Don’t wait…Do it NOW!


OK… It is time to get rid of procrastination in your life!

My mentor Darren Hardy got this message to me loud and clear this morning. In our lives, procrastination truly is the the death of success in many areas of our life.

Think about this… If there was a priority within your family, when would you deal with it?… Right now! If you had an employee who is committing fraud at work, when do you fire them?… Right now!
If you start to feel you were having a heart attack, when would you deal with this?… Right now!

So why is it that working at preventing a heart attack, working on yourself to become a better and stronger person, more work at growing your business and having the best team… tends to be something that we procrastinate about.… It seems easier just to ignore it …until we are faced with an “urgent” situation!

So… Don’t wait until you have a heart attack, don’t wait until you are totally robbed blind by a fraudulent employee, don’t wait until your entire team is poisoned by a bad situation before doing something about it, deal with things NOW!

Just how many “tomorrows” or “next weeks” are there going to be? If you want to start a business to improve your life and develop a legacy for your family, get going on it! If you want to improve your health, energy, and outlook on life, then DO IT! If you would like to get your home and life more organized, then just do it! Getting tired of being treated without respect at work? Come up with a solution and deal with it!

Procrastination doesn’t do anyone any good! The clear learning point I got from Darren Hardy today is…DO IT NOW! ?

This message this morning got me totally fired up to improve on myself, in fact there are several things I now realize I have been procrastinating about!   …and I am now sharing the message with you ?

#justdoit #killprocrastination #pushyourself #dosomethingthatscaresyoueveryday #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969

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