Have you ever found your life being so incredibly busy that it seems it is challenging to fit in the time even for basic self-care?
My life has been go-go-go and the time is going very fast… I cannot believe 9 months have gone by already! I am thankful that I make myself squeeze in some self care otherwise my health would be suffering…
When we’re busy, time tends to go by very fast… So if we don’t do the work to take care of ourself… Months can go by before we realize that our health is going downhill… Or worse, something bad happens and then we realize we haven’t looked after ourself for years.
A few basic things to ensure that we maintain our health during busy times are:
1-drink half your body weight in pounds in ounces of water every day and even more if you drink any coffee or alcohol !
2-Do something to be active every day… Whether it’s walking the dog or taking the stairs, walking a long distance to the shopping centre, lifting some weights, or doing a video work out..
3-Nutrition wise, it’s not so much about what you can eat, but far more about what we shouldn’t eat… We should avoid all processed food, Junk food, dyes, trans fats, and refined sugars for sure!
4-Do something to detoxify your mind every day – meditation, get present and silent with yourself, breathe, do hypnosis…clean up those limiting thoughts, beliefs in your mind and be in peace and bliss
If all we manage to do is put in the four above items every single day, then our health will be far better and improve over time!
It’s not even really about our body weight… But… More about how active we are and what type of fuel we put into our body.
Have yourself an active, hydrated, and healthy nutritious day! ?
#Nutrition #Hydration #Activity #QuitSmoking #ReduceStress #FitGrandma #NursePractitioner #Muscles #Healthy #BusyLifestyle #hypnosis
To learn more about how to optimize your health, be sure to contact me!