Health and Fitness for You (Yes You!)


Day 10 of 80 of current fitness challenge is officially complete!✅.

These workouts are definitely powerful at toning and sculpting the entire body from head to toe!  Totally loving this 80 day challenge!   After doing 60 minutes of booty work yesterday just using an exercise band, I am amazed at how sore those butt muscles are today!

The biggest challenge for me in any program is to follow the nutrition system for a program 100%.   So far, I am keeping up with the nutrition plan about 60% but I need to improve on this.   For the next 10 days, I am going to try setting some short term nutrition goals and see if that helps me out. The nutrition plan I am on now with the 80-day challenge is designed so that you eat certain food types every 3 hours during the day.  I am finding it challenging to stay on point being on the road doing house calls since I have no way of heating up a meal in my car. Thus, I am feeling kind of stuck having cold food choices which I am getting tired of.  I have to find some new cold food options for myself to keep me going!  What is your biggest challenge in sticking with a program?   What are some good cold healthy food choices (besides salad)?

I have 70 more days to go to complete this program. I know I can do it! The support and accountability group we have around us is amazing! What are you doing to improve your health and fitness? Are you looking for a new program that will get you to your goal?

“Decide. Commit. Succeed”. Is what our program is about and people are getting great results with the support network we have for participants.  There are programs for every level of participant from beginner to advanced.  From tai chi and yoga to muscle building, toning programs and intensive cardio.  We have room for you in our program to help you change your life if you are feeling ready?

I heard a quote recently that is really helping me a lot as I go along in my health and fitness journey.  The quote says “Focus on Winning the Day”.  This quote was a good one that woke me up to really focusing on being successful and doing my best for today so that you can be proud of what you have been able to accomplish today.   Sometimes if you focus too far in the future about what you “need” or “want” to accomplish over 3 months, it may be challenging to stick to the plan.   A daily goal of winning the day seems more satisfying and doable as I go along.  What do you think?

#decidecommitsucceed #programsforyou #superfood #fitness #support #athleticgrandma #over40andfit #NOWisthetime #wintheday

You Cannot Prevent Once it’s Already Happened (So start NOW!)


Continue reading “You Cannot Prevent Once it’s Already Happened (So start NOW!)”

Beginners Have to Start Somewhere (The Time is Now! Starts May 29)

I got my power back baby!
I got my power back baby!

You may be wondering a little about just how I ended up being here like this with you today.

Let me tell you a quick story about a couple years ago, I was so tired, sore, miserable and unhappy….had sore back, knees and whole body pain issues. Was overweight and living cheque to cheque and was truly in a bad place in life. .

At the time I was trying to find a way to pay bills as a single mom, eat clean and get into better shape..

I was struggling with juggling kids, grandson, work, looking after an acreage, horses, dogs and trying to get the bills paid. It felt like I had no time and certainly no energy to exercise and no money to buy the proper healthy food..

And I was getting more and more disgusted with the extra weight i was carrying around and realized just how out of shape I had become. I was frustrated with never having any money left over after payday. .

Then something really bad happened: I went outside to play with my kids on the lawn and suffered severely with body and back pain after that for weeks, and realized something had to change. I saw my doctor and every medical test was normal, which told me clearly that there was something seriously wrong with my lifestyle and habits..

Being in crappy shape like this meant I couldn’t be the kind of mom, grandma and friend I wanted to be and to be able to afford to do fun things in life like we deserved to do..

As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of having my own business to build financial freedom and getting healthy again with the ultimate goal to be in the best shape of my life..

Then I discovered something called Team Beachbody, which has superfood and professionally designed fitness programs…and an opportunity to build financial freedom at the same time!

At that point, everything changed!

I discovered / finally figured out how to:

– Regain my energy, zest for life and be able to feel good again

– Working out at home with professional programs really gave amazing results (check out the muscles!)

– Eating clean and superfood is NOT expensive at all if you learn to manage your grocery budget and do not eat out

Because I discovered Team Beachbody, superfood and professionally designed fitness programs and the business opportunity, I was able to:

– Run and play with my grandson with energy and without getting tired or sore,

– Lose 40 pounds and maintain weight easier and have the effective tools and expertise to help others to get healthier as well

– Look younger, feel younger, and pay off debt which had been plaguing me for years and finally feel HAPPY!

Now I’m living my dream of having my own business and getting healthier to be in the best shape of my life and I never have to worry about suffering ever again.

