Work Posterior Chain to Kill Back Pain


Posterior chain work has so much benefit for our posture and our back muscles. If you are doing any kind of exercise program, be sure to add in posterior chain work . This could be deadlifts or it could also be some floor work like I am doing today.

What is the posterior chain?

The posterior chain is the back half of your body.  We tend to sit a lot and do work that requires use of the front half of our body so it tends to be stronger than the back half.  This can lead to issues over time with back and joints.  The posterior chain includes our back, hamstrings, triceps and more.

Why is this a problem?

Our posterior chain typically doesn’t get enough exercise during regular life and tends to make us hunch and have poor posture and poor posture leads to back pain.  With a weak posterior chain, when we actually go to do exercise, our joints are actually more prone to damage because of the strength imbalance!

Speaking of exercise… Had an excellent back and biceps workout today. Took a rest day yesterday so I was ready to kick butt today!! Day 32 of 91 day challenge is complete!! ✅

#posteriorchain #posture #reducebackpain #life #athleticgrandma

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