Hard Work is Always Rewarded (Just Ask My Kids)


Was a rough conditioning workout this morning after going 3 weeks without lifting. Whoa! I was totally grunting, sweating and wishing I had kept up with regular lifting at least a couple times a week. I have been so preoccupied with my core fighting program the last few weeks that I didn’t take the time to lift! Regrets!

I was thinking today about how hard it can be to get up early in the morning and get a workout in… especially if you know it is going to be a super hard one!  …and today certainly was!

BUT…It’s true though that if you are working to change your health and your body that it will take hard work to make the changes that will bring you to your goals. Nothing that is easy really brings about great results in our life, does it?

I remember over the years that I have pushed myself to work hard, do things right and keep going no matter what.  I have also drilled this into my kids as well…like constantly…  I have always believed that if you work hard, give 110% to everything you do, that you will not only feel better about yourself …. you will also prove to others that you are reliable, have a good work ethic and thus prove valuable not only to the organization you work for (or your own business), but will be valuable to all other people in your life too!

When you apply this to health, it may be hard, but forging ahead, not wasting time, working hard and not giving up will definitely be the way to achieve your goals.  The truth is, it is hard to do, but it is also hard NOT to do.  Its hard to look in the mirror and see a picture of unhealthiness, isnt it?

Take a few minutes today and acknowledge that “hard work will always be rewarded”!  It in fact is always rewarded in some way.  We may not see it immediately or even for a period of time, but eventually the rewards will come and you will be so glad that you put in the hard work, effort and dedication.

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