Health and Fitness for You (Yes You!)


Day 10 of 80 of current fitness challenge is officially complete!✅.

These workouts are definitely powerful at toning and sculpting the entire body from head to toe!  Totally loving this 80 day challenge!   After doing 60 minutes of booty work yesterday just using an exercise band, I am amazed at how sore those butt muscles are today!

The biggest challenge for me in any program is to follow the nutrition system for a program 100%.   So far, I am keeping up with the nutrition plan about 60% but I need to improve on this.   For the next 10 days, I am going to try setting some short term nutrition goals and see if that helps me out. The nutrition plan I am on now with the 80-day challenge is designed so that you eat certain food types every 3 hours during the day.  I am finding it challenging to stay on point being on the road doing house calls since I have no way of heating up a meal in my car. Thus, I am feeling kind of stuck having cold food choices which I am getting tired of.  I have to find some new cold food options for myself to keep me going!  What is your biggest challenge in sticking with a program?   What are some good cold healthy food choices (besides salad)?

I have 70 more days to go to complete this program. I know I can do it! The support and accountability group we have around us is amazing! What are you doing to improve your health and fitness? Are you looking for a new program that will get you to your goal?

“Decide. Commit. Succeed”. Is what our program is about and people are getting great results with the support network we have for participants.  There are programs for every level of participant from beginner to advanced.  From tai chi and yoga to muscle building, toning programs and intensive cardio.  We have room for you in our program to help you change your life if you are feeling ready?

I heard a quote recently that is really helping me a lot as I go along in my health and fitness journey.  The quote says “Focus on Winning the Day”.  This quote was a good one that woke me up to really focusing on being successful and doing my best for today so that you can be proud of what you have been able to accomplish today.   Sometimes if you focus too far in the future about what you “need” or “want” to accomplish over 3 months, it may be challenging to stick to the plan.   A daily goal of winning the day seems more satisfying and doable as I go along.  What do you think?

#decidecommitsucceed #programsforyou #superfood #fitness #support #athleticgrandma #over40andfit #NOWisthetime #wintheday

The 100% rule completely changed my life (and it can change yours too!)

100% is easy, 99% is hard!
100% is easy, 99% is hard!

The 100% rule has completely changed my life!!  100% is easier than 99%.

Say what?

Yes!! When we stick to something 100% it’s far easier than if we give in to even 1%. If we decide to quit smoking and allow even a few puffs here and there, how hard would it be to stay quit? Or have you truly even “quit” if you still dabble in it?

The same goes with eating sugar or junk food! If we stay away from it 100%, it becomes solid in our mind and is actually easy! If you give in and even have one chocolate or a few chips, then how HARD does it become not to have more?

The same rule applies to exercise. If we allow our exercise to slide even 1%, how hard does it become to get back or stay on track after that?  I am currently away from home at a conference in Florida for a week with very long days and minimal sleep.  But this is no excuse not to be 100% with exercise and superfood.  No way was I going to let my health slip because of travel … I know how hard it would be to get back on track if I allowed even 1% slip!   I digitally streamed my workouts on laptop and got my early morning MMA workout in, in a very small 6×6′ space and had a delicious superfood shake afterwards.  Once you have decided to commit 100%, then no excuses will be valid, and it will be much easier!

It is true that our well-meaning 99% effort actually becomes exhausting since it consumes more energy without producing results! It is actually stressful! It makes us feel like a failure when we are not — we just haven’t fully committed to something. Putting only 99% effort into things that really matter in life means we are constantly falling short of our potential — and feeling bad about it.

It boils down to decision and commitment. If you quit smoking, then in your mind, you need to 100% not touch cigarettes…then you can identify powerfully and with certainty as a ‘non-smoker’. Because even 1% use still means you are a smoker!

Jack Canfield puts it in this way “99% is a b*tch, and 100% is a breeze”. If something is tugging at you, then you likely have been “99-per centing” too long!

Comment below about some habits that you need to change?  What have you been 99% on that feels so difficult?   Give 100% a try, you may find that it will change your life as it changed mine!


CLICK HERE to get a free download about how to get started with a clean eating lifestyle

COMPLETE THIS FORM, to join the upcoming “love-yourself” fitness challenge group for February 2017!  To get some idea what a challenge group is about first before you sign up, watch the video HERE.