Belief in Yourself is Everything!

Belief in yourself trumps everything when it comes to achievement in life

In order to achieve great things or things that you perceive as challenging, what it really takes is a firm belief in yourself…

How many times do we let self-doubt get in the way of us achieving something really important? The lack of faith in ourselves can really get in the way of achieving important things in life… It holds us back from making decisions, creates uncertainty, and makes facing fears and having courage much more difficult.

Having self-belief can lead to incredible achievements in health and fitness, marriage, relationships, career, business, making a positive change in the world, and so much more!

When we don’t believe in ourselves, it completely stalls our progress and makes us more sensitive to the critical reviews and opinions around us as we try to move forward…

Belief in yourself creates an unshakeable strength that is more resilient and powerful to allow you achieve anything that you want in life. It will give you power to easily solve problems and find solutions and to live a positive and fulfilled life.

Never underestimate the power of having belief in yourself!

I had a firm belief in myself this morning that I could lift heavier weight to make the most progress with this round of lifting… I just completed day two of week five today sweaty and feeling accomplished after lifting heavy for back and biceps… It’s a great feeling! ?

Take some time today to work on analyzing what areas of your life you’re lacking belief in yourself and really work on this because it will make a huge difference in your life! ( and if you really have a hard time doing this then maybe it’s time to get yourself a coach for some help!)

#Muscles #Fitness #Believe #Unshakable #NeverGiveUp #puthealth1st #thefitgrandma #liftandhiit #nursepractitioner #business #relationships #life #accomplished

To contact me with  questions, or if you are interested in having a coach, click here!

Believe in You (and Your Life Will Change)


The truth is this…. You can accomplish anything if you believe in yourself…absolutely anything!! I used to doubt myself a lot and that just downright lowers your confidence and affects your happiness and productivity in the long run! Believe in yourself and what you do and you will accomplish GREAT things!

If you have a hard time believing in yourself, then it is seriously time to start doing some personal development work. A good book to read is “you are a bad ass” by Jen Sincero and another is “The compound effect” by Darren Hardy…both great books! Personal development work will totally change your life…this I can promise you. It has totally changed mine…and my daughter’s too!!

#believeinyourself #personaldevelopment #changeyourlife #nevergiveup#athleticgrandma #enjoylifenow

Make Yourself Proud (Its the Way to Live Happy)

Proud of myself for completing Day 27 of my 91 day fitness and nutrition challenge.

Often times we get caught up in worrying about what other people think, making other people happy, satisfying others, all of which we think will ultimately make us happy, when in reality…  We aren’t doing anything that WE want at all.

We are simply holding our own life hostage, while we begin to live our life for other people, and not for us.  We often fall onto other peoples accomplishments, and other peoples lives in general as to what we should be doing, we begin to live our lives trying to match what others are doing…  Whether it be buying a house, getting a nice vehicle, having a baby, getting married, going on a trip, being ultra fit as a runner, body builder…  Any of those things, it’s very easy to start to want another persons life, another persons timeline.

Sometimes we say to ourselves “I need to do this” …  “I should be doing that”, as we see the happiness on social media or down the street, sometimes we start to believe that the life we imagined we would have seems to be being lived by someone else, and it’s easy to fall into jealousy.

What to do about this?

The only answer I can give you, is once we stop trying to live someone else’s life and start living our own… It opens so many doors to life that we never even knew existed.  The most important thing is NOT to make other people proud, to do what you think others want, or trying to compete with a fancy car, a baby or a bikini body.  Discussing this reminds me of a quote “Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10”.

We all get started at different times, find our passions at different times, meet the person of our dreams at different times.  The time spent not with that person, or with those moments isn’t wasted time, it’s time to grow, time to live and most importantly it’s time to make yourself proud of guess who… YOURSELF!

Why is it important to be proud of yourself?

Once we begin to be proud of who we are, it changes everything.  We stop looking for other peoples lives to mimick, and simply live our own.  I know we all struggle with this, but the best thing you can do, is begin to live your life.  It doesn’t matter who is proud of you, once you are proud of yourself…  It begins.  Life begins.

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