Are you Enthusiastic?

 Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!
Enthusiasm is contagious… Smile!

I don’t know about you, but I plan on being enthusiastic today!

Some of the things that we do routinely, quite often, or repeat over and over, often become mundane or boring once the initial excitement has worn off.

This is so true about many things in life. Whether it’s work, doing the chores, reading the kids a book, driving our car,and many other hundreds of things that we do every day… Let’s face it we all become somewhat robotic after a while?
… And definitely not enthusiastic!

So, where will you inject some new enthusiasm into your day today? Your health and fitness journey? Treat your job like it’s your very first week at that job again? Be creative and come up with new ideas, even though the old ideas never worked or were approved? Come on, I am sure you can come up with something to be enthusiastic about today?

We are nearing the end of the workweek now… So let’s finish this week with some smiles and some enthusiasm ?. Have yourself an enthusiastic Thursday!! ?

#EnthusiasmIsContagious #EnjoyLifeNow #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal #BeHappy #BeCreative #JustDecide #WeCanDoThis

Be fearless!

Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday
Be fearless on this Terrific Tuesday

Good morning on this beautiful Tuesday morning ! ?

What isn’t there to enjoy with the sun shining and a happy baby ??

The message today is to be fearless!… Fear is nothing more then an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves.

Have a terrific Tuesday and be fearless In the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

#Fearless #TerrificTuesday #AthleticGrandma #SetYourSoulOnFire #Sunshine #FitnessGal1969

Mondays are the best!

imageEven though Mondays typically have a bad rap, they still tend to be one of the best days of the week and I’ll tell you why…

Mondays are the day that we have a fresh start &new beginnings, the first day to implement your goals for the week, a new start, and a date to start off fresh and creative.

My goals for this week are to be sure to have superfood every single day, exercise of some kind every single day and… To wear my glasses every day so that my eyes are not burning by the end of the week!! ?

My other important goal this week, is to get the message out to you that I have a new health and fitness accountability group starting in May 2016 that you can connect to! We can always use more accountability! ??

I hope that you have a Marvellous Monday and an accomplished week! ?

#AthleticGrandma #SetAndAchieveGoals #MarvelousMonday #Accountability #FitnessGal1969 #mondaysaregreatdays

Don’t wait…Do it NOW!


OK… It is time to get rid of procrastination in your life!

My mentor Darren Hardy got this message to me loud and clear this morning. In our lives, procrastination truly is the the death of success in many areas of our life.

Think about this… If there was a priority within your family, when would you deal with it?… Right now! If you had an employee who is committing fraud at work, when do you fire them?… Right now!
If you start to feel you were having a heart attack, when would you deal with this?… Right now!

So why is it that working at preventing a heart attack, working on yourself to become a better and stronger person, more work at growing your business and having the best team… tends to be something that we procrastinate about.… It seems easier just to ignore it …until we are faced with an “urgent” situation!

So… Don’t wait until you have a heart attack, don’t wait until you are totally robbed blind by a fraudulent employee, don’t wait until your entire team is poisoned by a bad situation before doing something about it, deal with things NOW!

Just how many “tomorrows” or “next weeks” are there going to be? If you want to start a business to improve your life and develop a legacy for your family, get going on it! If you want to improve your health, energy, and outlook on life, then DO IT! If you would like to get your home and life more organized, then just do it! Getting tired of being treated without respect at work? Come up with a solution and deal with it!

Procrastination doesn’t do anyone any good! The clear learning point I got from Darren Hardy today is…DO IT NOW! ?

This message this morning got me totally fired up to improve on myself, in fact there are several things I now realize I have been procrastinating about!   …and I am now sharing the message with you ?

#justdoit #killprocrastination #pushyourself #dosomethingthatscaresyoueveryday #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969

Don’t be one of THOSE people!

Put your health as top priority so that you can be there for others!
Put your health as top priority so that you can be there for others!












Where is health on your priority list?

All too often, people put issues, stressful situations, and other general life stuff ahead of their own health and wellness. This may seem like the right thing to do at the time, but it truly isn’t. If we make ourselves #1 and healthy, then we are much better able to effectively help others and to cope better ourselves and to be happy despite all the crap going on!!

Think of it this way… Don’t you appreciate it when one of your valued friends or family members takes the time to properly look after their health? We ultimately want our loved ones to be as healthy and happy as long as possible… So looking after ourselves is the first step towards this!!

I’m sure that we’ve all been there at some point… Having a family member or somebody we really love and care about, not look after their health and in fact develop serious illness or early death as a result. It is just not good. Don’t be one of those people yourself!! Your peeps love you and they want you to be around and healthy for a long time yet so get to work on it now!

I have seen my children go through the serious pain of losing someone they loved dearly more than once. This loss and pain was largely due to lack of self care, stress, substance abuse, smoking, bad eating habits…it’s VERY painful to watch people we love abuse their bodies and to develop disease and early mortality as a result. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be one of those people who causes stress and pain to their loved ones by living an unhealthy life! NO way!!

