Category: Nutrition
Bunged up and Bloated..what’s the answer?
Oh man…after 7 days of vacation (5 on a cruise) and all restaurant meals with much higher fat and sodium than I am used to…I feel like a big bloated puff-ball whose GI system is a little on the backed up side.
For those of you familiar with the fluid retention grading system, I literally have 3+ Pitting Edema to my knees and it feels like my feet are under pressure when I try to walk!
Holidays are awesome and relaxing, but I sure am looking forward to getting home to my own healthy clean meals and to my grandson!!! ??. (Not looking forward to the snow though!)
Have you ever had it this way? A stretch of time with a LOT of high calorie, fat and salt foods and end up having a hard time transitioning back to “normal” healthy portioned-control eating after this? When I get home, I am going to do a very healthy 3-day cleanse which will give me a system reset and hopeful help to get me back on track!! I will keep you posted about my experience with this one! ???
#holidaybloat #cruisehadlotsoffood #3daycleanse #cruiseoasisofseas #fitnessgal1969 #AthleticGrandma #fun #itwasworthit #needtogetbacktonormal #NP #coachinglife
The Magic to Anti-Aging!

Would you like to learn the BEST and most effective anti-aging strategy there is?
My “then” picture was taken back in February of 2014. I was tired, not sleeping, aching all over, irritable, miserable, overweight, had poor digestion, miserable cravings, PMS and had no exercise tolerance. I knew I was going to become a new grandma and the thought of being in crappy shape, not being able to keep up to my grandkids was just making me more miserable!!!
After going through numerous medical tests which proved there was nothing medically wrong with me, I knew I had to do something..and fast! I felt like I was sick and dying inside!
I made the DECISION to make some lifestyle changes. I incorporated portion control clean eating, professionally designed fitness program and superfood shakes every day. Over the last 2 years, I have failed and restarted numerous times but kept failing forward …and I realized today when I compared my headshots from them to NOW, it truly HIT me just how much difference this has made in my appearance!!
You can just see it! I am 40 pounds less, so much more positive, full of spunk, hair and skin are glowing and I look so much younger!!! Fitness, superfood nutrition and working on my mindset has totally changed me from the inside out!! This method takes dedication and consistency, but does more to improve health and appearance than any pill or cream can, that’s for sure! ?.
Take a minute to message me or comment if you think a transformation like this would make a difference in your life! ?
#CleanEating #Fitness #bestantiagingtips #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969 #askmehow #superfoods #professionaltrainers
4 Reasons You Should do Pull Ups

Pull-ups. You may dread them, but they’re great at helping your arms, back, and core look fantastic. Find out exactly how to do a pull-up and how you can get better at doing them.
What exactly is a pull-up?
A pull-up is a “compound” exercise that involves a large number of big and small muscles, most notably your latissimus dorsi (lats) and biceps. In addition to working multiple muscles at the same time, the pull-up is also a multi-joint movement, an exercise that causes more than one joint to move. During a pull-up, your wrists, elbows, and shoulder angles all change.
How do I do a pull-up?
You should use a pronated (overhand) grip. (An underhand grip = supinated = chin-up). The first part of the movement calls for scapular retraction. This is a fancy term for what it means to draw your shoulder blades together and down.
To do this, imagine someone’s hand in the middle of your back. Try to pinch that hand with your shoulder blades. You can practice this while standing freely or by hanging from your pull-up bar and bringing those shoulder blades in. This movement engages your lats, the large set of muscles in your back, that are critical supporting muscles.
After you retract your scapulas, you want to pull your body upward toward the bar. This requires flexion of the elbow joint, or the bending of your arms. In order to flex the elbow joint, the biceps and supporting arm and back muscles are called into action.
Finally, you need to lower yourself back to where you began. For this, your triceps and shoulders kick into gear. And let’s not forget the grip strength needed just to hold onto the bar.
What if I can’t do a pull-up?
There are modifications that you can use to pull yourself up to that bar. A great way to modify the pull-up is by using an aid like the Beachbody Chin-Up Max, which allows you to offset your body weight during the pull-up. The Chin-Up Max has adjustable resistance levels, so the stronger you get, the less assistance you’ll need.
You can also use a chair to assist you. Simply place the chair underneath the pull-up bar and place your foot (or both feet to make it easier) on the chair. By applying weight to the chair, you’re relieving some resistance to complete the pull-up.
