Get going to balance hormones! (Become a Fit Grandparent)

Maintaining lean body mass is an important way to maintain a healthy body composition and minimize natural aging!


As we age, we typically lose lean body mass and gain fat mass… It’s a natural change that occurs with our body composition. However, we can fight this by working on maintaining our lean body mass through lifting and burning fat through exercise… When our body composition is more balanced, we naturally have a stronger and more balanced signalling systems in our body which naturally keeps up our energy and our hormone balance as well.   

The moment you sit by and allow the natural body composition change to occur, you will see fat build up around the middle, and muscle mass on limbs and body start to decline… Do not let this happen if you can help it!  Fighting this will keep you younger longer, keep you well, and keep up your energy…   If you’re like me… as a grandma, I want to be able to keep up to my three-year-old grandson and I do not want to be sitting in a chair, being tired, lazy, and weak, because my body has aged too much…no thanks!

We can fight this natural aging process and it just takes a bit of work a few times a week to build muscle mass, to reduce fat and to re-balance of hormones and then look and feel much younger as a result!   Incorporating clean/whole food eating lifestyle, adding superfoods and eliminating pop and junk/processed food will get you there even faster!

Without your health, what do you really have?  We all want energy and a sense of well-being and we know how much it changes our life when we feel good!!. Get started now and make a change for the better! Improve the quality of your life, change your body composition, balance those hormones, and build some muscles! It’s not that hard, and it only takes work a few days a week to get it done!

Getting yourself a nutrition and fitness coach can also make all the difference… And I definitely recommend it as it made such a big difference for me. It made such a difference in fact… that I decided to become a coach myself and I even took special training on strategic intervention so that I could be the most effective coach possible for you.

if you have been looking for a completely new approach a new way to get into good shape… Perhaps it’s time to message me and to get onto a program with the support of coach.  Don’t delay..there is no time like NOW to get going and get those hormones and muscles in check!


Balance Hormones, Feel Great! (On Only One a Day!)

There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!
There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!

I call this delicious stuff my youth and energy potion. ? Seriously though, over two years of drinking this superfood every day has totally changed my life!! For heaven’s sake, I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 1, running 2 businesses and working part time (70% of full time) in clinic plus studying a marketing course and I am fired up, happy and energized every day because of the superfood kick every morning!!! ??   …Keep in mind that I am almost 50 years old and I am a grandmother!

I have noticed tremendous life-changing effects by using this superfood just once every day….  here they are…

1. ENERGY!!   My energy is so amazing
2. WELL-BEING!   I have an indescribable level of well-being which then gives me a high level of positivity.
3. MENTAL CLARITY!  I have incredible mental clarity…feels great to be sharp, clearer thinking, and to feel like I am really on my toes!
4. KILL CRAVINGS!!  Superfood has made it MUCH easier to maintain a long term clean eating lifestyle by cutting cravings (and with good energy, you don’t feel as hungry!!)…and it is so delicious, I feel like I am getting a treat every day!
5. LOOK YOUNGER!  My hair, skin and nails are more soft, supple and younger looking and with a healthy glow! (The look of youth!)
6. HORMONES BALANCED!  My hormones are balanced with the specific combination of adaptogens and superfoods in each once-daily shake…I have zero hot flashes, zero fatigue, sleeping well, and NO mood swings!!  This superfood has adaptogens like Maca, Astragalus and Ashawaganda that helps my endocrine system regulate hormonal requirements that the body needs.
7. PREVENT DISEASE!  This combination of phytonutrients, cellular nutrition, and antioxidants gives my body the high level of dense nutrition it needs to fight illness and prevent disease! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the very best I can to prevent conditions related to oxidative stress such as cancer! …not to mention preventing all those obesity & nutrition-related disease like diabetes, gallbladder and liver disease, heart attack and strokes and more! I can tell you with absolute certainty that I will NOT EVER be without my daily superfood!

This morning, I am having cafe latte shaken straight with water and ice cubes…absolutely heavenly! ?

Reply “yes!” to this post if you too would like to experience the benefits of this once-daily superfood!  Keep in mind that this superfood comes with a 30 day trial.  WHAT?  …YES!  You can try this shake for 30 days and if you are not satisfied with what it does for you, you can get your money back by sending back the empty bag!   …That is just how certain we are that you will feel an amazing transformation with this stuff!

If you have questions, or would like me to send you a complete video explaining this superfood and the details of why it is promoted by doctors, please CONTACT ME here and I will email the video directly to you.


Lift and Sip Your Way Young (I am Proof it Works)


Would you lift weights if you knew it could make you look younger? Well it can!! Lifting combined with superfood nutrition to give you a healthy glow is a magical youth potion!

As we get older, we lose the support of collagen in our skin and tissue leading to loose skin and wrinkles. By lifting weights, those areas tighten and fill out with muscle looking much younger!!  I am pushing 50 and have lost over 40 pounds, so you can imagine it that some areas of loose skin can happen in this situation.

Keep it safe!

Weight lifting using a professional program is advised to ensure you lift in a balanced manner to keep joints balanced and to use proper form to avoid injury.

Seriously take some time to consider starting superfood and a lifting program to work your way to youth!! The professionally designed program I am using is amazing!!  Please let me know if you want to hear more about it??

#weights #liftyourwayyoung #secrettoyouth #magicalcombination #superfood #potion

To learn 7 ways how to improve your self-discipline, click here for a free download.



Energy and Youth, in only one shake a day

Perfect time for an icy while red-faced and hot! yumm :)
Perfect time for an icy shake…post-workout while red-faced and sweaty! yumm 🙂

I call this stuff my youth and energy potion. ? Seriously though, over two years of drinking this superfood every single day has changed my life!! Cripe, it even has me bright-eyed and bushy tailed at 5 am in the morning!!

The things superfood has done for me is hard to fully describe, but I will do my best to give you a good idea of what it could do for you by giving you details of my experience 🙂

1. My energy is so amazing despite sleep deprivation and working full time (and raising baby grandson)

2. An indescribable level of well-being which then gives me a high level of positivity and has improved all of my relationships.

3. Has given me incredible mental clarity...feels great to be sharp, clearer thinking, and to be on my toes!

4. Has made it MUCH easier to maintain a long term clean eating lifestyle by cutting cravings (and with good energy, you don’t feel as hungry!!)…and it is so delicious, I feel like I am getting a treat every day!

5. My hair, skin and nails are more soft, supple and younger looking and with a healthy glow! (Youth!)

6. The combination of phytonutrients, cellular nutrition, and antioxidants is giving my body the high level of nutrition it needs to fight illness and prevent disease! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the best I can to prevent disease connected to oxidative stress such as cancer! …not to mention preventative power against obesity & nutrition-related disease like gallbladder and liver disease, heart attack and strokes and more!

I can tell you with absolute certainty that I will NOT be without my daily superfood…EVER!

To get more detailed information on what superfood will do for you, please comment below or send me a message