A Happy Grouch?

The grouch

Is it possible to be a happy grouch? Not certain about this one…

Had a very bad evening today…just felt so many cravings and was hungry and very grouchy … To top it all off, I gave in to a few too many cravings which then made me feel weighed down and even more grouchy and lazy too! ?

With the encouragement of a friend, I forced myself to do a 20 min cardio workout then tried really hard to smile for the camera. I do admit feeling a wee bit better after exercising, but still feeling bloated and so grouchy! Grr…

Not sure if I am still recovering from my cruise vacation, or if it is life challenges getting me down…but sure hope that a good night sleep will get rid of how I feel. Tomorrow is a new day, right? ?

Give me some positive encouragement in the comments to lift me up please! ?

#lifechallenges #difficultpeople #stress #therealworld #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969 #theplateisfull