Keep Fitness Fun and Rewarding ( and You Will be Sure to Succeed!)

There is absolutely NO feeling as good as this!

There is no feeling like the sense of accomplishment! This morning I officially completed a 30-day challenge that I set up for myself with an awesome core/MMA fighting program! This is just the way I LOVE fitness. Short challenges that push me and keep it totally interesting…and in the comfort of my own home… plus they are professionally developed to give an amazing full body fitness like I never imagined!

This type of core/fighting workout is a great cross-trainer for other types of fitness activities as well… especially court sports, running, horseback riding, hockey, football and so many more… the agility, core strength, leg and upper body strength that you can build without any equipment is astounding!

The beauty of the workout lineup I have available to me through this annual digital access program is that I never get bored, I can keep picking new challenges for myself with different professional programs and trainers as I go! When it is fun and interesting like this…with short term rewards…a person is far more likely to keep it up!  I also keep a paper copy of the workout calendar beside my workout area, so that I check off each workout as I complete them… as you see here….

TRACKING workout completion every day builds motivation as you see what you are accomplishing!

As I am sitting here having my superfood shake post-workout this morning, I am thinking that a trip to the spa as a reward for completing this program is totally in order!  (Ten Spa in Winnipeg is an amazing place!!)  A spa treatment and a day of relaxation!  Doesn’t that sound awesome?  It feels great to have earned a reward like this…  Now just have to decide what program to challenge myself with next!  .. Hmmm 🙂

To hear more about how the annual all access digital fitness programs can change your life too, contact me directly by email HERE.

To join the Athletic Grandma Community, be sure to enter your email HERE and receive a 7 steps to improving your self-discipline download with worksheet.


Self-Discipline Makes You Stronger (In More Ways Than One)


What is the definition of self-discipline? It’s making yourself do something that you need to do even though you really do NOT want to.

After going non-stop like a maniac 18 hours a day all week, I was definitely not feeling much ‘get up and go’ at all. I laid in bed for as long as possible, hitting the snooze button several times, then finally when I started to hear the 2-year old stirring, I realized that if I didn’t kick my butt out of bed now, that I would have zero chance to do my workout!! This was enough to get me moving!

This sweet little 2-year old grandson that I have with me full-time is very busy and determined to keep me busy with all his requests all day…LOL. Grandma taking an hour to work out would just not go over well! He is in that fun phase now. Lol?

I am happy to say that despite my fatigue and zero motivation, I got the whole 52 minutes of exercise in this morning… it was not perfect and I could not keep up with every push-up they did, but I can say with satisfaction that it is DONE!

Speaking of Self-discipline, it makes us stronger in more ways than just physically…

Self-discipline is an essential skill pretty much for every area of our life!!  It is likely one of the most important and helpful skills everyone needs! My experience is, though most people agree that it is an important skill, very few people actually do something to strengthen it!

Remember something… self-discipline does not mean being rough towards yourself, or living in a limited way.  What self discipline really means is to have self control, which is an indication of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions, and your reactions.

Self discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind, and is therefore, one of the important requirements for achieving goals.

The possession of self-discipline enables you to persevere with your decisions and plans until you accomplish them. It shows as inner strength, helping you to overcome addictions, past emotional crisis such as abuse, procrastination and laziness, and to follow through with whatever you do.

Over the last couple of years I’ve come to see self-discipline as an invisible magic. You can’t see, taste, or smell it, but its effects are massive. Self-discipline can transform fat into fit, flabby into muscular, ignorance into expertise, poor into rich, and miserable into happy!  It’s the hidden part of you that others just don’t see when they see your ‘genius’.

Self-discipline has made me happier; it give me the sense of real achievement that is earned through sustained focus and small successes along the way.  I have learned that if you really want to succeed at anything, then achieving some degree of self-discipline is essential!!

So, what about you?

Right here, right now, as you’re reading this, you may be at a crossroads in your life.   You can stick to your old habits and patterns, knowing deep down you’re not living nearly at the level you’re capable of… Or you can use this post as a catalyst towards greatness by realizing that this does apply to you and by implementing the strategies contained in the attached download for you..

Today could be the day you start developing incredible willpower and discipline.  Anyone can do this.  It all starts with a decision.

To learn 7 ways to achieve self-discipline, CLICK HERE.

Don’t wait…Do it NOW!


OK… It is time to get rid of procrastination in your life!

My mentor Darren Hardy got this message to me loud and clear this morning. In our lives, procrastination truly is the the death of success in many areas of our life.

Think about this… If there was a priority within your family, when would you deal with it?… Right now! If you had an employee who is committing fraud at work, when do you fire them?… Right now!
If you start to feel you were having a heart attack, when would you deal with this?… Right now!

So why is it that working at preventing a heart attack, working on yourself to become a better and stronger person, more work at growing your business and having the best team… tends to be something that we procrastinate about.… It seems easier just to ignore it …until we are faced with an “urgent” situation!

So… Don’t wait until you have a heart attack, don’t wait until you are totally robbed blind by a fraudulent employee, don’t wait until your entire team is poisoned by a bad situation before doing something about it, deal with things NOW!

Just how many “tomorrows” or “next weeks” are there going to be? If you want to start a business to improve your life and develop a legacy for your family, get going on it! If you want to improve your health, energy, and outlook on life, then DO IT! If you would like to get your home and life more organized, then just do it! Getting tired of being treated without respect at work? Come up with a solution and deal with it!

Procrastination doesn’t do anyone any good! The clear learning point I got from Darren Hardy today is…DO IT NOW! ?

This message this morning got me totally fired up to improve on myself, in fact there are several things I now realize I have been procrastinating about!   …and I am now sharing the message with you ?

#justdoit #killprocrastination #pushyourself #dosomethingthatscaresyoueveryday #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969