5 Reasons to Never Miss Leg Day (Seriously!)…OK 6


I was working these quads, hamstrings, glutes and abdominals early this morning… in a combination of deadlifts, squats and lunges…wow! Leg day is hard but I hear that it brings the most benefits over all other lifting routines so its worth the hard work!

Leg muscles are the largest muscle groups in the body, so they burn the most calories… did you know that your gluteus Maximus (ie your buns) is the largest muscle in the body?

OOH! Leg Muscles look Good!

Leg muscles are our big muscle groups, but they also look really nice.  Strong glutes, athletic quads, healthy hamstrings and toned calves certainly look good in a pair of shorts.  However, there are 5 bigger reasons to work those legs than just for the looks!  …

  1.  Power and Endurance

Legs are powerful when they are strong and give us higher athletic ability to do other sports such as running, jumping or sports requiring speed!  Having strong conditioned muscles also gives us more endurance so that we can move faster and for a longer period of time without getting tired!

2.  Less Injuries

When our legs are strong, joints are optimally supported and there is much less likelihood of having certain injuries especially during sporting activities

3.  Burn more Calories

With conditioned leg muscles, our whole body will generally have a higher metabolism.    Those larger muscles require more energy and therefore your metabolism 24 hours per day will be higher!  Aha!  Weight loss!

4.  Less Back Pain

Less back pain will be there if we have strong lower body.  The glutes take a lot of the strain off the lower back when we are standing.  If we sit all day, we are more likely to have short hip flexors and weak hamstrings (leading to sore back)….  Stretching those hip flexors and working on strengthening the glutes, hamstrings and abdominal muscles can make a dramatic difference in reducing back pain.

5.  Practical strength

With strong legs, even if you are not an athlete, it will help you with day to day activities without getting hurt.  Things such as moving around heavy items, carrying groceries, moving furniture are easier if the legs are strong because your body will have the strength to squat and hinge at the hips.  This way, when we use our strong legs, we can much easier lift heavy items without hurting our back!


With leg exercises, it is important to start low and gradually increase the weights.  Do full range of motion slowly, with abdominals in to support the back and slowly increase the depth of your movements.  It is very important to use proper form to avoid hurting the knees so be sure to research this or get a coach (like me) to help you out.

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Strength is Worth the Sweat (and how Professional Programs get the Best Results)


This morning’s agility and strength workout really got the sweat moving! On day 16 of my 30 day fitness challenge and I am feeling stronger and more capable of pushing my body weight every day. This program is heavily focused on core work, so I can feel my midsection really firming up as well (bonus!!)?

Committing to completing a specific program really helps to boost motivation and results! To push yourself for a 30-day stretch and give yourself rewards for completion is very satisfying and then is motivating to do more!

For me, just being generally an “active” person versus completing a professional program is far too boring! I need the vigour and excitement of always achieving new things and testing myself to see just what I am capable of! Plus, with professional program challenges, I have achieved far better results than I ever did in the gym.

I remember those days in the gym with a semi-structured program (check off sheet), waiting for machines, dirty equipment at times, inconvenience of travel and excessive use of my time …all of this and the results were just not there!

Professional programs are specifically designed by trainers to give us total body conditioning, strength, agility, flexibility in a totally balanced and thorough manner and we can do them in the convenience of our home and for only 30 min per day! (…and yes, there are even beginner programs too!)  The professional programs we have come with very simple and easy to follow nutrition programs which definitely work to maintain energy, lose weight and get amazing results!

Ultimately the message for today is that professional programs WORK!  …and it is totally worth trading sweat for strength to not only get results, but to feel awesome! ?

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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