I am happy that it is Monday today ?. What? Happy that it’s Monday?
Mondays to me signify new beginnings, fresh start, beginning of new plans and I tell myself ” ok, it’s time to hit the new week with some new energy!”
Mondays can seem overwhelming when thinking of the week head, but remember, you can also see it as a clean slate. It is a good time to make new goals and learn from last week’s mistakes. Take advantage of the extra energy you (hopefully) saved from the weekend and use it towards making your fresh start the best it can be.
Many people, including me, use the weekend to restock the house with fresh foods, get the laundry done and feel well-prepared for the upcoming week! I use time on Sunday to prepare healthy food and figure out on paper how my week will play out. I figure out what workouts I will do, cook the primary proteins for our meals…to be prepared. This helps me to start the week excited and on a more positive note.
How do you feel about Mondays? Do you see them is a pain in the butt, or do you picture Mondays as potential for something new… an impetus for a new goal… maybe some fabulous new idea that you want to implement?
Yes, I know Mondays typically have a bad rap… In the sense that we hear the old complaints. “..oh here we go again start of a long week” …” oh my gosh I still have five more days to go before the end of the week…” …”Its Monday…” (with a droopy face) is the common response to a “Good morning, how are you this morning?” But… if you think about these complaints, it is truly a negative way to start your week.
Mondays really do have the potential to be the most awesome day of the week for many reasons. What are some ideas that you have about how to start Mondays in a positive way? How can you help others to feel more positive on Mondays?
I hope you do have a great day and a positive week… And I look forward to hearing your creative ideas about how to make yours and others’ Mondays awesome in the comments below!! 🙂
How can we make Mondays more fun at work or at the office?
I make Monday’s more awesome by planning a fun exercise to do. Like skating or doing aqua sizes at the y something different to get me looking forward to the rest of the week
Planning is a great way to make Monday the fresh start of a new week! Way to go Jillian 🙂