Once I made the decision to put good health and looking after myself at the top of my priority list every single day, my life completely changed.  When my health and wellness was put at the top of the priority list every single week… I truly became a better person to myself and for everyone around me.

Being a healthier and fit me, who looks after herself and is happy as a result… has made me into a better grandmother, mother, coworker, friend, family member, and so much more!! Besides, isn’t being around happy people so much more enjoyable?

HEY!! A new season is here, and a new month is just around the corner… What are you going to do to starting now to put your health at the top of the priority list??

For heaven’s sake, if you are having difficulty with achieving health, get yourself a health care provider who focuses on preventive and holistic care and get yourself a health coach to help you out!

#PutYourselfFirst #YourHealthComesFirst #BeHealthierToCareForOthers #AvoidIllness #SelfCare #AthleticGrandma #FitnessGal1969


Plan ahead for success in health
Plan ahead for success in health
If I was asked to provide the TOP TIP towards success in achieving any health and fitness goal, it would be THIS!   Plan your nutrition and exercise for every single week.  Without any pre-planning, it simply leaves our “wish” to be healthy open to chance, circumstances, and day to day changes in life demands.  Why do this?  Do you want to leave your health open to chance? 
My biggest health tip towards success in your health and fitness goals is to plan ahead every single week to be sure you have a healthy week!!  As humans, if we don’t plan, it increases the likelihood of slip-ups, failure or moving away from instead of toward our goals!  You know as well as I do, the moment we stop thinking about being healthy, then we go off course!
My advice is to find a day each week that works to plan your calendar for the week….the type of workouts and when, some idea of what your meals will be composed of and what healthy snacks you will have readily available.
I find Sundays are the best day for me to do planning. I prepare ziplock bags of mixed raw nuts and seeds (each 1/3 cup total), pre-cook some proteins for the week (chicken, fish, turkey, chili, meatballs etc), be sure my cupboards and fridge contain only healthy snacks, and plan out when I will do my workouts, be sure I have plenty of 0% plain greek yogurt on hand and also a supply of frozen veggies. (I often will use frozen, since fresh go bad so fast, and we often don’t know how long the “fresh” veggies have been sitting in a box losing their nutritional value). On a week that I plan on doing a lot of running, I will bake either quinoa or brown rice to have ready for the week as well.  
The other way that I ensure daily success, is to pack a cooler for every day containing all of my meals and snacks…yup, if I get hungry on the road and run out of food….WATCH OUT drive thrus!  It truly is about being prepared and planning ahead.  If you dedicate to this one thing, success in health and fitness is far more likely! 🙂
What do you do to plan ahead to be sure that you and your family have a healthy week?   I would love to hear some other ideas!
Contact Me with questions, or if would like an opportunity to join me to challenge yourself to be healthier and fit!!

Bunged up and Bloated..what’s the answer?

Bunged up and Bloated...what's the answer?

Oh man…after 7 days of vacation (5 on a cruise) and all restaurant meals with much higher fat and sodium than I am used to…I feel like a big bloated puff-ball whose GI system is a little on the backed up side.

For those of you familiar with the fluid retention grading system, I literally have 3+ Pitting Edema to my knees and it feels like my feet are under pressure when I try to walk!

Holidays are awesome and relaxing, but I sure am looking forward to getting home to my own healthy clean meals and to my grandson!!! ??. (Not looking forward to the snow though!)

Have you ever had it this way? A stretch of time with a LOT of high calorie, fat and salt foods and end up having a hard time transitioning back to “normal” healthy portioned-control eating after this?   When I get home, I am going to do a very healthy 3-day cleanse which will give me a system reset and hopeful help to get me back on track!! I will keep you posted about my experience with this one! ???

#holidaybloat #cruisehadlotsoffood #3daycleanse #cruiseoasisofseas #fitnessgal1969 #AthleticGrandma #fun #itwasworthit #needtogetbacktonormal #NP #coachinglife

Don’t tell yourself the BS Story

The BS our mind tells us
The BS our mind tells us

It is time to think about the constant excuses we make and the lies that we tell ourself!

The support, motivation, simple nutrition and planning instructions, complete full body conditioning program in only 30 minutes per day, and daily coaching provided by one of my challenge groups really leaves NO excuses why you cannot reach your health and fitness goals! ?

More often than not, it is that little voice inside that tells us we cannot do it …’I might fail…’, ‘…I am not worth it…’ , ‘there is no way to do it since I am an emotional eater’,  ‘… I have no time…’ … and the list goes on!

The excuses also go on and on!!. like…. ‘I’ll wait until the summer’… Or ‘maybe next year would be a better time to start’, or ‘maybe when my kids get older’, or ‘maybe when hockey is over’, or… ‘maybe when I am less busy’ …I have heard them all… And in fact I’ve used all of these excuses myself!  Some people might say these are not excuses, but in fact they are! If our priorities shift and we truly put our health in the centre of importance, we can always find a way to do what needs to be done! ?

