonderful day… And don’t forget to adapt, smile and keep moving forward despite the challenges we face on a regular basis ??

#PowerFailure #Adopt #NeverGiveUp #KeepSmiling #HIIT #AthleticGrandma #NursePractitioner #Health #Fitness #EnjoyLifeNow #Nponwheels #lifehappens

To apply to become a client with my next upcoming fitness and nutrition program… APPLY HERE

Believe in You (and Your Life Will Change)


The truth is this…. You can accomplish anything if you believe in yourself…absolutely anything!! I used to doubt myself a lot and that just downright lowers your confidence and affects your happiness and productivity in the long run! Believe in yourself and what you do and you will accomplish GREAT things!

If you have a hard time believing in yourself, then it is seriously time to start doing some personal development work. A good book to read is “you are a bad ass” by Jen Sincero and another is “The compound effect” by Darren Hardy…both great books! Personal development work will totally change your life…this I can promise you. It has totally changed mine…and my daughter’s too!!

#believeinyourself #personaldevelopment #changeyourlife #nevergiveup#athleticgrandma #enjoylifenow

Balance Hormones, Feel Great! (On Only One a Day!)

There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!
There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!

I call this delicious stuff my youth and energy potion. ? Seriously though, over two years of drinking this superfood every day has totally changed my life!! For heaven’s sake, I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 1, running 2 businesses and working part time (70% of full time) in clinic plus studying a marketing course and I am fired up, happy and energized every day because of the superfood kick every morning!!! ??   …Keep in mind that I am almost 50 years old and I am a grandmother!

I have noticed tremendous life-changing effects by using this superfood just once every day….  here they are…

1. ENERGY!!   My energy is so amazing
2. WELL-BEING!   I have an indescribable level of well-being which then gives me a high level of positivity.
3. MENTAL CLARITY!  I have incredible mental clarity…feels great to be sharp, clearer thinking, and to feel like I am really on my toes!
4. KILL CRAVINGS!!  Superfood has made it MUCH easier to maintain a long term clean eating lifestyle by cutting cravings (and with good energy, you don’t feel as hungry!!)…and it is so delicious, I feel like I am getting a treat every day!
5. LOOK YOUNGER!  My hair, skin and nails are more soft, supple and younger looking and with a healthy glow! (The look of youth!)
6. HORMONES BALANCED!  My hormones are balanced with the specific combination of adaptogens and superfoods in each once-daily shake…I have zero hot flashes, zero fatigue, sleeping well, and NO mood swings!!  This superfood has adaptogens like Maca, Astragalus and Ashawaganda that helps my endocrine system regulate hormonal requirements that the body needs.
7. PREVENT DISEASE!  This combination of phytonutrients, cellular nutrition, and antioxidants gives my body the high level of dense nutrition it needs to fight illness and prevent disease! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the very best I can to prevent conditions related to oxidative stress such as cancer! …not to mention preventing all those obesity & nutrition-related disease like diabetes, gallbladder and liver disease, heart attack and strokes and more! I can tell you with absolute certainty that I will NOT EVER be without my daily superfood!

This morning, I am having cafe latte shaken straight with water and ice cubes…absolutely heavenly! ?

Reply “yes!” to this post if you too would like to experience the benefits of this once-daily superfood!  Keep in mind that this superfood comes with a 30 day trial.  WHAT?  …YES!  You can try this shake for 30 days and if you are not satisfied with what it does for you, you can get your money back by sending back the empty bag!   …That is just how certain we are that you will feel an amazing transformation with this stuff!

If you have questions, or would like me to send you a complete video explaining this superfood and the details of why it is promoted by doctors, please CONTACT ME here and I will email the video directly to you.


Focus on The Vision (It’s The Only Way to Get What You Want)


What you focus on is what you get. I have slowly learned to focus on what I want to achieve instead of focusing on why it is not possible or why it can’t be done. No more of that crap for me!! I now focus on the positive outcome I want and it just happens…by doing this, my vision naturally pulls me along!

