Get Pumped up for Life (Yes, it Means Lifting)

Professionally designed lifting programs at home are the way to go
Professionally designed lifting programs at home are the way to go

Back into some heavy lifting on day 15 of my 91 day challenge! I had forgotten just how amazing it feels to lift heavy and do drop sets etc and have those muscles feel like rubber! After this 49 minute lifting workout, I have so much energy I feel like running! Oh man I love it!!?

Building those muscles definitely increases the sense of well-being! I think I could get addicted to this feeling!??

If you have never tried a professionally designed body building program, I would definitely recommend it….Sagi Kalev is totally amazing!!!  I literally cannot wait until the next workout 🙂

#muscles #energy #well-being #feelamazing #pumpedup #chest #triceps


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