4 Reasons You Should Do Pull-Ups
1. Functional Strength: As humans, we perform a wide range of movements on a daily basis, including standing, walking, pushing, pulling, twisting, turning, etc. By improving your functional strength through dynamic compound exercises like pull-ups, you strengthen the relationship between your nervous and muscular systems.
2. Posture Improvement: As you strengthen your back and core muscles, you can achieve better posture. When your posture improves, you appear longer and leaner.
3. Back Pain Alleviation: A lot of people sit on the drive to work, sit in front of a computer all day, and then sit driving home. You might even sit on the couch once you’re home. All of this cumulative sitting increases the physiological load on your back. By strengthening your back and core muscles with the pull-up, you reduce your chances of future pain and injury.
4. Better Looking Physique: Want to look great in that tank top? Pull-ups help define your back and biceps and work your core. All of this makes your waist look smaller. For guys, it can also help create the “V” shape.
Source: Team Beachbody Blog
For questions or to consider joining a challenge group for support, motivation, tips and accountability, contact me HERE!
Don’t tell yourself the BS Story

It is time to think about the constant excuses we make and the lies that we tell ourself!
The support, motivation, simple nutrition and planning instructions, complete full body conditioning program in only 30 minutes per day, and daily coaching provided by one of my challenge groups really leaves NO excuses why you cannot reach your health and fitness goals! ?
More often than not, it is that little voice inside that tells us we cannot do it …’I might fail…’, ‘…I am not worth it…’ , ‘there is no way to do it since I am an emotional eater’, ‘… I have no time…’ … and the list goes on!
The excuses also go on and on!!. like…. ‘I’ll wait until the summer’… Or ‘maybe next year would be a better time to start’, or ‘maybe when my kids get older’, or ‘maybe when hockey is over’, or… ‘maybe when I am less busy’ …I have heard them all… And in fact I’ve used all of these excuses myself! Some people might say these are not excuses, but in fact they are! If our priorities shift and we truly put our health in the centre of importance, we can always find a way to do what needs to be done! ?
It wasn’t until I put my health and fitness FIRST on the priority list, that I was able to make time to develop the health and fitness I wanted. Now, as a result of this… I am a much better mom, grandma, friend, partner, sister, aunt, co-worker etc… It not only makes you stronger in body and more energy, but also makes you stronger emotionally, happier, more patient, more tolerant and a better person to be around!! 🙂
There is a new challenge group coming up that incorporates all of the coaching and support above. If you are at a place where you now realize you need to look after yourself first to be the best self you can be for your family, friends, co-workers, and for yourself…contact me or enter in a comment on this post. Lets DO THIS!!!
Be sure to take a moment to “like” my Facebook page =>>>
Clean Turkey Chili Recipe
This chili is very delicious and filling!!
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 2 pounds ground turkey
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 bell pepper chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp chili powder
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1 can black beans or kidney beans or both! (be sure to rinse well to remove extra salt)
- 1 can plain tomato sauce or puree your own whole tomatoes (2 cups)
- 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley or 1 tbsp dried
- 1 tsp sage (optional depending on taste)
- heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add turkey, onion, peppers and garlic (or to avoid oil, you can cook with water)
- cook, until turkey is no longer pink
- add spices and cook for 1 minute
- add beans and tomato sauce and bring to a boil
- reduce heat to low and simmer for 20-30 minutes
ENJOY!! This chili will give you energy for hours and is great nutrition to build and maintain muscles! 🙂
How to Stay Motivated for your 2016 Goals
Don’t be one of the 92% of people who gives up on their goals and resolutions within 3-4 weeks of setting them!
How do you stay motivated and inspired? How can you keep your passion, your excitement, fired up? By reviewing these self-motivators on a regular basis:
1. Truly GET SERIOUS about what you want!
Make a decision to go all the way to your goal this time. Up to now, you’ve only thought about it. Up to now, it’s passed your mind. But now make up your mind to go all the way to the top, and your life will take off. It’s the most extraordinary thing and our minds are so powerful!
Get serious. Don’t fool around anymore.
