Easy will not get you to the next level! ?

“Easy” won’t get you to the next level…you gotta work for it! This is what my trainer reminded me of this morning as she was kicking my ass with a 40 min weighted cardio workout.

You cannot beat having your own trainer at home early in the morning!! No baby sitter needed, no inconvenience of having to get to and from a gym, get pushed to work much harder, no interruptions, no worry about being self-conscious like at a public gym. All around, I have had the absolute best results using home-based professionally designed programs and have taken my fitness to the next level far more than I ever did in the gym setting. ?. All of these benefits, plus I am constantly making amazing new friends in our online accountability group!!

The beauty of this type of program is that it also doubles as a cross training program to make you stronger, faster, and better endurance for other sports that you participate in! It works for me for running! ?

if this type of fitness lifestyle appeals to you, feel free to contact me as I now have openings for new clients for my coaching program.

#dontgiveup #easygetsyounowhere #beforebreakfastclub #athleticgrandma #fitnessgal1969 #fitnesscoach #fitnesschallenge

What decisions lead to success?

Consistency in good decisions leads to success
Consistency in good decisions leads to success

It is those small decisions that we make and consistency of those decisions every day in the right direction that make all the difference in our success or failure.

For example, choosing an apple over a chocolate bar, choosing to do a workout instead of watching TV, choosing to speak kind of others instead of gossiping, choosing to see the best in others instead of focusing on their faults, choosing to save that $10 instead of buying junk food…and so much more!!

This morning I could have had an extra hour of sleep (much needed), but…even though I didn’t want to, I got up at 5 am and got a plyometric workout in. This was a choice! I can choose to be successful in my health and fitness and be consistent or I could choose an extra hour of sleep…hmmm I think I made the right choice and will do the same thing tomorrow even if I really do not want to! This is called Self-discipline and I don’t hesitate to kick my own butt if I need it!? …??

What other choices can you think of that people could make more consistently each day to be happier and more successful in their life?  Comment below!

#FitnessGal1969 #athleticgrandma #consistencyiskey? #dailychoices #survivalandsuccess #choosewisely

100% is easy, 99% is hard.

I woke up this morning aching from head to toe and feeling like I have been through the ringer this week… So much stress lately that I am feeling cloudy in the head, hurting all over, ears ringing, eyes burning….

Yet…I remembered the commitment I made to doing HIIT workout every morning. In my mind, it was non-negotiable (100%), so I made myself get up before the baby woke up, put on some workout clothes and shoes and dragged my aching body downstairs.

I put on the HIIT workout via digital streaming on my Apple TV and, as I was setting it up, I decided, what the heck, I will push myself to do the 30 min (longest) one. Well, once it was over, I was short of breath, totally dripping in sweat and was no longer feeling all that pain or stress!!

I am realizing that making a 100% commitment is much easier than allowing yourself to slack, even that 1%. Same goes with many other areas in life such as nutrition and committing to other healthy habits. :). Totally LOVE this concept and will use it to commit to some other items I have decided I need to achieve in the next 6 months. :).

I have developed a new favorite song lately, for some reason! “Do do do do do doooo do” 🙂 :). WHOO HOO!!

Aspiration Wednesday!

Let's use today as a day to aspire and grow!
Let’s use today as a day to aspire and grow!


Quick photo capture during breakfast intake today…Gunner is as crazy about bananas as his auntie Lisa is!!

It’s hard to believe it’s already Wednesday… 🙂

By the way, this morning I was reading some personal development by my mentor Darren Hardy. It was interesting how he points out that people are driven by one of four psychological motivations.
1. Things(envy), 2. People(gossip), 3. Thoughts (anger), and 4. Growth (aspiration)…

The Mediocre mass spend the majority of their days thinking feeling and acting on numbers 1-3… On The other hand, the achievers (successful) spend the majority of their precious time and thought, planning, and discussion on number four.

Take a few moments to really listen to what people are thinking about and saying around you today… Do you notice? What are on your thoughts today?

After reading Darren Hardy’s post, I have decided that I’m going to call today aspiration Wednesday !! ??. Have a great day!

#AspirationWednesday #ThinkPositive #BeHappyNow #EnjoyLifeNow #fitnessgal1969 #athleticgrandma #DarrenHardy

That post-meal Happy…

That post-meal happy is hard to beat ?
That post-meal happy is hard to beat ?

Don’t you just love that feeling after a satisfying and healthy meal… That great feeling of warmth, satisfaction and relaxation ?. Just thinking about how happy this makes me feel, reminds me of something…

Only a couple years ago, I remember having the attitude that… “I will be happy once I get my mortgage paid off…”… “I will be happy once I am in better shape and 30 pounds less”…I will be happy once my business is successful…” “…I will be happy once my yard is totally landscaped and beautiful..” Who can ever be happy with this attitude?

It was a real eye-opener once I started working on personal development that I had it all WRONG!! Imagine waiting 15-20 years for the mortgage to be paid off to be happy? I realized I will never be 100 % happy with my weight or fitness level, so why wait to be happy about something that may never happen? Why wait years before being happy about my yard? Also, it takes years to build a business, so why wait til it is successful to be happy? Let’s face it…once one goal is reached, there will be more to reach for! So I had to learn to refocus my thoughts totally in order to be happy!!

I learned to implement small successes towards my goals to feel happy and fulfilled TODAY that I am making small strides towards my goals. Instead of making them distant end points of happiness, I turned them into the icing on the cake! Instead, I focus on the small things each day that will get me there and it makes me happy now!

