Every Choice Counts (Don’t Take Health for Granted)


If there is anything we don’t want to take for granted…it is our health!! If we don’t have our health, then how does our life look? How does life change when we don’t have our health? Just take a few minutes to think about this one.

Our health can be affected so quickly and in just a moment of time. This is why prevention is so critical! Take the time to put only clean fuel into your body… be deliberate about making your body work physically each and every day to get the blood flowing and boost your good cholesterol.

Numerous health conditions are totally preventable but we have to be deliberate about thinking about our health each and every day! What we do now really does matter! Choosing junk or processed foods over fruits and vegetables and clean proteins…NOT a good idea! Choosing to sit on the couch or laying around instead of doing some kind of exercise…NOT a good idea! Choosing a night on the town getting drunk and tonnes of junk food over a healthy evening of fun activities with the family…NOT a good idea!

Every one of those choices we make each day counts either for or against our health and well-being. The choices may not seem like a big deal at the time, but it the big scheme of things, they really are a big deal!

Take some time to be deliberate about what choices you will make towards optimizing your health and do it NOW. Now is the time…do not wait until something goes wrong…until it’s too late to prevent it…

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