Frog Burpees on the Caribbean

Frog Burpees on Caribbean

Now THIS is something I have never done before! Frog Burpees with Tony Horton as I am sailing through the Caribbean seas!!

These are tough to do and doesn’t take long to get out of breath! Once I completed this workout today, I was feeling incredibly good!
HEY, even if you are super busy or on vacation, who can’t fit a 22 minute workout into their day?

Once I get back to Manitoba, I will be setting up a free clean eating bootcamp then will be starting both a boot camp and 21 day support and challenge groups on Mar 28th! Are you interested in joining me!? Comment below or message me privately if you want in!!

Like my shirt says…”Don’t quit…if it hurts it is working!!” It’s so true! Don’t give up on yourself! It’s hard to change from our old ways but getting OUT of that rut is fun and rewarding!

The Magic to Anti-Aging!

Then and Now
Then and Now

Would you like to learn the BEST and most effective anti-aging strategy there is?

My “then” picture was taken back in February of 2014. I was tired, not sleeping, aching all over, irritable, miserable, overweight, had poor digestion, miserable cravings, PMS and had no exercise tolerance. I knew I was going to become a new grandma and the thought of being in crappy shape, not being able to keep up to my grandkids was just making me more miserable!!!

After going through numerous medical tests which proved there was nothing medically wrong with me, I knew I had to do something..and fast! I felt like I was sick and dying inside!

I made the DECISION to make some lifestyle changes. I incorporated portion control clean eating, professionally designed fitness program and superfood shakes every day. Over the last 2 years, I have failed and restarted numerous times but kept failing forward …and I realized today when I compared my headshots from them to NOW, it truly HIT me just how much difference this has made in my appearance!!

You can just see it! I am 40 pounds less, so much more positive, full of spunk, hair and skin are glowing and I look so much younger!!! Fitness, superfood nutrition and working on my mindset has totally changed me from the inside out!! This method takes dedication and consistency, but does more to improve health and appearance than any pill or cream can, that’s for sure! ?.

Take a minute to message me or comment if you think a transformation like this would make a difference in your life! ?

#CleanEating #Fitness #bestantiagingtips #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969 #askmehow #superfoods #professionaltrainers