It wasn’t until I put my health and fitness FIRST on the priority list, that I was able to make time to develop the health and fitness I wanted.  Now, as a result of this… I am a much better mom, grandma, friend, partner, sister, aunt, co-worker etc…  It not only makes you stronger in body and more energy, but also makes you stronger emotionally, happier, more patient, more tolerant and a better person to be around!! 🙂

There is a new challenge group coming up that incorporates all of the coaching and support above. If you are at a place where you now realize you need to look after yourself first to be the best self you can be for your family, friends, co-workers, and for yourself…contact me or enter in a comment on this post.  Lets DO THIS!!!

Contact me to get started!

Be sure to take a moment to “like” my Facebook page =>>>

Mondays are NOT awesome, are they?

Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 8.35.19 PM

I am happy that it is Monday today ?. What? Happy that it’s Monday?

Mondays to me signify new beginnings, fresh start, beginning of new plans and I tell myself ” ok, it’s time to hit the new week with some new energy!”

Mondays can seem overwhelming when thinking of the week head, but remember, you can also see it as a clean slate.  It is a good time to make new goals and learn from last week’s mistakes.  Take advantage of the extra energy you (hopefully) saved from the weekend and use it towards making your fresh start the best it can be.

Many people, including me, use the weekend to restock the house with fresh foods, get the laundry done and feel well-prepared for the upcoming week!  I use time on Sunday to prepare healthy food and figure out on paper how my week will play out.  I figure out what workouts I will do, cook the primary proteins for our meals…to be prepared.  This helps me to start the week excited and on a more positive note.

How do you feel about Mondays? Do you see them is a pain in the butt, or do you picture Mondays as potential for something new… an impetus for a new goal… maybe some fabulous new idea that you want to implement?

Yes, I know Mondays typically have a bad rap… In the sense that we hear the old complaints.  “..oh here we go again start of a long week”  …” oh my gosh I still have five more days to go before the end of the week…”  …”Its Monday…” (with a droopy face) is the common response to a “Good morning, how are you this morning?”    But… if you think about these complaints, it is truly a negative way to start your week.

Mondays really do have the potential to be the most awesome day of the week for many reasons.  What are some ideas that you have about how to start Mondays in a positive way?   How can you help others to feel more positive on Mondays?

I hope you do have a great day and a positive week… And I look forward to hearing your creative ideas about how to make yours and others’ Mondays awesome in the comments below!! 🙂

How to Stay Motivated for your 2016 Goals

 Don’t be one of the 92% of people who gives up on their goals and resolutions within 3-4 weeks of setting them!


The best way to stay motivated is to have the drive deep inside of you and keep it passionate and fired up!

How do you stay motivated and inspired? How can you keep your passion, your excitement, fired up? By reviewing these self-motivators on a regular basis:

1. Truly GET SERIOUS about what you want!

Make a decision to go all the way to your goal this time. Up to now, you’ve only thought about it. Up to now, it’s passed your mind. But now make up your mind to go all the way to the top, and your life will take off. It’s the most extraordinary thing and our minds are so powerful!

Get serious. Don’t fool around anymore.

2. Know what is limiting you!

What is it that is limiting you? What’s the one lack of skill that’s holding you back? What quality are you lacking in? What do you need to do to fix it?   …Ask other people. Find out what you need to become good at.  What is it that could be keeping you stuck?  What is limiting you from achieving your goals and sticking with it?  This may be hard to figure out, but if you take time to think about it, you may discover what it is!  …and then you can do something about it!   ….Take a course, implement contents from a good self-improvement book or podcast, work on your self-love a bit 🙂

3. Get around the right people.

Who are the right people?  Get around people who are positive and who have goals and plans, people who are going somewhere with their lives and have high aspirations. If you want to fly with the eagles, then you gotta get off the ground and stop scratching with the chickens!

And, for heaven’s sake, get away from negative people!!  Get away from toxic people that complain and whine and moan all the time. Who needs them? Life is too short.

4. Take good care of yourself.

Take excellent care of your health. That means good diet, good exercise. Everybody knows they should eat better foods, work out regularly and get lots of rest. If you’re going to work hard five days a week, go to bed early five days a week.

5. Imagine yourself in a positive way

Visualize yourself as the very best in whatever you do—continually. Remember, all improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures.

6. Be GOOD to yourself

Control your inner self-talk and practice positive self-talk…  How? Say, “I truly am the best.” Say it. Say, “I love myself,” “I can totally do anything I set my mind to,” “I love what I do for a living.” If you say those things to yourself and you don’t believe them, isn’t that lying to yourself? No, that’s not lying to yourself—it’s telling the truth in advance. Because it doesn’t matter where you’re coming from—all that matters is where you’re going.

Talk to yourself the way you want to be, not the way you just happen to be at this moment. Remember, you may have gotten where you are today largely by accident. But where you’re going in the future is purely by design.


Move fast. A sense of urgency is the one thing you can develop that will separate you from everyone else. Lean towards an attitude of ACTION! When you get a good idea, do it right away!

And the faster you move, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you like yourself. And the more you like yourself, the higher your self-esteem is. And the higher your self-esteem is, the greater your self-discipline is. And the more you persist, then you will become totally UNSTOPPABLE!


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