Why Exercise Every Day? (Very Good Reasons!)


Why do I push myself to exercise every single day even when I don’t feel like it you may ask? Why work out intensely and get my face red and the sweat ?flowing?

I will tell you why…
1. Exercising keeps you looking and feeling younger!
2. Exercise helps keep blood pressure healthy and the arteries clean by boosting HDL (good cholesterol)!
3. Exercise helps keep muscles conditioned, strong and pain-free!
4. Exercise boosts mood, positivity and helps you enjoy each and every day to the max!
5. Exercise keeps your body functioning with its optimal abilities and boosts metabolism and hormone balance.
6. Exercise helps me keep up with my 2 year old grandson and I want to be around (and in great health) for my grandchildren for many years yet!!

7.   By pushing myself and doing new challenges, I stay motivated, am never bored and continually make progress in building my fitness level and strength.  As a result I can always do more much easier than I did the day or week before… Seriously, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone really  accomplishes a lot more than you might think!

Remember our body is made to move and be physical, not to sit around or lay on the couch! If you push your body to exercise every day, it will reward you with much better health in the long run!

Do something active today!??

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