2. Know what is limiting you!
What is it that is limiting you? What’s the one lack of skill that’s holding you back? What quality are you lacking in? What do you need to do to fix it? …Ask other people. Find out what you need to become good at. What is it that could be keeping you stuck? What is limiting you from achieving your goals and sticking with it? This may be hard to figure out, but if you take time to think about it, you may discover what it is! …and then you can do something about it! ….Take a course, implement contents from a good self-improvement book or podcast, work on your self-love a bit 🙂
3. Get around the right people.
Who are the right people? Get around people who are positive and who have goals and plans, people who are going somewhere with their lives and have high aspirations. If you want to fly with the eagles, then you gotta get off the ground and stop scratching with the chickens!
And, for heaven’s sake, get away from negative people!! Get away from toxic people that complain and whine and moan all the time. Who needs them? Life is too short.
4. Take good care of yourself.
Take excellent care of your health. That means good diet, good exercise. Everybody knows they should eat better foods, work out regularly and get lots of rest. If you’re going to work hard five days a week, go to bed early five days a week.
5. Imagine yourself in a positive way
Visualize yourself as the very best in whatever you do—continually. Remember, all improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures.
6. Be GOOD to yourself
Control your inner self-talk and practice positive self-talk… How? Say, “I truly am the best.” Say it. Say, “I love myself,” “I can totally do anything I set my mind to,” “I love what I do for a living.” If you say those things to yourself and you don’t believe them, isn’t that lying to yourself? No, that’s not lying to yourself—it’s telling the truth in advance. Because it doesn’t matter where you’re coming from—all that matters is where you’re going.
Talk to yourself the way you want to be, not the way you just happen to be at this moment. Remember, you may have gotten where you are today largely by accident. But where you’re going in the future is purely by design.
Move fast. A sense of urgency is the one thing you can develop that will separate you from everyone else. Lean towards an attitude of ACTION! When you get a good idea, do it right away!
And the faster you move, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you like yourself. And the more you like yourself, the higher your self-esteem is. And the higher your self-esteem is, the greater your self-discipline is. And the more you persist, then you will become totally UNSTOPPABLE!
12 Small Changes to see Big Results in your Health
These changes apply to everyone whether you are close to your goal weight and want to drop those last 5-10 pounds, or whether you are just getting started on a new health Journey…!
If you want to see big improvements in your health, try implementing small changes and keep them in place for the long term. You may be surprised what you see as a result!
- Replace all white and enriched products with whole grains, avoid sugary snacks and foods…. White and enriched products are processed, have had all nutrition stripped from them, and have a high glycemic index. This means they make your blood sugar peak too fast causing fat to accumulate in the body.
- Change all soda (yes, even diet!) or pre-bottled drinks for water or green tea and save a ton of calories each day. Artificial ingredients, flavors, sugars all affect our body’s metabolism and hormone balance. Avoid them! Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day. Example 150 pound person needs 75 oz water each day.
- As you achieve benchmarks and goals along the way in life, reward yourself with clothing or fitness clothes or equipment instead of FOOD!
- Increase your vegetable intake daily and fill your plate in a healthy way (more clean proteins and veggies). When our bodies are well fed with nutritious food, our body will be healthier, more satisfied and be willing to let go of those fat stores! It is recommended to have 5-6 small meals per day since our bodies break down small frequent meals more efficiently than the old way of having 3 larger meals per day.
- Aim for 10,000 steps per day. (try using a pedometer or fitbit…its fun!)…Especially if you have a sedentary job, take frequent exercise breaks or go for a walk on your lunch break.
- Use healthier fats…for example, use olive oil instead of butter! Also when making a sandwich, use avocado instead of butter or mayo.
- Sign up for an event or some kind of competition to keep yourself motivated to train or be in shape for. Make your training a social event…get together with friends to exercise instead of eat!
- When it comes to condiments, have mustard, hot sauce or salsa instead of ketchup, mayo and sour cream!
- Eat SLOWLY…it takes your body 20 minutes to signal your brain that you are full!
- Be sure to get adequate sleep (see blog post )
- Take the Stairs instead of the elevator and park further from the doorway of the mall, doctors office and workplace.
- If you are watching TV or a movie, do pushups, crunches, squats or stretches during commercials or breaks. Walk on the treadmill while watching your favorite show. Work at being generally more active in your life with less sitting time.
For questions or to participate in free health challenges, Contact Me