Our message for today is that we all get what we focus on most in life. It’s very true!!
If we focus on what’s wrong, what’s no good, what doesn’t work, what sucks, there’s never any time, I am broke, there is never enough money, problems, what we are mad or sad about, what we don’t like, what we hate, gossip, talking negative about other people,etc. Then we will attract more of this negativity into our life.
Today we are choosing to focus on what is great, what we are thankful for, knowing that there are always solution to everything, smiling, happy for the abundant life that we have, happy for the moments we have, there is lots of time, pleased with life the way it is, and… This way we will attract more happiness and positivity into our life. Sounds like a good plan to me ?
Remember, in this world, we get what we focus on. So, focus on the happy and positive… Then that’s what you will get back??
Happy Wednesday! ?
#WeGetWhatWeFocusOn #livehappy #positivechange #athleticgrandma #fitnessgal1969 #consistent #determined #dedicated #pianoplayer #introvert #positive #learnfrommistakes #horselover #mom #runner #fitnesscoach #nursepractitioner #musclesgrandma #grandson #cleaneater #advocacy #enjoylifenow #unstoppable #grandma #INTJ