Put more UMPH into things (and be happier and more successful!)


After one of those nights where I tossed and turned all night till 4 am then finally got a few hours sleep from 4-8 am, it was hard to get up and going this morning! I need a LOT of extra UMPH to get me onto the treadmill today for a morning run … I totally needed it though… I am super stiff and sore from all that tossing around and need to loosen up big time.  The concept of extra “UMPH” really got me thinking…?

Having extra UMPH applies to all other areas of life too! It often takes an extra push to go a little outside our comfort zone to make progress and change in our life. It could be in our relationships, decisions, finances, business, emotional health, fitness, work, social skills, life skills and more.

I would say as we are heading towards the new year, put a little extra UMPH into some areas of your life and see just how dramatic the positive changes will be! Lets get out of the rut we are living in and make some amazing progress in 2018!   Get your excitement and passion for life back again!   Pick 3 areas of your life that need it most, then go for it! (And be sure to write them down!… Putting pen to paper, makes the achievement and success more likely!…)

Enjoy your Holiday Season and let’s get ready for a fabulous and incredible 2018 with all that extra “UMPH”!! ??

#umph #pushyourself #comfortzone=zeroprogress #getoutofcomfortzone #progress=growth=happiness #newyear2018 #timeforchange #letsdothis #athleticgrandma

If you need some help to improve your self-discipline, click HERE

Get Creative and Boost Your Motivation 100x!

Feeling all giddy and pumped up after a Beast Shoulders, chest and triceps workout this am
Feeling all giddy and pumped up after a Beast Shoulders, chest and triceps workout this am

Moved up to the BEAST segment of my 91 day fitness challenge today! (Day 71 done! ✅). I upped my weight, feeling great and after getting those shoulders, triceps and chest pumped up…decided to have some fun with it! Why not go for the muscular granny look ?

Have you ever had a vision for how you want your body to look and feel?Having a vision is very powerful.  Every month on the first of the month, I visualize what I want to achieve that month and write it at the top of my workout calendar. I use power words that get me fired up and energized to kick my butt for the month. For example, my June power words are to be a: strong, determined, healthy, muscular and chiseled Granny… I find this process very motivating!  100x more motivating!

If you think about it…. telling yourself that you “should ” be working out and that you “should” be eating healthy and having to PUSH yourself into things you don’t want to do can have a de-motivating effect over time.  Having an exciting vision actually PULLS you along, creates excitement …then the goals are more naturally achieved with ease and less pressure. When your our mind believes in your vision it naturally just wants to do the right things to get there!

What kind of ideas do you have to boost motivation to keep you active and healthy?

Get creative!! Let’s hear your ideas!  Reply to this post…

#motivation #newchallenges #nevergiveup #visionpullsyou #becreative #havefun #enjoylifenow


Shred Fat With a Smile

A great way to kick off a new week early on a Monday morning!! MMA Shred action to boost the metabolism, shred the core and burn calories!! The beauty of this program is that it is FUN! Doing these workouts where I get to kick, slash, knee, punch, uppercut and fly through the air doing superman jump punches is so energizing that I look forward to the next one!!

What better way to get into good shape, but to do some super fun physical activity!? There is no more dreading a workout or feeling like its something I “have to” do. It’s something I am driven to do that totally makes my day! That mindset shift makes all the difference!


If you want to find a workout program that you LOVE and that you totally look forward to every day…be sure to contact me, and I will help you find “the one”!

To learn 7 tips to transform your self-discipline, be sure to enter your name and email HERE!