A Little Insanity to Break the Plateau? (It works!)

47 minutes of ript insanity Shaun T week day 5 this morning felt incredible! I had to be super careful where I was jumping since the little man was up this morning and dragging everything around the workout area. Lol?

The workout today was a combination of intense lifting combos, push-ups and with an insanity-style finale (see video)….holy crap it was a good one!

My goal with this 7-day intense challenge is to burn fat and break my plateau…I think it’s going to work!! ?  Sometimes with a 2.5 year old grandson in the workout area, it creates challenges and demands on my time even during the workout…but I have to push through those frustrations, stay positive and keep moving forward!   Even if it’s not a perfect workout every time with interruptions, I am still getting into better shape than if I was just sitting on the couch!

Seriously, fitness and being part of accountability groups has totally changed my life! I am totally loving this?. Message me if you would like to jump in and try out our next accountability group!

Have a fabulous Friday!!!!

#decision #consistency #nevergiveup #muscles #accountability #grandson #athleticgrandma

Be fearless!

Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday
Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday

Good morning on this beautiful Tuesday morning ! ?

What isn’t there to enjoy with the sun shining and a happy baby ??

The message today is to be fearless!… Fear is nothing more then an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves.

Have a terrific Tuesday and be fearless In the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

#Fearless #TerrificTuesday #AthleticGrandma #SetYourSoulOnFire #Sunshine #FitnessGal1969

Mondays are the best!

imageEven though Mondays typically have a bad rap, they still tend to be one of the best days of the week and I’ll tell you why…

Mondays are the day that we have a fresh start &new beginnings, the first day to implement your goals for the week, a new start, and a date to start off fresh and creative.

My goals for this week are to be sure to have superfood every single day, exercise of some kind every single day and… To wear my glasses every day so that my eyes are not burning by the end of the week!! ?

My other important goal this week, is to get the message out to you that I have a new health and fitness accountability group starting in May 2016 that you can connect to! We can always use more accountability! ??

I hope that you have a Marvellous Monday and an accomplished week! ?

#AthleticGrandma #SetAndAchieveGoals #MarvelousMonday #Accountability #FitnessGal1969 #mondaysaregreatdays

Prepare for a Geat Day!

 Plan for great day… With a smile!
Plan for great day… With a smile!

Did you know… That starting your day with laughter, giggles even just a smile… Will set the tone for your entire day!?

This is a proven fact!… In fact how often do we race through our morning, flat lipped, in a hurry, and not taking the time to actually enjoy what we’re doing ! This can often set the tone for what is already a crappy day!

so… Consciously make an effort to have some happy times in the mornings. This is so often easy to forget when we are in a rush and not thinking about it… But a little conscious effort in this area is certainly worth it!

I hope you have a terrific and smiley Thursday!

#Smile #BeHappyNow #EnjoyingLifeInThePresent #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969 #Grandson #Giggles