The countdown is on to our upcoming 8-week fitness and nutrition challenge… 6 more days until we start! It’s the perfect program that is great for people who do not have much time, who are busy professionals and often have a hard time fitting workouts and nutrition in to their busy lives (like me!). This workout incorporates muscle building, fat burning, and core work all in 4 short workouts per week.
There really is no excuse not to get into the best shape of your life by using a program such as this. Nutrition plan is very easy to follow.… And if you have a coach, it makes it even better… I know this from experience! Just a little extra support accountability makes all the difference to help a person stay on track!
The other thing that makes a difference is working on personal development at the same time. A large part of our success is working on mindset, thinking positive, being happy now, and feeling good about yourself. Part of this will be to work on mindset, which will create success even beyond the 8-week challenge!
Our pre-program training segment is underway and we are all learning proper form and getting our muscles and heart ready for for the real thing starting July 16! Just this little bit of physical training and mental preparation will make all the difference and build up the momentum to drive us successfully through the 8-week challenge!
If you want to have a piece of this and get connected with a coach to keep you on point and accountable, let me know! I am at the point where I can only accept 1 or 2 more clients for this program so don’t miss out!
Contact me if you have any questions!!
#hiitandlift #getready #preparation #training #chestandback #getacoach #thefitgrandma #nursepractitioner #weightloss #muscles #abs #puthealth1st