The way it used to be was that I would always be telling myself what I “should” be doing and groaning at how difficult it was. This is NO way to get motivated at all because the focus is all wrong!

I started focusing on feeling positive, energized, toned, chiseled and happy with some muscles, having a passion for life and what I am doing and this kind of vision just pulls me along with a huge smile and energy!!

Having a positive vision with strong associated passion works for no matter what you want to achieve!! A healthy body, incredible work life, great friends, a happy family, a great living environment etc…it is worth it to learn to make this mental shift and seriously working on personal development is the only way to get there!

Get fired up and happy with your life! If you would like some suggestions on where to start, don’t hesitate to message me. It is totally life changing and I am proof of that! I have now overcome a very rough childhood past and all of the emotional baggage that comes with that and divorce, and much other crap I have been through! None of that gets me down anymore…I am now thankful I had those experiences to build on the strengths that I now have today…totally a better feeling to have than being dragged down with anger and self-pity!!

Have a fabulous and thankful day today! Day #11 of my 91 day fitness challenge complete!?

To download a FREE document that helps you with 7 ways to improve your self discipline, enter your name and email address!

The Comfort Zone is Not a Good Place to be (Its Really True)

I have to admit…the workout this morning was a killer one! 9 rounds of hopping, jumping, twisting, pushing, pulling…on the floor, then off the floor …yup, not an ounce of energy left by the time I was done this 38 minute workout!! ?. I guess a person can think of it this way…by pushing yourself to do something that is difficult and outside what would be considered “easy” that is how you grow and improve! Bonus…I guess it was worth pushing myself today …I will be stronger for the next time and I am building my self-discipline ‘muscle’ which will help me in many other areas of my life too! ??

Wait!  …Isn’t it just easier to stay in my comfort zone?


Each of us has our own “comfort zone” which is far more than a describable place. It is a mental, emotional and behavioral place that kind of is all about the routine of our daily life.   When we are in our “comfort zone”, it suggests the place of safety, familiarity and security for us.  Being in this place has us comfy and calm, has minimal emotional change, and even is somewhat free of worry.  People create a comfort zone at times to have a healthy place to go to relax and enjoy life, which is fine.  BUT, stepping out of our comfort zone is what it will take to actually change, grow and transform our lives!!

Experiencing some stress here and there and facing fears is actually a good thing.   If all you ever do is strive to stay wrapped up in your little cocoon, keeping warm and cozy, you may be missing out on quite a lot in life.  Perhaps you will have little to no new experiences, minimal challenges, and take no risks.

Taking no risks and not facing fears = ZERO progress in life!

Be sure to take time to look at the big picture in your life.  It is important to look at every area when thinking about this concept… such as business, personal, family, health, fitness, financial, emotional etc…  If you have a hard time stepping out of your comfort zone you may experience difficulty making changes, growing in life, and ultimately, improving your life in amazing ways!  Remember, growing as an individual actually helps you to keep up with the times, define your passions and to help give your life personal meaning.

In simple terms, what we fear most about challenging ourselves is that we may fail and/or get hurt in the process. IF we let this stop us, we will never achieve anything!   Consider this one…the majority of us totally have the ability to rise up, face fears, overcome obstacles and totally succeed in accomplishing new and challenging things!   We just have to WANT to!

Be open minded, face your fears and for heaven’s sake…life live to the fullest by taking chances, challenging yourself and making progress and growing as a person…you will be so HAPPY that you did !!

PS.  If you have trouble moving out of your comfort zone due to extreme fear, it may be time to recruit the help of a coach to help you to overcome those fears…  life is too short! Time to LIVE!

To join the Athletic Grandma community, and to get a FREE download about 7 ways to increase your self-discipline, click HERE!

Aspiration Wednesday!

Let's use today as a day to aspire and grow!
Let’s use today as a day to aspire and grow!


Quick photo capture during breakfast intake today…Gunner is as crazy about bananas as his auntie Lisa is!!

