This is a very strong statement but it is very true!
My mentor Darren Hardy refers to this concept when talking about success in business. If a person works hard and the momentum results in recognition and money flowing in, then human nature causes us to begin to relax, work less hard, become complacent without even realizing it! Then what happens? …before you know it, your business has lost momentum, is losing money and failure is a risk!
This same concept can be applied to health and fitness! Let’s say you work really hard in healthy nutrition and exercise and lose 20 pounds over 2 months which was your goal. Then we begin to say things to ourselves like “I have worked hard, an apple fritter won’t hurt at this point”…or…”I deserve to have pizza since I achieved my goal” …and complacency begins! To stay on top of your health and fitness game, there always has to be a little inner strive and drive going on.
I am sure you can find ways to apply this concept to your life as well. I love the way Darren Hardy ties up his complacency talk by saying “don’t let the grim reaper of complacency take your life away!” If you have 4 minutes, listen to his video from this morning at, it is a great message!!
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday today and keep up your energy and drive for new and exciting things!