Holy crap! Did day number seven of the Shaun T week challenge and it was definitely no joke! Red faced, huffing and puffing, could barely keep up, and in the end I was dripping, smiling, and satisfied that I completed this seven day challenge! Oh yeah! Really hard but so worth it! ?
I feel so much stronger and fit after only 7 days with Shaun T! I think I am going to do this 7 day challenge AGAIN!! Are you looking for some motivation to improve your fitness level? To be able to run faster, go up stairs without getting tired, have more energy? Well, achieving short challenges really gives rewards for hard work FAST and boost that motivation to amazing levels! As of yesterday, I really hadn’t planned on doing this challenge again. Now that I have actually completed it…the sense of accomplishment is so amazing after such a short time, that I have changed my mind! I am gonna DO IT!
Anyone want to join me starting tomorrow for a 7- day fitness challenge? This 7-day challenge made me realize I was not in good a shape as I thought I was! ?. So if you think you are ultra-fit…I challenge you to try the next 7 days with me! I dare you! Come on! Message me to join our group for the next 7 days!
#fitness #challenge #dare #push #worththework #athleticgrandma #muscles