Life is like that (but loving my workout partner)



This mornings yoga cardio was topped off by a little participant during the final stretch. Feels great to have him close and he boosts my motivation!

This boy was the big reason why I shifted and realized my health had to be #1 in the first place! I had decided 3 years ago that if I was going to be a Granny, that I better pick up the pace and get into shape! I wanted to be a fun and energetic granny that can run, play soccer, travel and enjoy life with the grandkids and not be old and sick in a chair.

Being on a structured program that taught me better nutrition habits and gave me hundreds of fun and effective workout options was great! I dropped 40 pounds at that time and WOW what a difference in how I felt. I had a little falling off this year with work stress and an illness, but I am back at it and feeling much better!

Life is like that, isn’t it? Get thrown curve balls, challenges …like life has to test you… to see how you react. ?

Regardless, I am so happy I am back on track and feeling happy and positive and energy is climbing! I have my little sidekick here to smile and cheer me in which helps too!

Have a wonderful Monday!!


Achieve Anything! You Have The Choice!


It’s true. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it! Anything!! Think big, dream, and accomplish like you never thought you could!

As a human being, we are blessed with choice. We are not a tree or a squirrel whose path is pre-defined and based on growth or instinct. We are human and have the power to choose and achieve whatever we want. We just need to believe in ourself, make good choices, and move forward with action.

Have a fabulous day!!

#achieveanything #mindispowerful #dowhatmatters #makeyourownchoice #dontletanyonedecideforyou #power #itisinsideusall #muscles #health #athleticgrandma