Where is health on your priority list?
All too often, people put issues, stressful situations, and other general life stuff ahead of their own health and wellness. This may seem like the right thing to do at the time, but it truly isn’t. If we make ourselves #1 and healthy, then we are much better able to effectively help others and to cope better ourselves and to be happy despite all the crap going on!!
Think of it this way… Don’t you appreciate it when one of your valued friends or family members takes the time to properly look after their health? We ultimately want our loved ones to be as healthy and happy as long as possible… So looking after ourselves is the first step towards this!!
I’m sure that we’ve all been there at some point… Having a family member or somebody we really love and care about, not look after their health and in fact develop serious illness or early death as a result. It is just not good. Don’t be one of those people yourself!! Your peeps love you and they want you to be around and healthy for a long time yet so get to work on it now!
I have seen my children go through the serious pain of losing someone they loved dearly more than once. This loss and pain was largely due to lack of self care, stress, substance abuse, smoking, bad eating habits…it’s VERY painful to watch people we love abuse their bodies and to develop disease and early mortality as a result. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be one of those people who causes stress and pain to their loved ones by living an unhealthy life! NO way!!
Once I made the decision to put good health and looking after myself at the top of my priority list every single day, my life completely changed. When my health and wellness was put at the top of the priority list every single week… I truly became a better person to myself and for everyone around me.
Being a healthier and fit me, who looks after herself and is happy as a result… has made me into a better grandmother, mother, coworker, friend, family member, and so much more!! Besides, isn’t being around happy people so much more enjoyable?
HEY!! A new season is here, and a new month is just around the corner… What are you going to do to starting now to put your health at the top of the priority list??
For heaven’s sake, if you are having difficulty with achieving health, get yourself a health care provider who focuses on preventive and holistic care and get yourself a health coach to help you out!
#PutYourselfFirst #YourHealthComesFirst #BeHealthierToCareForOthers #AvoidIllness #SelfCare #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969