For example, I decided that putting an extra $100 on my mortgage principle every paycheque is what I would implement now. This makes me totally happy! I know I am making small step towards a big goal and it is not at all overwhelming! I focus on eating clean today and getting a workout in and am happy knowing I am doing the best I can towards better health and improved fitness level over time. I focus on one small area of the yard each year, and over time, I am sure the yard will get nicer…it’s way too overwhelming to attempt to get it all done fast (it’s a Huge yard!). I also take courses, work on myself and be consistent in my business, which makes me happy as I just know these simple things will lead to little successes as time goes on ?

The message I got from my own personal development was it is imperative that I focus on being happy in the present! Life is too short to keep thinking about huge long term wants and being depressed because they seem huge, overwhelming and unachievable!

I really had to re-work my whole way of thinking in order to be truly joyous and happy NOW and in the present! When i did this, I started to realize more and more what I have to be grateful for and it feels great and is so motivating!! ?

Helping others to discover happiness NOW is also one of my daily goals. Please reach out to me if you need help or support in this area…it’s truly a magical thing to change your mindset ?

Are you Enthusiastic?

 Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!
Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!

I don’t know about you, but I plan on being enthusiastic today!

Some of the things that we do routinely, quite often, or repeat over and over, often become mundane or boring once the initial excitement has worn off.

This is so true about many things in life. Whether it’s work, doing the chores, reading the kids a book, driving our car,and many other hundreds of things that we do every day… Let’s face it we all become somewhat robotic after a while?
… And definitely not enthusiastic!

So, where will you inject some new enthusiasm into your day today? Your health and fitness journey? Treat your job like it’s your very first week at that job again? Be creative and come up with new ideas, even though the old ideas never worked or were approved? Come on, I am sure you can come up with something to be enthusiastic about today?

We are nearing the end of the workweek now… So let’s finish this week with some smiles and some enthusiasm ?. Have yourself an enthusiastic Thursday!! ?

#EnthusiasmIsContagious #EnjoyLifeNow #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal #BeHappy #BeCreative #JustDecide #WeCanDoThis

Be fearless!

Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday
Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday

Good morning on this beautiful Tuesday morning ! ?

What isn’t there to enjoy with the sun shining and a happy baby ??

The message today is to be fearless!… Fear is nothing more then an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves.

Have a terrific Tuesday and be fearless In the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

#Fearless #TerrificTuesday #AthleticGrandma #SetYourSoulOnFire #Sunshine #FitnessGal1969

Mondays are the best!

imageEven though Mondays typically have a bad rap, they still tend to be one of the best days of the week and I’ll tell you why…

Mondays are the day that we have a fresh start &new beginnings, the first day to implement your goals for the week, a new start, and a date to start off fresh and creative.

My goals for this week are to be sure to have superfood every single day, exercise of some kind every single day and… To wear my glasses every day so that my eyes are not burning by the end of the week!! ?

My other important goal this week, is to get the message out to you that I have a new health and fitness accountability group starting in May 2016 that you can connect to! We can always use more accountability! ??

I hope that you have a Marvellous Monday and an accomplished week! ?

#AthleticGrandma #SetAndAchieveGoals #MarvelousMonday #Accountability #FitnessGal1969 #mondaysaregreatdays

Prepare for a Geat Day!

 Plan for great day… With a smile!
Plan for great day… With a smile!

Did you know… That starting your day with laughter, giggles even just a smile… Will set the tone for your entire day!?

This is a proven fact!… In fact how often do we race through our morning, flat lipped, in a hurry, and not taking the time to actually enjoy what we’re doing ! This can often set the tone for what is already a crappy day!

so… Consciously make an effort to have some happy times in the mornings. This is so often easy to forget when we are in a rush and not thinking about it… But a little conscious effort in this area is certainly worth it!

I hope you have a terrific and smiley Thursday!

#Smile #BeHappyNow #EnjoyingLifeInThePresent #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969 #Grandson #Giggles

Don’t be one of THOSE people!

Put your health as top priority so that you can be there for others!
Put your health as top priority so that you can be there for others!












Where is health on your priority list?

All too often, people put issues, stressful situations, and other general life stuff ahead of their own health and wellness. This may seem like the right thing to do at the time, but it truly isn’t. If we make ourselves #1 and healthy, then we are much better able to effectively help others and to cope better ourselves and to be happy despite all the crap going on!!

Think of it this way… Don’t you appreciate it when one of your valued friends or family members takes the time to properly look after their health? We ultimately want our loved ones to be as healthy and happy as long as possible… So looking after ourselves is the first step towards this!!

I’m sure that we’ve all been there at some point… Having a family member or somebody we really love and care about, not look after their health and in fact develop serious illness or early death as a result. It is just not good. Don’t be one of those people yourself!! Your peeps love you and they want you to be around and healthy for a long time yet so get to work on it now!

I have seen my children go through the serious pain of losing someone they loved dearly more than once. This loss and pain was largely due to lack of self care, stress, substance abuse, smoking, bad eating habits…it’s VERY painful to watch people we love abuse their bodies and to develop disease and early mortality as a result. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be one of those people who causes stress and pain to their loved ones by living an unhealthy life! NO way!!

Once I made the decision to put good health and looking after myself at the top of my priority list every single day, my life completely changed.  When my health and wellness was put at the top of the priority list every single week… I truly became a better person to myself and for everyone around me.

Being a healthier and fit me, who looks after herself and is happy as a result… has made me into a better grandmother, mother, coworker, friend, family member, and so much more!! Besides, isn’t being around happy people so much more enjoyable?

HEY!! A new season is here, and a new month is just around the corner… What are you going to do to starting now to put your health at the top of the priority list??

For heaven’s sake, if you are having difficulty with achieving health, get yourself a health care provider who focuses on preventive and holistic care and get yourself a health coach to help you out!

#PutYourselfFirst #YourHealthComesFirst #BeHealthierToCareForOthers #AvoidIllness #SelfCare #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969