Getting up a little earlier in the mornings, getting in a workout, having some quiet time alone to reflect and plan out your day and then having a superfood breakfast pretty much is the best way to start a day! Oh yes and I have a little energy booster before my workout too just to fire it up just a little more!
I remember back to the days when I would hardly be able to drag myself out of bed, get into shower late then be scrambling to get ready in a mad rush. This was no way to live! It’s not enjoyable and does not give the day a good start at all! I was flying by the seat of my pants with no plan or positive feel for what my day was going to be like at all…not good.
With a morning routine that gives you breathing room, time to move your body, reflect, plan your day, have a green superfood breakfast, and breathe…it totally changes the game of life! You are more productive, positive and happy as a result of starting the day in a good way…and it feels great too?
Have a terrific Tuesday!!
#MorningRoutine #AthleticGrandma #ThefitGrandma #SuperFood #INTJFemale
#NursePractitioner #EnjoyLifeNow #Reflect #Energy #DailyBoost