It’s hard to believe it’s already Wednesday… 🙂

By the way, this morning I was reading some personal development by my mentor Darren Hardy. It was interesting how he points out that people are driven by one of four psychological motivations.
1. Things(envy), 2. People(gossip), 3. Thoughts (anger), and 4. Growth (aspiration)…

The Mediocre mass spend the majority of their days thinking feeling and acting on numbers 1-3… On The other hand, the achievers (successful) spend the majority of their precious time and thought, planning, and discussion on number four.

Take a few moments to really listen to what people are thinking about and saying around you today… Do you notice? What are on your thoughts today?

After reading Darren Hardy’s post, I have decided that I’m going to call today aspiration Wednesday !! ??. Have a great day!

#AspirationWednesday #ThinkPositive #BeHappyNow #EnjoyLifeNow #fitnessgal1969 #athleticgrandma #DarrenHardy

That post-meal Happy…

That post-meal happy is hard to beat ?
That post-meal happy is hard to beat ?

Don’t you just love that feeling after a satisfying and healthy meal… That great feeling of warmth, satisfaction and relaxation ?. Just thinking about how happy this makes me feel, reminds me of something…

Only a couple years ago, I remember having the attitude that… “I will be happy once I get my mortgage paid off…”… “I will be happy once I am in better shape and 30 pounds less”…I will be happy once my business is successful…” “…I will be happy once my yard is totally landscaped and beautiful..” Who can ever be happy with this attitude?

It was a real eye-opener once I started working on personal development that I had it all WRONG!! Imagine waiting 15-20 years for the mortgage to be paid off to be happy? I realized I will never be 100 % happy with my weight or fitness level, so why wait to be happy about something that may never happen? Why wait years before being happy about my yard? Also, it takes years to build a business, so why wait til it is successful to be happy? Let’s face it…once one goal is reached, there will be more to reach for! So I had to learn to refocus my thoughts totally in order to be happy!!

I learned to implement small successes towards my goals to feel happy and fulfilled TODAY that I am making small strides towards my goals. Instead of making them distant end points of happiness, I turned them into the icing on the cake! Instead, I focus on the small things each day that will get me there and it makes me happy now!

For example, I decided that putting an extra $100 on my mortgage principle every paycheque is what I would implement now. This makes me totally happy! I know I am making small step towards a big goal and it is not at all overwhelming! I focus on eating clean today and getting a workout in and am happy knowing I am doing the best I can towards better health and improved fitness level over time. I focus on one small area of the yard each year, and over time, I am sure the yard will get nicer…it’s way too overwhelming to attempt to get it all done fast (it’s a Huge yard!). I also take courses, work on myself and be consistent in my business, which makes me happy as I just know these simple things will lead to little successes as time goes on ?

The message I got from my own personal development was it is imperative that I focus on being happy in the present! Life is too short to keep thinking about huge long term wants and being depressed because they seem huge, overwhelming and unachievable!

I really had to re-work my whole way of thinking in order to be truly joyous and happy NOW and in the present! When i did this, I started to realize more and more what I have to be grateful for and it feels great and is so motivating!! ?

Helping others to discover happiness NOW is also one of my daily goals. Please reach out to me if you need help or support in this area…it’s truly a magical thing to change your mindset ?

Are you Enthusiastic?

 Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!
Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!

I don’t know about you, but I plan on being enthusiastic today!

Some of the things that we do routinely, quite often, or repeat over and over, often become mundane or boring once the initial excitement has worn off.

This is so true about many things in life. Whether it’s work, doing the chores, reading the kids a book, driving our car,and many other hundreds of things that we do every day… Let’s face it we all become somewhat robotic after a while?
… And definitely not enthusiastic!

So, where will you inject some new enthusiasm into your day today? Your health and fitness journey? Treat your job like it’s your very first week at that job again? Be creative and come up with new ideas, even though the old ideas never worked or were approved? Come on, I am sure you can come up with something to be enthusiastic about today?

We are nearing the end of the workweek now… So let’s finish this week with some smiles and some enthusiasm ?. Have yourself an enthusiastic Thursday!! ?

#EnthusiasmIsContagious #EnjoyLifeNow #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal #BeHappy #BeCreative #JustDecide #WeCanDoThis