Training week to strengthen and perfect form and build cardio…. perfect program for us busy folks!
The countdown is on to our upcoming 8-week fitness and nutrition challenge…6 more days until we start! It’s the perfect program that is great for people who do not have much time, who are busy professionals and often have a hard time fitting workouts and nutrition in to their busy lives (like me!). This workout incorporates muscle building, fat burning, and core work all in 4 short workouts per week.
There really is no excuse not to get into the best shape of your life by using a program such as this.Nutrition plan is very easy to follow.… And if you have a coach, it makes it even better… I know this from experience! Just a little extra support accountability makes all the difference to help a person stay on track!
The other thing that makes a difference is working on personal development at the same time. A large part of our success is working on mindset, thinking positive, being happy now, and feeling good about yourself. Part of this will be to work on mindset, which will create success even beyond the 8-week challenge!
Our pre-program training segment is underway and we are all learning proper form and getting our muscles and heart ready for for the real thing starting July 16! Just this little bit of physical training and mental preparation will make all the difference and build up the momentum to drive us successfully through the 8-week challenge!
If you want to have a piece of this and get connected with a coach to keep you on point and accountable, let me know! I am at the point where I can only accept 1 or 2 more clients for this program so don’t miss out!
An early morning cardio core workout really got the sweat moving and the core burning! These exercise sliders are the total bomb!??. Feeling accomplished today with this workout. Officially done day 23 of 80✅ of current challenge!
I remember when I was battling with my weight over the years… 190-200 lb most of the time on my 5’9” frame was too much to carry around! My knees and my back suffered big time and I felt like I would never get better. I went through SO many diets like atkins, Somers, Mediterranean and so many more in a yo-yo fashion and was never ever able to keep the weight off!
I thank god for the day 3 years ago that I realized how truly out of shape and miserable I was! I did some cartwheels on the lawn then suffered with severe pain for more than 2 weeks after that! At that time, I knew I was about I become a new grandma and did NOT want to be a fat, lazy, boring and out of shape granny! No way! I wanted energy and to be fun to run around and play with!
I discovered p90x through a friend and ended up losing over 40 pounds and keeping it off by using superfood nutrition and by staying on track with different fitness challenges and nutrition plans to keep things interesting! (I get bored easily) …I even started running and did a number of 10 km runs and my knee and back pain got completely better!
Getting into shape and losing weight totally changed my life!! I am now pain free, have energy to run with my grandson and am keeping the weight off. It not only transformed me on the outside, but the biggest changes are on the inside! Being happy all the time is a great way to live! …and totally getting rid of all those perimenopausal symptoms this way!
If you are looking for a much better way to get into shape and feel the best you have ever felt in your life, message me and I can help you get started. Seriously, the accountability, support and success with this program is totally worth it!
There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!
I call this delicious stuff my youth and energy potion. ? Seriously though, over two years of drinking this superfood every day has totally changed my life!! For heaven’s sake, I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 1, running 2 businesses and working part time (70% of full time) in clinic plus studying a marketing course and I am fired up, happy and energized every day because of the superfood kick every morning!!! ?? …Keep in mind that I am almost 50 years old and I am a grandmother!
I have noticed tremendous life-changing effects by using this superfood just once every day…. here they are…
1. ENERGY!! My energy is so amazing
2. WELL-BEING! I have an indescribable level of well-being which then gives me a high level of positivity.
3. MENTAL CLARITY! I have incredible mental clarity…feels great to be sharp, clearer thinking, and to feel like I am really on my toes!
4. KILL CRAVINGS!! Superfood has made it MUCH easier to maintain a long term clean eating lifestyle by cutting cravings (and with good energy, you don’t feel as hungry!!)…and it is so delicious, I feel like I am getting a treat every day!
5. LOOK YOUNGER! My hair, skin and nails are more soft, supple and younger looking and with a healthy glow! (The look of youth!)
