We all have 2 sides inside us. We have a bad side that has the potential to be nasty, fearful, nasty and lazy. We also have a good side which has characteristics like giving, loving, abundant and disciplined.
So how do we determine which side of us will show up from day to day? Well…guess what? …It is the side of you that you live and feed most often that will grow and become more prominent! So, if you focus mostly on giving, loving, a feeling of true abundance and are disciplined…then this is the side of you that will grow and flourish! If you spend your time and focus on being angry, worried, nasty, judgemental, and lazy…then that part of your nature will expand and grow to have more of these characteristics! It’s scary when you think about it just how easy it is for the bad side to take over our thoughts and actions!
Take some time today to focus on the positive and feed your good side to help it to grow and flourish! This will improve every aspect of your life from relationships to work life and family relationships. If only more people would focus on growing their giving and loving sides…the world would be a better place!
I am focusing on building my positive and disciplined side this morning…day #18 of current 56-day fitness challenge is completeā .
Be sure to COMMENT on this post with your thoughts for today!