Have you ever had a dream where you could fight like they do on TV in those farfetched movies? Like fly through the air and drop kick, or knock down several people in minutes with your kick ass moves? During my workout this morning, I was visualizing just that! LOL?.
It was so fun to imagine this during my whole 40 minutes of kicking, slashing and punching that I was actually laughing out loud at myself in the end! I seriously got the best workout this morning as a result and am still laughing as I type this post…?
When our workout is fun and we get creative and imaginative, it really boosts motivation for the next workout! I am officially DONE ✅ day 49 of my current 91-day fitness challenge and it feels amazing!
The bonus now is that my mind really believes I have kicked someone’s ass who deserves it. I won’t mention any names ?
#nomoreexcuses #athleticgrandma #nothingbeatsit #besttherapy #hormonebalance #imaginative #creative #dropkick #muaythai??
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