And that’s why I’m so passionate about our  upcoming 21 day beginner superfood and fitness challenge where we provide the free coaching so you can successfully experience getting back into shape to be in the best shape of your life too!  ..and even grow your own fitness business if you want!

To join the upcoming beginner 21 day challenge starting May 29, contact me HERE asap to get started. 

Balance Hormones, Feel Great! (On Only One a Day!)

There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!
There is no way i could keep up with all that I do every day without my superfood each morning!!

I call this delicious stuff my youth and energy potion. ? Seriously though, over two years of drinking this superfood every day has totally changed my life!! For heaven’s sake, I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 1, running 2 businesses and working part time (70% of full time) in clinic plus studying a marketing course and I am fired up, happy and energized every day because of the superfood kick every morning!!! ??   …Keep in mind that I am almost 50 years old and I am a grandmother!

I have noticed tremendous life-changing effects by using this superfood just once every day….  here they are…

1. ENERGY!!   My energy is so amazing
2. WELL-BEING!   I have an indescribable level of well-being which then gives me a high level of positivity.
3. MENTAL CLARITY!  I have incredible mental clarity…feels great to be sharp, clearer thinking, and to feel like I am really on my toes!
4. KILL CRAVINGS!!  Superfood has made it MUCH easier to maintain a long term clean eating lifestyle by cutting cravings (and with good energy, you don’t feel as hungry!!)…and it is so delicious, I feel like I am getting a treat every day!
5. LOOK YOUNGER!  My hair, skin and nails are more soft, supple and younger looking and with a healthy glow! (The look of youth!)
6. HORMONES BALANCED!  My hormones are balanced with the specific combination of adaptogens and superfoods in each once-daily shake…I have zero hot flashes, zero fatigue, sleeping well, and NO mood swings!!  This superfood has adaptogens like Maca, Astragalus and Ashawaganda that helps my endocrine system regulate hormonal requirements that the body needs.
7. PREVENT DISEASE!  This combination of phytonutrients, cellular nutrition, and antioxidants gives my body the high level of dense nutrition it needs to fight illness and prevent disease! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the very best I can to prevent conditions related to oxidative stress such as cancer! …not to mention preventing all those obesity & nutrition-related disease like diabetes, gallbladder and liver disease, heart attack and strokes and more! I can tell you with absolute certainty that I will NOT EVER be without my daily superfood!

This morning, I am having cafe latte shaken straight with water and ice cubes…absolutely heavenly! ?

Reply “yes!” to this post if you too would like to experience the benefits of this once-daily superfood!  Keep in mind that this superfood comes with a 30 day trial.  WHAT?  …YES!  You can try this shake for 30 days and if you are not satisfied with what it does for you, you can get your money back by sending back the empty bag!   …That is just how certain we are that you will feel an amazing transformation with this stuff!

If you have questions, or would like me to send you a complete video explaining this superfood and the details of why it is promoted by doctors, please CONTACT ME here and I will email the video directly to you.


Lift and Sip Your Way Young (I am Proof it Works)


Would you lift weights if you knew it could make you look younger? Well it can!! Lifting combined with superfood nutrition to give you a healthy glow is a magical youth potion!

As we get older, we lose the support of collagen in our skin and tissue leading to loose skin and wrinkles. By lifting weights, those areas tighten and fill out with muscle looking much younger!!  I am pushing 50 and have lost over 40 pounds, so you can imagine it that some areas of loose skin can happen in this situation.

Keep it safe!

Weight lifting using a professional program is advised to ensure you lift in a balanced manner to keep joints balanced and to use proper form to avoid injury.

Seriously take some time to consider starting superfood and a lifting program to work your way to youth!! The professionally designed program I am using is amazing!!  Please let me know if you want to hear more about it??

#weights #liftyourwayyoung #secrettoyouth #magicalcombination #superfood #potion

To learn 7 ways how to improve your self-discipline, click here for a free download.



Bat Wings Be Gone! (Join us for the Challenge!)


Chest and triceps was a really good workout this morning. Feels good to be getting stronger as I move through my current fitness challenge!
FYI…These tricep push-ups are part of a great list of exercises that help get rid of bat wings! I am all for getting rid of those things! Are you up for a challenge like this?
Would you do some tough exercises and eat right (clean) every day for a 10-day challenge to make progress and finally make progress to be rid of those bat wings?  Now is the time…summer and muscle shirt and dress season is just around the corner!

We have a FREE bat wing challenge coming up where we will show you the right way to eat and exercise to do just that! Message “yes” below or send me a private message if you are interested!!