6. HORMONES BALANCED! My hormones are balanced with the specific combination of adaptogens and superfoods in each once-daily shake…I have zero hot flashes, zero fatigue, sleeping well, and NO mood swings!! This superfood has adaptogens like Maca, Astragalus and Ashawaganda that helps my endocrine system regulate hormonal requirements that the body needs.
7. PREVENT DISEASE! This combination of phytonutrients, cellular nutrition, and antioxidants gives my body the high level of dense nutrition it needs to fight illness and prevent disease! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the very best I can to prevent conditions related to oxidative stress such as cancer! …not to mention preventing all those obesity & nutrition-related disease like diabetes, gallbladder and liver disease, heart attack and strokes and more! I can tell you with absolute certainty that I will NOT EVER be without my daily superfood!
This morning, I am having cafe latte shaken straight with water and ice cubes…absolutely heavenly! ?
Reply “yes!” to this post if you too would like to experience the benefits of this once-daily superfood! Keep in mind that this superfood comes with a 30 day trial. WHAT? …YES! You can try this shake for 30 days and if you are not satisfied with what it does for you, you can get your money back by sending back the empty bag! …That is just how certain we are that you will feel an amazing transformation with this stuff!
If you have questions, or would like me to send you a complete video explaining this superfood and the details of why it is promoted by doctors, please CONTACT ME here and I will email the video directly to you.
There is something about working those muscles hard and having that feeling of being totally pumped up afterwards!! I just love that feeling!
The muscles feel swollen and full as the blood surges through them after the heavy burn wears off.. if you have never felt it, you may not know what I mean.. but if you have done a good lifting routine…you will know exactly what I am talking about here…???
This morning, I feel compelled to talk about what goes on inside the muscle to make it feel this way and how that gives us benefit, conditioning and a sense of well-being. Its totally changed my life to do resistance training and I am certain it would change yours as well.
It may sound weird, but the action of lifting weights actually depletes muscle building nutrients in the body and causes microscopic tears in our muscle fibres. Its only after the workout is over that our bodies work to repair the damage we inflicted on it and then the muscle growth starts to happen. Immediately after a workout, the body gets to work by increasing blood flow to those muscles causing them to feel bigger and more full. This increase blood flow and high rate of repair happens for up to several hours after a workout.
How to make sure our muscles repair and stay with us…
Its important to regularly have small meals with carbs and proteins after the workout to help keep the growth and repair process moving forward. During our sleep time at night, our body runs out of repair nutrients while we are sleeping (fasting) and this is why having a bit of extra protein at bedtime can be helpful to keep this repair process working well while sleeping. If we have prolonged periods of fasting, our body goes into what is called a catabolic state where muscle breakdown occurs. We definitely do not want to get into this state as it will reduce our muscle mass…so be sure that muscle is well fed and don’t allow your body to go into prolonged fasting periods.
WHY build muscle anyways?
Lifting weights (resistance training) is important to build muscle strength, but it also strengthens the surrounding connective tissue as well (tendon, ligament). The stronger the structures are, the less likely it will be that you will experience a strain, dislocation or tear around a joint or a muscle injury while in motion!!
The health benefits to having conditioned muscles are so amazing, that it is an important activity to incorporate into your life ASAP! Having muscles improves our physical appearance (more toned, nice shape, less fat), gives us more energy, increases bone density, increases power and strength, reduced injury, makes recovery from injuries faster, slows down aging and improves hormone balance, increases HDL (good cholesterol), improves our balance, lowers blood pressure and resting heart rate. The list goes on and on… so many benefits!
Oh and one more thing! Conditioned muscles typically do not cause us chronic pain! Yes, we will have some sore muscles from lifting at times especially when increasing weight or intensity, but in general, conditioned muscles at rest do not cause us pain! HUGE BENEFIT that improves quality of life! I suffered from chronic body, muscle, neck and knee pains for years and getting into shape completely transformed my quality of life and I am not in pain any longer! Its so worth the work!
If you would like to find a professionally designed resistance training program to get started with, please contact me and I will help you out.
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