Hindsight is 20-20 (Those Aha Moments!)


This may look like a relaxing pose, but in reality it’s very difficult! For me to sit still and relax, to breathe and get centered is a real challenge! Throughout the program I am doing now, it’s a continuous flow style of pilates and yoga which is amazing! The workout though has times when there is a need to stop moving, quiet the mind and turn those thoughts inward. These are the hardest for me to do!

You know how we have these “aha” moments when something bad happens to you and you realize that it has happened for a reason? Well I had one of those moments this morning when I realized that this type of program was exactly what I needed and my illness was what forced me into it! ?

I am still coughing and feel rather miserable with my blocked sinuses and headache… but at least there are slight improvements each day which give me hope!  … and I am so glad to be doing a program and feeling some bit of achievement each day!  Every stretch and pushup these days helps me feel like I am doing something beneficial for my health.

I am starting a new 21-day intense nutrition reset program this coming week which is focused on cleansing, detoxifying and alkalinizing the body. I am eager for a total reset like this and I think it’s likely long overdue! I am excited about it and the potential for it to be life-changing!

if you feel like you need a health “reset” too, contact me!

#ahamoment #realizations #happensforareason #athleticgrandma #health #mindfulness #awakeninnerpower

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