#batwings #summerprep #toneup #support #encouragement #allinittogether

To join bat wing challenge, reply to this post or you may message me here.

To download 7 ways to improve your self-discipline, click HERE.

Every Choice Counts (Don’t Take Health for Granted)


If there is anything we don’t want to take for granted…it is our health!! If we don’t have our health, then how does our life look? How does life change when we don’t have our health? Just take a few minutes to think about this one.

Our health can be affected so quickly and in just a moment of time. This is why prevention is so critical! Take the time to put only clean fuel into your body… be deliberate about making your body work physically each and every day to get the blood flowing and boost your good cholesterol.

Numerous health conditions are totally preventable but we have to be deliberate about thinking about our health each and every day! What we do now really does matter! Choosing junk or processed foods over fruits and vegetables and clean proteins…NOT a good idea! Choosing to sit on the couch or laying around instead of doing some kind of exercise…NOT a good idea! Choosing a night on the town getting drunk and tonnes of junk food over a healthy evening of fun activities with the family…NOT a good idea!

Every one of those choices we make each day counts either for or against our health and well-being. The choices may not seem like a big deal at the time, but it the big scheme of things, they really are a big deal!

Take some time to be deliberate about what choices you will make towards optimizing your health and do it NOW. Now is the time…do not wait until something goes wrong…until it’s too late to prevent it…

To get a FREE download with 7 tips to improve self-discipline, enter your name and email here!

#donttakehealthforgranted #startNOW #preventionisthecure #avoidcomplications #well #athleticgrandma #youcandoit #nutritonis#1

Weighted Cardio Great Fat Burner (Tough but Effective!!)


Holy moly weighted cardio is hard work!  In this workout, we do fast weighted movements followed by 10 second hold then repeat 3 times.

These moves includes weighted burpees with plank holds, squat and sumo jumps with holds and more. Yike! Got a real good sweat going today and certainly feel my energy coming back today! Yesterday I was so pooped so it feels much better to have some Zip back!

If you want to do something to burn calories (and lose weight) fast, then weighted cardio is definitely a good option??  Excited to be done day #13 out of my current 91 day Challenge!  If you would like to see the amazing results you can get from doing a fitness challenge, be sure to contact me!

Have a great day!!!

#rejuvinated #energy #recovered #fitness #muscles #burn fat

To get a FREE download re: 7 ways to improve your self-discipline, enter your name and email here.

Preparation is Key to Success (Let’s Do This!)


All set for a healthy day today!!! Dynamic strength workout done which now has all of my muscles fired up and roasting a tonne of calories that will increase my metabolism all day!  The calorie burn all day is a real bonus!  Once we are over-40, our metabolism really needs a kick!

My healthy food is all ready for the day to carry in my trusty cooler that includes mixed greens salad, 0% plain Greek yogurt, raw unsalted mixed nuts and seeds, apple, orange, and a spare scoop of superfood shake in a ziplock baggie just in case I notice any cravings later in the day. I will also have some eggs with pepper for breakfast for extra protein before I head to work!

All set for a healthy day! It helps to get started right every morning and to have some preparation done the night before!

Day 8 of my 91 day Challenge is done!

Have a fabulous, active and healthy day!!

#accomplished #granny #achievegoals #preparation #exercise #metabolismbooster #cleaneating #healthis#1


TO download a free report and worksheet about 7 ways to increase your self-discipline, be sure to CLICK HERE!

The Choice is Yours (Yes, Every Choice Matters)




Yes, we all have choices…..  Sleep in or get up early to work out? Hit the drive-thru or take a bit of time to meal plan and meal prep?   Watch mindless TV or do some personal development? Buy an expensive handbag or sneakers or invest in a superfood and workout program?

Hey, its true that where you spend your time and money are where your priorities are. I urge you to make the sacrifices you need to make to live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

I’m all about quality of life versus the quantity of things I own. I want to be able travel the world with my family and spend many more years together. I want to see my great grandchildren graduate high school and get married. I want to prevent generations of family to come from having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer and diabetes.

Speaking of quality of life, I have truly learned to value personal growth, health and happiness over money and this mind-shift alone has totally changed my life.

Examine what you can eliminate in your life to ultimately make YOU (your health and happiness) the priority. And to help you to do that, the next time you hear yourself say “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t have the money”, try saying instead that “It’s really not a priority” and see how THAT feels.

…Believe me, YOU ARE WORTH IT!


To download the FREE – 7 tips to improve your self-discipline, enter your name and email here!